 expand sectionIntroduction

 expand sectionChapter One  The Modernization of Friendship and Marriage
 expand sectionChapter Two  Distinctive Values of Friendship
 expand sectionChapter Three  Close Friendship as an Institution
 expand sectionChapter Four  Friendship and Individuality
 collapse sectionChapter Five  Women Friends and Marriage Work
 Marriage Work
 Emotion Work
 Situation Management
 Accommodative and Influence-oriented Marriage Work
 Why Marriage Work Reinforces Commitment to Marriage
 Do Husbands Do Marriage Work with Friends?
 The Concomitants of Collective Marriage Work
 Implications for Male Power and Authority in Marriage
 expand sectionChapter Six  Conclusion: Friendship and Community

 expand sectionNOTES
  Appendix A: Methods of Research
  Appendix B: Interview
 expand sectionIndex

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