Preferred Citation: Mally, Lynn. Culture of the Future: The Proletkult Movement in Revolutionary Russia. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1990 1990.




Activism, cultural, xvii

Adolescents, urban, 85

Adult education circles, 97 . See also People's houses; People's universities

Adult Education Division (Narkompros), 35 , 41 , 55 ;

budget of, 44 ;

and clubs, 186 .

See also Glavpolitprosvet

Agitprop, 196 , 224

AKhRR (Association of Revolutionary Russian Artists), 230 , 231

Aleksandrov, Grigorii, 243

Aleksandrovskii, Vasilii, 161

Andreev, A. A., 47

Anti-intellectualism, 110 ;

in Proletkult movement, 105 -6

Archangel Proletkult, 75 n, 83 , 125 , 188 , 219

Are you Listening, Moscow? (Slyshish', Moskva? ) (play), 241

Arskii, Pavel, xv n, 84 , 103 , 142 , 143 ;

elected to national governing council, 102


experimental, 146 -52;

production, 151 -52, 157 , 244 ;

proletarian, 122 -24, 131 -34, 140 -41, 158 ;

worker-centered, 137 -46

Artisans, 62 ;

membership in Proletkult of, 74 -75;

as threat to proletarian values, 74


professionalization of, 152 -59;

proletarian, 144 ;

as Proletkult staff members, 110 -11

Arts, visual, 143 -44;

experimental, 150 -51;

Proletkult sponsorship of, 241 -42

Arvatov, Boris, 151 , 153 , 241 -42

Authors, proletarian, 18 -19, 154

Avant-garde movement, 123 , 240 . See also Futurism

Avenarius, Richard, 5

The Avenger (Mstitel ') (play), 142

Avraamov, Arsenii, 13 , 111 , 133 , 147 , 242 ;

and organization of Proletkult, 28


Bagdateva, Elena, 180

Barnaul Proletkult, 149

Belev Proletkult, 109 , 119

Belyi, Andrei, 111

Bessalko, Pavel, 26 , 131 , 138 , 141

Biomechanics (in drama), 149 , 240

Blagonravov, Fedor, 40 , 108 -9

Blinkov, V. M., 105

Bliumenfeld, V. M., 244


Blue Shirt (Siniaia Bluza) (theater group), 230

Bogdanov, Aleksandr:

attacked by Pravda , 203 ;

career of, 108 ;

on class purity, 107 ;

and collectivism, 94 ;

and Communist Party, 37 ;

in conflicts with Lenin, xx -xxii, xxiii , 10 , 193 ;

denounced by Bukharin, 214 ;

dismissed from Proletkult, 215 ;

as editor of Proletarian Culture , 49 ;

educational ideals of, 164 , 165 -71, 192 ;

on family life, 174 ;

and first national conference, 45 , 47 ;

as lecturer, 72 ;

and left Bolsheviks, 4 ;

participates in 1920 plenum, 207 ;

and peasantry, 64 , 79 ;

politically suspect under Lenin, xviii ;

and problem of revolutionary leadership, 92 ;

on proletarian culture, 8 -9, 110 , 131 , 253 ;

on proletarian science, 162 -63;

and stylistic innovation, 146 -52;

theories of 1 , 2 ;

and vision of Proletkult, 43 , 89 ;

in Vpered circle, 9 -10;

Western studies of, xxii ;

on working-class art, 137

Bogdanov, Aleksandr Alekseevich, 58

Bologna school, 98 , 131 , 164 , 174


and class alliances, 64 ;

and complexities of working class, 63 ;

at end of Civil War, 194 -95;

and family life, 174 ;

and organization of Proletkult, 27 ;

and reorganization of cultural life, 33 ;

young membership of, 86 .

See also Communist Party

Bourgeoisie, 67 , 93 ;

values of, 9 ;

workers' dependence on, 10

The Bricklayer (Kamenshchik ) (play), 141

Brik, Osip, 26 ;

and organization of Proletkult, 28 -29

Briusov, Valeryi, 111

Bukharin, Nikolai, 200 , 214 , 215 , 222

Bureaucracy, Soviet, expansion of, 76

Burliuk, David, 58


Capri school, 6 -7, 9 , 98 , 131 , 164 , 174

Central Economic Council (Vesenkha), 34 , 35

Chekan, Viktoriia, 112

Chief Committee for Political Education (Narkompros). See Glavpolitprosvet

Children, proletarian, 180 -81

Children's Proletkults (Detskie Proletkul'ty ), 181 -82

Chuvinok, Anton, 105

Chuzhak, Nikolai, 58 , 111 , 239

Civil War:

as cohesive force for the state, 194 ;

and disruption of social hierarchy, 256 -57;

effect of on class distinctions, 84 ;

effect of on factory workers, 70 , 72 ;

effect of on industry, 72 ;

effect of on Proletkult, xviii , 70 ;

effect of on workers' leadership, 116 ;

in Proletkult drama, 142

Class purity, 65 , 69 , 78 , 97

Clubs, 183 -91, 233 -39;

during Civil War, 184 ;

criticism of, 188 -89;

function of, 186 ;

importance of stressed by Proletkult, 208 ;

during revolution, 184 n.

See also Workers' clubs

Collectivism, 93 -94, 173 , 215

Collectivists in Proletkult, 217


Communist Party:

attacks on local Proletkults by, 211 ;

in Civil War, 116 ;

and clubs, 185 ;

and dissolution of cultural circles, 249 ;

and Proletkult, 37 -39, 255 ;

role of in early Soviet state, 34 , 38 ;

social diversity of, 88 ;

women in, 174 .

See also Bolsheviks

Communist Party Central Committee, 214 ;

suppression of Proletkult autonomy by, 193 , 198 , 202 -5

Congress of Soviets, 23 , 28

Constructivism, 247

Cossacks, 64

Create! (Tvori! ) (Proletkult journal), 150

Creation (Tvorchestvo ) (Narkompros journal), 150 , 206


bourgeois, 3 , 8 , 18 , 19 , 30 , 168 , 208 ;

Bogdanov on proletarian, 8 -9;

defined by Bolsheviks, xvi ;

Lenin's views on, xvi , 225 , 226 ;

links of with politics, 20 ;

proletarian, xix , 1 , 2 -3, 10 , 29 , 123 , 160 , 221 -28;

Proletkult's views of, xxvi ;

Russian, xvi , 2

Culture of the Future (Griadushchaia kul'tura ) (Proletkult journal), xxvii


Dawn of the Future (Zori griadushchego ) (Proletkult journal), xxvii , 99 , 140

Dawn of the Proletkult (play), 240

"Declaration of Children's Rights," 180

Democratic Centralists, 195

Division for Proletarian Culture (Narkompros), 45

Divorce, 174

Dodonova, Anna, 40 , 239 n;

career of, 108 ;

and production art, 151 -52

Don't Go (Ne khodi ) (play), 148 , 177


collective, 148 ;

Russian, 13

Duma, 21



adult, 11 -16;

and political activism, 15 ;

popular, 2 -3

Eisenstein, Sergei, 111 , 149 , 240 , 244

Ekaterinodar, 51 n

Eleventh Party Congress, 222 , 225

Elkina, Dora, 41

Empiriomonism (Bogdanov), 5 , 200

Encyclopedia, proletarian, 48

Engineer Menni (Bogdanov), 163 -64

Enough Simplicity for Every Wise Man (Ostrovsky), 240

Esenin, Sergei, 79 , 147

Exile schools, 6 -7, 97 , 98 , 100 , 131 , 164


Factory clubs, 176 ;

Proletkult control of, 212

Factory committees:

and cultural work, 24 -25, 33 ;

in February Revolution, 22 ;

and organization of Proletkult, 27 , 53

Factory Proletkult organizations, 54 , 71 , 77 , 188 , 220

Faidysh, Vladimir, 69n, 108 , 201 , 219

Family, proletarian, 173 -83;

values of, 173

February Revolution (1917), 21 , 29 , 116 ;

educational reforms in, 22


First Five-Year Plan, 245 -51;

cultural ramifications of, 245 ;

and growth of Proletkult, 229

First National Conference. See National Founding Conference (1918)

First Workers' Socialist Club (Kostroma), 187

First Workers' Theater (Moscow), 240 , 241 , 242 -43

Folk music, 125 , 134

For the Red Soviets (Za krasnye sovety ) (play), 142

Forward (Vpered ) (journal), 98

The Foundry (Kuznitsa ) (journal), 102 , 155

Furnace (Gorn ) (Proletkult journal), 150 , 151 , 221 ;

demise of, 234

The Future (Griadushchee ) (Proletkult journal), xxvii , 52 , 82 , 132 ;

editorial policies of, 139 -40

Futurism, 204 , 205 , 239 -40;

attacked by Proletkult, 145 ;

denunciations of, 149 , 150


Gas Masks (Protivogazy ) (play), 241

Gastev, Aleksei, 10 , 71 , 101 n;

and organization of Proletkult, 101

Gerasimov, Mikhail, 18 , 98 , 122 , 138 , 147 , 176 , 258 ;

criticism of Proletkult by, 155 ;

early career of, 99 -100;

leaves Proletkult, 102 ;

in Paris, 10 ;

and peasantry, 65 ;

and Samara Proletkult, 101

Ginzburg, Raisa, 216 , 234

Glavpolitprosvet, 189 , 196 -97, 207 , 208 , 209 ;

financial support of Proletkult, 218 , 219 -20.

See also Adult Education Division (Narkompros)

Glière, Reinhold, 111 , 133

Glizer, Iuliia, 243

Glow of the Factories (Zarevo zavodov ) (Proletkult journal), 101 , 109 , 140 , 154

GOMZ (Tsentral'noe pravlenie gosudarstvennykh ob" edinennykh mashinostroiternykh zavodov ), 71

Gorky, Maxim, 4 , 18 , 247 ;

breaks with Lunacharskii, 7 ;

and Capri school, 6 ,7;

defends proletarian literature, 19

Gripich, Aleksei, 241

Gumilev, Nikolai, 111


The Hammer (Molot ) (Proletkult journal), 140

Herald of Knowledge (Vestnik znaniia ) (journal), 14

Hymns, revolutionary, 140 -41


Iakolev, Iakov, 224 , 225

Ignatov, Vasilii, 56 -57, 69 n, 98 , 201 ;

and first national conference, 45 ;

and organization of Proletkult, 26 , 28 , 29 , 30 , 101 ;

and Tula Proletkult, 101 , 104 ;

and women workers, 179

Imagery, industrial, 123 , 140

Improbable, but Possible (Neveroiatno, no vozmozhno ) (play), 142

Individualism, 94 ;

in Proletkult, 94 -95

Institute for Artistic Culture (Narkompros), 149

Intellectuals, 67 , 254 ;

criticized by Proletkult, 106 ;

involvement of in adult education, 15 ;

as laborers, 3 , 75 -79;

membership of in Communist Party,


107 ;

in proletarian movements, 31 ;

in proletariat, 157 ;

in Proletkult, xxiv -xxv, 76 -77, 93 , 95 -97, 105 -15, 117 ;

in Soviet government, 91 ;

women, 178 ;

and workers' clubs, 17 ;

and working class, 11 -12, 120

International Women's Day, 235

"In the Proletkult" (Pletnev), 223

The Iron Messiah (Zheleznyi messiia ) (poetry), 99

Iudenich, N. N., xv

Iustinskii, V., 149

Ivanovo-Voznesensk Proletkult: clubs, 189 ;

constituency of, 77 ;

district branches of, 73 ;

financial problems of under new Economic Policy, 212

Izhevsk Proletkult (Viatka province), 53 , 57 , 94 n, 71 , 104 ;

intellectuals in, 118


Kalinin, Fedor: in Capri school, 7 , 41 , 42 , 49 , 98 , 258 ;

and clubs, 185 ;

death of, 94 , 102 ;

early career of, 98 ;

as link between Proletkult and Narkompros, 101 ;

and Metalworkers' Union, 71 ;

and musical curriculum, 141 ;

and organization of Proletkult, 26 , 28 ;

in paris, 10 ;

and Proletkult's mission, 43 ;

and role of intellectuals, 96

Kaminskii, Grigorii, 179

Karl Leibknecht University, 167 -68, 169

Karl Marx University of Proletarian Culture (Tver), 170

Kastalskii, Aleksandr, 13 , 111 , 113 , 134

Katurkin, Timofei, 111 , 119 , 134

Kerzhentsev, Platon, 26 , 109 , 110 , 133 , 144 ;

and first national conference, 45

Khersonskaia, E. P., 45 , 88

Khodasevich, Vladislav, 111 , 135

Kirillov, Vladimir, 18 , 92 , 138 , 217 , 255 ;

early career of, 99 ;

extremism of, 131 ;

leaves Proletkult, 102 ;

and "Smithy," 155 ;

and Tambov Proletkult, 101

Klychkov, Sergei, 147

Kollontai, Aleksandra, 174 , 175 , 195

Kologriv Proletkult (Kostroma province):

closure of, 210 ;

intellectuals in, 118 ;

music studio of, 114 ;

peasants in, 80 -82

Komissarzhevskaia, Vera, 114

Komsomol (Communist Party youth organization), 33 , 86 -87

Konenkov, Sergei, 134 , 147 -48

Kossior, Vladimir, 40 , 102 ;

and Metalworkers' Union, 71

Kostroma Proletkult, 73 -74, 154 ;

clubs, 187 ;

studios in, 127 ;

women members of, 178

Kozochkin, Andrei, 57 , 102 , 104

Krasin, Boris, 144

Kritsberg, Lazar, 241

Krivtsov, Stefan, 156 , 189 ;

and first national conference, 45 ;

and Karl Liebknecht University, 167

Krupskaia, Nadezhda, 35 , 41 , 55 , 197 -98;

attacks on Proletkult by, 224

Kuban People's University (Ekaterinodar), 12

Kuznetsov Proletkult, 220


Labor and Creation (Trud i tvorchestvo ) (Smolensk Proletkult journal), 132


Laboratory method, 128

Lebedev-Polianskii, Pavel, 4 , 10 , 39 , 67 ;

and class purity, 106 -7;

and composition of Proletkult, 64 ;

early career of, 107 -8;

and first national conference, 45 , 46 , 49 ;

in Geneva, 10 ;

mobilization of, 55 ;

at national plenum (1920), 206 ;

and organization of Proletkult, 26 , 42 -43;

and Petrograd Proletkult, 119 ;

in Proletarian Culture , 110 ;

on proletarian culture, 160 ;

and Proletkult's mission, 43 ;

on provincial journals, 136 ;

resigns from Proletkult, 206 ;

and role of clubs, 176 ;

and role of intellectuals, 96 ;

on working-class art, 137 -38

Left Bolsheviks, 4 , 6 , 7 , 10 . See also Vpered (Forward) circle.

Léger, Fernand, 150

Lena (Pletnev), 142 , 240

Lenin: assassination attempt on, 46 ;

attacks Pletnev, 224 -25;

on culture, xvi , 199 , 225 -26, 245 ;

and legal status of Proletkult, 201 ;

materialism of, 4 ;

methods of party organization by, 4 ;

opposes Bogdanov, xxiii , 193 ;

opposes Proletkult, 130 , 196 , 198 -99, 201 -2, 224 -25, 232

Leningrad Proletkult, 244 ;

musical productions of, 242 .

See also Petrograd Proletkult

Lenin State Sugar Factory Proletkult (Kursk province), 53 ;

literacy classes at, 82

Lie, Vladislava, 109

Life of the Arts (Zhizn' iskusstv ) (Kologriv Proletkult journal), 132 , 135

Ligovskii People's House, 14

Literature: experimental, 147 -48;

Proletkult sponsorship of, 242 ;

themes in, 135 -36, 138 , 141 -42

Liubimov, Grigorii, 113 , 133

Local Proletkults, 51 -59;

composition of, 74 ;

leadership of, 94

Loiter, Naum, 241

Lower classes: leadership in Proletkult, 97 -105

Lukino Proletkult (Tver province), 87

Lunacharskii, Anatolii, xvii , 4 , 25 , 36 ;

and autonomy of Proletkuh, 59 ;

breaks with Gorky, 7 ;

as Commissar of Enlightenment, 205 ;

in compromises with Narkompros, 197 ;

and demise of Proletkult, 226 ;

disgrace of, 246 ;

on importance of art, 19 ;

and international Proletkult, 200 ;

in organization of Proletkult, 28 , 29 , 30 , 253 ;

in Paris, 10 ;

at Proletkult National Congress (October 1920), 156 -57, 200 ;

vision of Proletkult movement, 31


Mach, Ernst, 5

Maiskii, Ivan, 23 -24

Mandelbaum, B. D., 29

Marx, Karl, on proletarian class rule, 8

Marxism, in people's schools, 14

Marxists, Russian, 63

Marxist theory, reinterpretation of by left Bolsheviks, 4

Mashirov, Aleksei. See Samo-bytnik-Mashirov, Aleksei

Materialism and Empiriocriticism (Lenin), 7 , 200

Metalworkers, during Civil War, 71 , 72


Metalworkers' Union, 71 -72, 194

Meyerhold, Vsevolod, 149 , 240

Mgebrov, Aleksandr, 88 , 103 , 112 , 113 ;

and collective readings, 148

Ministry of Education, 22

Moscow, as center of Proletkult, activity, 45

Moscow Metalworkers' Union, 72

Moscow Proletarian University, 165

Moscow Proletkult, 54 ;

and anniversary of revolution, 129 ;

art studio of, 114 -15;

and factory clubs, 187 ;

founding of, 40 -41;

literary studios of, 135 ;

music studio of, 113 -14, 134 , 242 ;

theater of, 85 , 103 ;

traveling studio of, 142 -43

Moscow Proletkult Conference (1918), 185

Moscow Province Proletkult, 83

Music: experimental, 123 , 147 ;

Proletkult sponsorship of, 242 .

See also Studios

Music collectives, 143


Narkompros, 33 -36;

and closing of Kologriv Proletkult, 82 ;

and clubs, 185 ;

in conflicts with Proletkult, 40 -41, 43 , 47 , 56 -57, 59 , 200 -213;

and founding of Proletkult branches, 53 ;

funding of, 209 ;

reorganization of, 208 ;

support of Proletkult by, 89 , 218 -19

National Congress (1921), 105 , 214 ;

delegates to, 77

National Congress (October 1920), 156 -57, 201 ;

guidelines on art from, 157

National Founding Conference (1918), 88 , 96 , 98. See also Proletkult, founding of

Nazarov, Georgii, 103 -4;

elected to national governing council, 102

Nechaev, Egor, 18

Nevskii, V. A., 74

Nevskii, V. I., 168 ;

attacks Bogdanov, 200

New Economic Policy, xviii , 228 ;

and decline of Proletkult, 211 , 215 ;

denunciation of, 214 ;

end of, 245 ;

and proletarian culture, 229

New Journal for Everyone (Novyi zhurnal dlia vsekh ), 14

New Life (Novaia zhizn' ) (newspaper), 25 , 27

Nihilism, cultural, 130

Nikitin, I. I., 26

Nikolaitsev, Valentin, 109

Novikov, S., 169


October Revolution, xviii ;

and cultural activities, 33 .

See also Russian Revolution

Omsk Proletkult, 219

On Guard (Na postu ) (VAPP journal), 231 -32

"On the Ideological Front" (Pletnev), 222 -23

"On the Proletkults" (Pravda article), 203 -4

Ozolin, Ianis, 114 , 141

Ozol-Prednek, Karl, 40 , 98


Palace of Proletarian Culture (Petrograd), 44 , 129

Panina, Countess, 14 , 22 , 99 , 100

Paper, scarcity of, 126

Parfenev Proletkult (Kostroma province), 66 , 128

Peasants, 62 , 64 , 65 , 195 , 209 ;

in factory organizations, 82 ;



Peasants (continued )

February Revolution, 21 ;

in Proletkult, 79 -84, 235 ;

as soldiers, 83 ;

views of Bogdanov on, 64 -65, 79 -80;

views of Bolsheviks on, 63

People's Commissariat of Enlightenment. See Narkompros

People's Conservatory (Moscow), 13

People's houses (narodnye doma ), 13 -16, 100 ;

in World War I, 20

People's theaters, 13 , 132

People's universities, 3 , 12 , 164 , 170

Petrograd: assault on, xv ;

food shortages in, xv

Petrograd Proletkult, 88 , 109 , 129 , 141 ;

autonomy of, 36 ;

club division of; 186 ;

intellectuals in, 118 ;

size of, 68 ;

Socialist Education Division of, 171 ;

theater of, xv , 51 , 112 -13, 114 .

See also Leningrad Proletkult

Pinegina, L. A., xxii

Pletnev, Valerian, 220 , 239 n, 241 ;

contributions of to Workers' Club , 234 ;

and cultural revolution, 246 ;

in dealings with Lenin, 202 ;

in dealings with local Proletkults, 216 ;

and decline of Proletkult, 213 ;

defends Proletkult, 209 , 222 -24, 253 ;

dramatic works of, 142 ;

early career of, 102 -3;

elected to national governing council, 102 ;

opposes New Economic Policy, 222 -23;

succeeds Lebedev-Polianskii, 207

Poetry, proletarian, 122 , 139 -140

Pokrovskii, Mikhail, 201

Polekova factory Proletkult, 133 , 188

Politburo, 202 , 214 ;

and cooperation with Proletkult, 217 ;

and debates on proletarian culture, 221 -22;

and demise of Proletkult, 226

Politprosvet, 210

Polonskii, Viacheslav, 245

Popova, Liubov, 111

Posters, 129

Potresov, Aleksandr, 18 -19

Pozhidaev, Dmitrii, 181

Preobrazhenskii, Evgenii, 38

Press, popular, 13 -14

Professionalization in the arts, 152 -59;

and worker-artists, 153

Proletarian cultural-educational organizations. See Proletkult

Proletarian Culture (journal), 42 , 45 , 46 , 48 , 49 , 55 , 57 , 150 , 188 , 189 , 200 , 207 ;

demise of, 221

Proletarian Writers' Union, 102 , 246. See also VAPP

Proletariat: characteristics of, 65 ;

after Civil War, 225 ;

definition of, xxvi , 62 -63;

after revolution, 225.

See also Working class


artistic practice of, 239 -45:

autonomy of, xxv , 32 , 36 -44, 46 , 47 , 50 , 54 , 60 -61, 121 , 193 , 194 , 196 -205, 255 ;

and avant-garde, 240 ;

Bolsheviks among, 39 , 63 ;

during Civil War, 32 , 71 ;

class-based ideology of, 111 ;

and clubs, 185 -91, 234 -39;

in collaboration with Red Army, 83 ;

and Communist Party, 32 , 37 -39, 67 , 198 ;

in competition for influence, 34 -36;

constituency of, 32 , 61 -62;

cultural prac-


tices of, 124 -30, 130 -37, 158 , 214 -21;

decline of, xxvii -xxix, 158 , 205 -13, 227 -28, 233 , 256 ;

definition of, 67 ;

demise of, xviii , 249 -50;

denunciation of by Lenin, 232 ;

emergence of, 3 , 10 ;

expansion of, 50 , 257 ;

and family life, 175 -77, 192 ;

financial difficulties of, 218 -20;

during First Five-Year Plan, 245 -50, 256 , 257 ;

founding of, xviii , 21 -31, 26 -30, 45 -50;

funding, 44 , 48 , 212 ;

identified as Bogdanov's movement, xxiii ;

ideology of, 61 ;

intellectual foundations for, 3 ;

international branch of, 200 -201;

leadership of, 49 , 93 -97, 117 ;

legal status of questioned, 201 ;

literary activities of, 126 , 135 -36;

loss of autonomy by, 196 -205, 202 -5, 210 , 232 ;

membership of, xix , 65 , 66 , 68 , 69 ;

mission of, xviii -xix, 42 -44, 55 , 123 , 152 , 254 -55;

music studios of, 13 , 133 -34;

and Narkompros, 40 -44, 47 , 50 , 56 -57, 89 , 203 , 206 ;

national agenda of, 44 -50;

in national plenum (December 1920), 206 -8;

during New Economic Policy, 84 , 158 , 190 , 215 -16, 224 , 227 -245, 256 , 257 ;

nihilism of, 130 ;

peasants in, 79 -84, 235 ;

period of influence by, xviii ;

and plenum (1922), 218 -20;

political agenda of, 236 ;

principles of, xx , xxv -xxvi;

and problem of revolutionary leadership, 92 ;

and professionalization, 243 ;

provincial branches of, 51 -59, 67 ;

radicals in, 92 , 174 ;

and rejuvenation during "Stalin revolution," 247 ;

relationship to state of, 29 , 31 , 41 -43, 46 ;

and religion, 236 ;

reorganization of, 205 -13;

role of intellectuals in, 117 , 120 -21;

size of, 68 , 221 , 246 -47;

social agenda of, 160 -61;

social composition of, xxiv , 89 , 233 -34;

social programs of, 232 -39;

structure of, 49 -50;

studios of, 126 -29;

successors to, 230 -31;

teachers in, 111 -12;

union control of, 237 , 243 , 244 ;

utopianism of, 160 -61, 191 -92, 254 , 256 ;

views of Soviet research on, xxi -xxii;

vision of the proletariat by, xix ;

and Vpredists, 43 ;

Western studies of, xxii ;

women in, 177 -80, 183 ;

youth in, 84 -88, 180 -82.

See also under individual cities

Proletkult Congress (1921). See National Congress (1921)

Proletkult (Tver journal), 132

Provisional Government, 21 , 31 ;

and cultural policy, 22 -23

Pudemskii factory Proletkult, 71 , 94 n, 188

Pumpianskii, Lev, 144

Pushkino Proletkult (Moscow province), 77


Railroad workers, 72

RAPM (Russian Association for Proletarian Musicians), 230 , 249

RAPP (Russian Association of Proletarian Writers), 246 , 248 , 249

Realism, and proletarian art, 144

Red Army, 52 , 70 ;

collaboration of with Proletkult, 83 ;

cultural activities of, 33 ;

and problem


Red Army (continued )

of revolutionary leadership, 93 ;

sponsorship of theater by, 34 ;

Volga campaign of, 46

Red Army clubs, 83

Red Guards, youth in, 86

Red Star (Bogdanov), 5 , 174

Red Virgin Soil (Krasnaia nov' ) (journal), 231

Revolution of 1905, 11 , 16 , 17

Rodchenko, Aleksandr, 244

Rogzinskii, N. V., 168

Roslavets, Nikolai, 136 , 147

Rostopchina, M. A., 178 -79, 234

Rostov on Don Proletkult, 220

Rozanova, Olga, 111 , 150

Russian Revolution, 91 ;

effect on workers' leadership, 116 .

See also October Revolution

Rybinsk Proletkult, 77 , 126 , 182 ;

theater studio of, 148


Sadofev, Ilia, xxix , 98 , 138

Samobytnik-Mashirov, Aleksei, 18 , 49 , 96 , 98 , 109 , 118 , 138 ;

and compromises with Narkompros, 197 ;

early career of, 100 ;

and organization of Proletkult, 26 ;

and proletarian science, 163 ;

and role of intellectuals, 95 ;

and "Smithy," 155

Saratoy Proletkult, 211 ;

art studio of, 114 , 149 ;

literary studio of, 105

Scholarships, 154 , 156 , 158

Science: proletarian, 161 -73, 223 , 257 ;

and socialist system, 162 -63

"Science and Life" (St. Petersburg educational society), 20

Scientific Organization of Labor (Nauchnaia Organizatsiia Truda), 236

Second Comintern Congress (August 1920), 200

Second Duma (1907), 3

Second Front Troupe, 130

Self-education (samoobrazovanie ), 17 ;

circles of, 3

Shcheglov, Dmitrii, 118 -19

Shipova, Mariia, 114

Shklovskii, Viktor, 125

The Shot (Vystrel ) (play), 247

Shtraukh, Maksim, 86 , 111 , 243

Shuia factory Proletkult, 211 -12

Siberian Proletkult, 247

Sidorov, A. A., 144

Smit, Mariia, 164 , 170 -71

"Smithy" (rival of Proletkult), 155

Smolensk Proletkult, 213 ;

science section of, 171

Smyshliaev, Valentin, 114 , 127 , 216 -17

Social categories, confusion of, 78

Social Democratic Party, 3 -4, 173

Socialism, Russian, 1 , 173 ;

as human religion, 5

Socialist realism, 250 -51

Society of Proletarian Writers, 26

Soldiers in Proletkult, 83

Songs of Struggle (Pesni bor'by ) (poetry), 103

Soviets, 23

Stanislavsky, Konstantin, 111 , 127

State and Revolution (Lenin), 161

Sterenberg, David, 146

Strikes (Stachki ) (play), 142

Strike (Stachka ) (film), 241

Struggle (Bor'ba ) (journal), 98

Studios, 126 -29, 208 , 210 ;

fine art, 134 -35, 234 ;

laboratory methods of, 128 ;

literary, 135 -



in Moscow, 128 ;

music, 133 -34;

organization of, 127 ;

performances for Red Army by, 129 ;

and revolutionary activities, 129 ;

science, 170 , 171 , 172 , 209

Sugar Workers' Union, 73

Sunday school movement, 12

Sverdlov Communist University, 168 -69


Tambov Proletkult, 44 , 53 ;

art studios of, 129 ;

decline of, 219 ;

literary studios of, 135 ;

music studio of, 128 , 134 ;

theater of, 75

Tarabukin, Nikolai, 149 , 236

Tenth Party Congress (March 1921), 195 , 208 , 209

Textile workers, 73 , 212

Theater: collective, 148 -49;

ex-perimental, 123 , 148 -49, 240 ;

improvisation in, 148 ;

popularity of, 125 ;

proletarian, 133 , 141 -43;

Proletkult sponsorship of, 242 -43;

symbolist, 114

Tobacco Workers' Union, 73

"Tonal-plastic movement" (theater), 149

Trainin, Ilia, 109 , 145 -46, 217 ;

opposes experimentation, 147

TRAM (Theater of Working Class Youth), 230 , 231 , 246 ;

absorption by Komsomol, 249

Tretiakov, Sergei, 111 , 239 , 240

Trotsky, Leon, xvii , 231

Trusteeship of the People's Temperance, 13

Tsinovskii, Leonid, 219

Tula Proletkult: art studios of, 128 -39;

music section of, 124 ;

women members of, 178 -79;

youth in, 86

Tver Proletkult, 109 , 182 , 211 , 212 ;

closing of, 233 ;

membership rules of, 66


Under the Banner of Marxism (Pod znarnenem marksizma ) (journal), 222

Unions, 20 , 175 ;

after Tenth Party Congress, 209 ;

in clubs, 3 ;

as competitors to Proletkult, 209 ;

in conflicts with Proletkult, 211 , 213 , 237 ;

cultural activities of, 23 , 33 ;

at end of Civil War, 194 ;

in February Revolution, 21 , 22 ;

and founding of Proletkult branches, 53 .

See also under individual unions

Universities, proletarian, 164 -65, 169 ;

students at, 167

Utopianism, xxvii , 160 -61, 191


VAPP (Proletarian Writers' Union), 230 -31

Vasilev-Buglai, Dmitrii, 133 , 143

Vladikavkaz Proletkult, 57 -58, 182

Vladivostok Proletkult, founding of, 58

Volkonskii, Prince Sergei, 33 , 112 -13

Voronskii, Aleksandr, 231

Vpered (Forward) circle, 7 -8, 9 , 10 -11, 15 , 207 ;

critique of Lenin by, 8 ;

and factory committees, 25 ;

and organization of Proletkult, 27 .

See also Left Bolsheviks


Waves (Vzmakhi ) (Proletkult journal), 149 -50

We are Collectivists (My—kollek tivisty ) (pamphlet), 214 -15

White Army, 51 n


White-collar workers, 62 , 75 -79;

hostility of to laborers, 76 , 78 ;

included in Proletkult, 76 -78

Whites, 194

Without Regard to Individuals (Hevziraia na litsa ) (play), 247

Women: in Bogdanov's writings, 174 ;

in the communist Party, 174 ;

in Proletkult, 178 -80, 183 , 235 ;

in Proletkult art, 176 ;

as workers, 173

Workers' Club (Rabochii klub ) (Proletkult journal), 234 , 235 , 236 , 237 , 243

Workers' clubs, 189 ;

creation of, 16 ;

and people's universities, 17 ;

as vehicles for scientific education, 172 -73.

See also Clubs

Workers' control, failure of, 115 -21;

in factories, 115 -16

Workers' Opposition, 194 -95, 208 -9, 214

Workers' organizations, 11 , 16 -21;

in February Revolution, 22 ;

repression in World War I, 20

Worker's Paper (Rabochaia gazeta ), 27

Workers' Theater, 244

"Workers' Truth" (Rabochaia pravda ) (group), 233

Working class, 8 , 223 ;

in Civil War, 70 , 72 , 116 -17;

definition of, 119 ;

education of, 10 , 12 ;

hierarchies in, 63 ;

male domination of, 176 ;

in Proletkult, 69 -75;

Proletkult's vision of, xx ;

relation of to intellectuals, 120 .

See also Proletariat

Workshops. See Studios

World War I, effect on Proletkult, 70

Writers' Congress (1934), 230 n


Youth, 180 -82;

classlessness of, 87 -88;

in Proletkult, 84 -88


Zhenotdel (women's division of Communist Party), 174 , 182

Zubova, P. N., 130 , 178

Zugrin, Aleksandr, 150


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Preferred Citation: Mally, Lynn. Culture of the Future: The Proletkult Movement in Revolutionary Russia. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1990 1990.