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Agribusiness, 29 , 30 , 41 -42

corporate farming, 41

development of, 37 -38, 51 -56, 66 -67

and nonagricultural companies, 50 -51.

See also Growers


Agricultural unions, 53 .

See also United Farm Workers (UFW)


Agriculture: and capitalist mode of production, 12 -14

historical development in California and Southwest, 51 -56

as production system, 43 -44

Agricultural exceptionalism, 36 -37

Agricultural labor markets. See Farm workers

Labor markets

Labor supply

American Federation of Labor (AFL), 71 -72, 211


Border Patrol, 144 -146

Bracero programs, 62 -73

conflicts within, 69 -73

and domestic farm workers, 73 -74

origins of programs, 62 -64

stipulations of, 67

termination of, 73 -74.

See also Green-cards

Undocumented workers

Braceros, 64 -72 passim

and labor contractors, 118 -121

in lettuce industry, 86 -87

recruitment by employers, 68

Braverman, Harry, 20 -21, 22 -23

Burawoy, Michael, 24 -26, 46 -47, 48


Chinese farm workers: living and working conditions, 58

recruitment by employers, 56 -57, 60

as threats to urban business and unions, 57 , 58 -59

Citizenship, 26 -28 passim

and capitalist relations of production, 116 -134 passim

and earnings of lettuce workers, 108 -111, 131 -134

and gender inequality, 111 -114

and immigration policy, 209 -213

and the labor process, 204 -209

and political inequality, 72 , 106 -107

and the politics of labor supply, 70 -71

theory of, 214 -221

variations in worker vulnerability by, 73 , 105 -106

Civil Rights Movement: and ideology of citizenship equality, 71 , 72

and termination of the bracero program, 70 -71

Competition: among ethnic farm workers, 125 -127

among lettuce workers and crews, 130 -131

Control: and competition in the labor process, 125 -129

over labor process in lettuce industry, 142 -151 passim, 174 -176, 178 -181

Crews: composition of different, 93 -102 passim

ground-pack, 6 -7, 93 -98

similarities to other work groups, 55 , 97

variations in earnings by, 108 -114

wrap-pack, 7 -8, 98 -102


Edwards, Richard, 17 -20 passim, 23 -24

Ethnicity, 56 -62 passim.

See also Braceros

Chinese farm workers;


Filipino farm workers

Green-cards, Mexican farm workers

Undocumented workers

Farm workers, 35 -49 passim

wages, 38 -39.

See also Braceros

Chinese farm workers

Filipino farm workers


Labor force

Mexican farm workers

Undocumented workers

Filipino farm workers, 35

Fisher, Lloyd, 36 , 43 -49 passim

Friedland, William, 79


Galarza, Ernesto, 63 , 68

Gender: and earnings, 111 -116

and expectations about performance at work, 192 -193

harassment on the basis of, 180 -181

and labor and labor force stability, 114 , 183 -186, 196 -197

and labor supply, 114 -115, 181 -201

and management control, 178 -181, 194 -196

and patriarchy, 222 -224

and sexual division of labor, 187 -191, 197 -199

and theories of social class, 197 -199

Green-cards, 73 -76

as workers in lettuce industry, 89 -91

Growers: grower-shippers, 80 -83

and industry structure, 80 -83 passim, 85 -86

and organizations, 61 -62

union-busting tactics, 62

wage-fixing efforts, 66

Gouldner, Alvin, 97


Hartmann, Heidi, 222 -223

Human capital: and earnings, 109 -110

and income determination among farm workers, 114 -116


Immigration policy, 209 -213

Simpson-Mazzoli legislation, 212 -213.

See also Citizenship

Undocumented workers


Jenkins, J. Craig, and Charles Perrow, 70


Labor force, 86 -92

citizen, 88 -89

female, 198 -201

green-card, 89 -91

at Miracle Vegetable Co., 139 -142

recruitment and organization of, 54 -56

undocumented, 91 -92

Labor markets, 15 -18, 20

agricultural, 43 -45, 48

dual, 15 , 16 , 41 -42

internal, 15 -16

neoclassical economic approaches, 41 -42

segmented, 14 , 16 -20

structured and unstructured, 43 -49 passim

Labor process, 20 -26

Marxian theories of, 20 -26, 209 -213

gender and, 171 -172

in lettuce harvesting, 1 -2, 4 -5, 92 -94, 171 -172, 178 -181 passim

and systems of managerial control, 23 -24.

See also Crews

Wrapping machines

Labor supply, 48 -50

in agriculture, 52 -77 passim

employer control over, 62 -64

political constraints on 67 -68.

See also Bracero programs

Labor markets

Undocumented workers

Lettuce, 4

contract production, 82 -83

distribution of, 80

landownership in, 85

producers of, 81 -83

production history of, 86 -87

structure of industry, 80 -86


McWilliams, Carey, 51

Majka, Linda and Theo, 70 -71

Maricopa County Organizing Project (MCOP), 165

Marshall, T. H., 72 , 217 -218

Mechanized harvesting, 10 -11, 73 -74

Methodology, 28 -34

case study, 136 -137

interview, 31 -32

qualitative, 32

survey, 32 -33, 107 -108

triangulation in, 33 -34

Mexican farm workers, 10 -12, 61 .


See also Braceros

Documented workers


Undocumented workers

Migration: under Bracero program, 62 -64

enforced, 46 -47

of lettuce companies, 85

among lettuce workers, 90 , 92

Miracle Vegetable Company, 41 , 137 -152 passim


Rural sociology, critiques of, 29 -30, 78 -79


Simpson-Mazzoli legislation, 212 -213

Stinchcombe, Arthur, 55


Teamsters (International Brotherhood of) 71 -72

and Miracle Vegetable Co., 138 -139

representation of workers by, 138


Undocumented workers, 67 -69, 74 -77

earnings of, 114 -116

distribution by crew 111 -112, 148

and immigration policy, 76 , 211 -213

in lettuce labor force, 90 -92

manipulation of' by foremen, 151 -153

as ratebusters, 130

recruitment of, 67 , 74 -76, 146 -148

relations with documented workers, 150 -151

as "special workers," 68 , 117 -121

as strikebreakers, 145

Unions. See American Federation of Labor


United Farm WorkersUnited Farm Workers (UFW): and foremen's authority, 150 , 154 -156

hiring halls, 162 -163

impact on work organization, 159 -161

and lettuce workers, 164

relations with other unions, 165

seniority provisions, 154 -157, 159 -160, 165 -166

and undocumented workers, 160 -162


Verde Lettuce, Inc., 41 , 152 -167


Welfare, 50 , 218 -220

as a political entitlement, 218 -219

and undocumented immigrants, 89

Western Growers Association, 61 , 65

Wrapping machines: diagram of, 99

employment of women on, 177 -181 passim

estimated cost, 100

impacts on harvest labor process, 100 -101

labor process in, 98 -102, 174 -177 passim


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