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Palace of Proletarian Culture (Petrograd), 44 , 129

Panina, Countess, 14 , 22 , 99 , 100

Paper, scarcity of, 126

Parfenev Proletkult (Kostroma province), 66 , 128

Peasants, 62 , 64 , 65 , 195 , 209 ;

in factory organizations, 82 ;



Peasants (continued )

February Revolution, 21 ;

in Proletkult, 79 -84, 235 ;

as soldiers, 83 ;

views of Bogdanov on, 64 -65, 79 -80;

views of Bolsheviks on, 63

People's Commissariat of Enlightenment. See Narkompros

People's Conservatory (Moscow), 13

People's houses (narodnye doma ), 13 -16, 100 ;

in World War I, 20

People's theaters, 13 , 132

People's universities, 3 , 12 , 164 , 170

Petrograd: assault on, xv ;

food shortages in, xv

Petrograd Proletkult, 88 , 109 , 129 , 141 ;

autonomy of, 36 ;

club division of; 186 ;

intellectuals in, 118 ;

size of, 68 ;

Socialist Education Division of, 171 ;

theater of, xv , 51 , 112 -13, 114 .

See also Leningrad Proletkult

Pinegina, L. A., xxii

Pletnev, Valerian, 220 , 239 n, 241 ;

contributions of to Workers' Club , 234 ;

and cultural revolution, 246 ;

in dealings with Lenin, 202 ;

in dealings with local Proletkults, 216 ;

and decline of Proletkult, 213 ;

defends Proletkult, 209 , 222 -24, 253 ;

dramatic works of, 142 ;

early career of, 102 -3;

elected to national governing council, 102 ;

opposes New Economic Policy, 222 -23;

succeeds Lebedev-Polianskii, 207

Poetry, proletarian, 122 , 139 -140

Pokrovskii, Mikhail, 201

Polekova factory Proletkult, 133 , 188

Politburo, 202 , 214 ;

and cooperation with Proletkult, 217 ;

and debates on proletarian culture, 221 -22;

and demise of Proletkult, 226

Politprosvet, 210

Polonskii, Viacheslav, 245

Popova, Liubov, 111

Posters, 129

Potresov, Aleksandr, 18 -19

Pozhidaev, Dmitrii, 181

Preobrazhenskii, Evgenii, 38

Press, popular, 13 -14

Professionalization in the arts, 152 -59;

and worker-artists, 153

Proletarian cultural-educational organizations. See Proletkult

Proletarian Culture (journal), 42 , 45 , 46 , 48 , 49 , 55 , 57 , 150 , 188 , 189 , 200 , 207 ;

demise of, 221

Proletarian Writers' Union, 102 , 246. See also VAPP

Proletariat: characteristics of, 65 ;

after Civil War, 225 ;

definition of, xxvi , 62 -63;

after revolution, 225.

See also Working class


artistic practice of, 239 -45:

autonomy of, xxv , 32 , 36 -44, 46 , 47 , 50 , 54 , 60 -61, 121 , 193 , 194 , 196 -205, 255 ;

and avant-garde, 240 ;

Bolsheviks among, 39 , 63 ;

during Civil War, 32 , 71 ;

class-based ideology of, 111 ;

and clubs, 185 -91, 234 -39;

in collaboration with Red Army, 83 ;

and Communist Party, 32 , 37 -39, 67 , 198 ;

in competition for influence, 34 -36;

constituency of, 32 , 61 -62;

cultural prac-


tices of, 124 -30, 130 -37, 158 , 214 -21;

decline of, xxvii -xxix, 158 , 205 -13, 227 -28, 233 , 256 ;

definition of, 67 ;

demise of, xviii , 249 -50;

denunciation of by Lenin, 232 ;

emergence of, 3 , 10 ;

expansion of, 50 , 257 ;

and family life, 175 -77, 192 ;

financial difficulties of, 218 -20;

during First Five-Year Plan, 245 -50, 256 , 257 ;

founding of, xviii , 21 -31, 26 -30, 45 -50;

funding, 44 , 48 , 212 ;

identified as Bogdanov's movement, xxiii ;

ideology of, 61 ;

intellectual foundations for, 3 ;

international branch of, 200 -201;

leadership of, 49 , 93 -97, 117 ;

legal status of questioned, 201 ;

literary activities of, 126 , 135 -36;

loss of autonomy by, 196 -205, 202 -5, 210 , 232 ;

membership of, xix , 65 , 66 , 68 , 69 ;

mission of, xviii -xix, 42 -44, 55 , 123 , 152 , 254 -55;

music studios of, 13 , 133 -34;

and Narkompros, 40 -44, 47 , 50 , 56 -57, 89 , 203 , 206 ;

national agenda of, 44 -50;

in national plenum (December 1920), 206 -8;

during New Economic Policy, 84 , 158 , 190 , 215 -16, 224 , 227 -245, 256 , 257 ;

nihilism of, 130 ;

peasants in, 79 -84, 235 ;

period of influence by, xviii ;

and plenum (1922), 218 -20;

political agenda of, 236 ;

principles of, xx , xxv -xxvi;

and problem of revolutionary leadership, 92 ;

and professionalization, 243 ;

provincial branches of, 51 -59, 67 ;

radicals in, 92 , 174 ;

and rejuvenation during "Stalin revolution," 247 ;

relationship to state of, 29 , 31 , 41 -43, 46 ;

and religion, 236 ;

reorganization of, 205 -13;

role of intellectuals in, 117 , 120 -21;

size of, 68 , 221 , 246 -47;

social agenda of, 160 -61;

social composition of, xxiv , 89 , 233 -34;

social programs of, 232 -39;

structure of, 49 -50;

studios of, 126 -29;

successors to, 230 -31;

teachers in, 111 -12;

union control of, 237 , 243 , 244 ;

utopianism of, 160 -61, 191 -92, 254 , 256 ;

views of Soviet research on, xxi -xxii;

vision of the proletariat by, xix ;

and Vpredists, 43 ;

Western studies of, xxii ;

women in, 177 -80, 183 ;

youth in, 84 -88, 180 -82.

See also under individual cities

Proletkult Congress (1921). See National Congress (1921)

Proletkult (Tver journal), 132

Provisional Government, 21 , 31 ;

and cultural policy, 22 -23

Pudemskii factory Proletkult, 71 , 94 n, 188

Pumpianskii, Lev, 144

Pushkino Proletkult (Moscow province), 77

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