

 collapse sectionChapter One  Introduction
 The Background of This Study
 How The Study Was Done

 collapse sectionChapter Two  Orientations
 Bhaktapur and the Newars
 collapse sectionWays of Looking at the Organization of Bhaktapur
 Typological Conceits: The Archaic City
 Historical Conceits: The Ancient Indo-European City and the Axial Age
 Typological Conceits: Kinds Of Minds—A Continent in the Great Divide
 Organizational Conceits: The Civic Function of Symbolism in Bhaktapur and, Presumably, in Other Such Archaic Cities
 Organizational Conceits: Embedded And Marked Symbolism
 Typological Conceits: Hinduism As An Archaic Kind of Symbol System And Bhaktapur As A Hindu Climax Community
 Psychological Conceits: What Is A Newar That He or She May Know Bhaktapur
 collapse sectionChapter Three  Nepal, the Kathmandu Valley, and Some History
 The Kathmandu Valley
 Notes On Early Newar History
 Bhaktapur's Beginnings
 Jayasthiti Malla and the Ordering of Bhaktapur
 From Jayasthiti Malla to the Fall of the Newar Polity
 The Gorkhali State, And the Submerging of the Newars in Greater Nepal
 The 1950 Revolution Against The Rana Regime
 collapse sectionChapter Four  Bhaktapur's Other Order
 The Physical City
 Some Demographic Notes
 Population Density
 Bhaktapur's Demography: Newars And Hindu Newars
 The Hinterland
 Relation To The Central Government
 The Agricultural Economy
 The Nonagricultural Economy
 A Summary Note
 collapse sectionChapter Five  The Distribution of Roles: The Macrostatus System
 Introduction: Thar And Macrostatus Levels
 The Thar
 An Excursion. Caste, Class, And Varna
 Who In Bhaktapur Is A Newar?
 The Macrostatus Levels: Newar Hindus, The Core System
 The Macrostatus System: Buddhist Thars and Some Notes on Newar Buddhism
 Non-Newars: Brahmans
 Non-Newars: Matha Priests
 Non-Newars: Others
 Thar, Macrostatus, and the Organization of Occupational and Ritual Roles
 Thar And Macrostatus Demography
 Entailments and Markers of the Macrostatus Levels
 collapse sectionStatus Ranking of and by Outsiders
 1. Groups within Bhaktapur: Buddhist Bare.
 2. Groups within Bhaktapur: non-Newar Brahmans and Matha priests.
 3. Relations to other non-Newar Nepalis, both in and out of Bhaktapur.
 4. Partyas' conceptions of Newars.
 collapse sectionChapter Six  Inside the Thars
 Introduction: The Internal Structure of the Thar
 Household and Household Size
 Household Roles
 Wives and Households
 Household Hierarchy, Authority, and Purity and the Cipa System
 collapse sectionThe Comparative Freedom of the Newar Woman in the Northern Hindu Context
 Newar Menstrual Disabilities in Comparison with the Indo-Nepalese
 A Wife's Natal Household's Relation to Her Children: The Mother's Brother
 Remarriage And Multiple Marriage
 The Lack of Hypergamic Implications of Marriage
 Adoption and Marriage
 Major Kin Groupings: (I) Kul, Phuki and Their Women
 Major Kin Groupings: (II) Feminal Kin, Tha:Thiti
 Phuki and Thar
 Ritual Friendship and Fictive Kinship
 Kinship Terminology
 Guthis, Organizations for Special Purposes
 The Inside of the Thars in Relation to the City's Mesocosm

 collapse sectionChapter Seven  The Symbolic Organization of Space
 The City As An Icon of A God
 A Note on Hill and River
 The Idealization of Space: Bhaktapur As A Yantra
 collapse sectionThe City Boundaries and the Bordering Outside
 City Boundaries: The Boundary-Protecting Goddesses
 City Boundaries: The External Seat of the Lineage God, The Digu God
 City Boundaries: Cremation, Dying, And Purification
 City Boundaries: The Untouchables' Proper Place
 On Boundaries
 Bhaktapur As A Mandala : The Nine Mandalic Section
 City Halves: Ritually Organized Antagonism
 Status and Space: Concentric Circles
 The Village in the City, The Twa:
 Some Notes on the Symbolic Construction of the House
 Collapsed Structure Inside the City: Crossroads
 The Undercity
 Symbolized Space Beyond the City
 Integration of Spaces
 collapse sectionChapter Eight  Bhaktapur's Pantheon
 collapse sectionDivinities: Housing and Setting
 1. Temples, dega:s.
 2. God-houses, dya: che(n)s.
 3. Shrines.
 4. Non-Newar Hindu structures.
 Gods With Temples and Shrines—Some Numbers
 collapse sectionSorting Supernaturals—Some Preliminary Remarks
 1. "Major city gods."
 2. "Stone gods."
 3. "Astral divinities."
 4. "Ghosts and spirits."
 collapse sectionMajor Gods: The "Ordinary" Deities
 collapse sectionSiva
 1. Siva as the creative principle.
 2. Siva, first among the gods.
 3. Siva as the generator of the dangerous gods.
 4. Siva as one of the group of ordinary gods.
 Visnu-Narayana And His Avatars
 A Note on Yama
 The Ordinary Female Divinities: Laksmi, Sarasvati, And Parvati
 The Transition to the Dangerous Divinities
 collapse sectionMajor Gods: The "Dangerous" Deities
 The Dangerous Goddess and Her Transformations
 The Mandalic Goddesses
 The Nine Durgas
 Taleju, Bhaktapur's Political Goddess
 Miscellaneous Dangerous Goddesses
 Dangerous Goddesses: Some Principles of Classification
 Dangerous Male Gods
 Bhisi(n) (Bhima)
 Nasa Dya: (Nrtya Natha)
 Bhaila Dya: (Bhairava)
 collapse sectionNatural Stones As Divinities
 The Digu God, Lineage Gods
 Protectors of Local Space, Chetrapal and Pikha Lakhu
 Mediators to the Underground—Disposers of Pollution
 Astral Deities
 The Brahmans' Vedic Gods
 Pilgrimage Gods of the Royal Center
 Household Gods
 Ghosts and Spirits
 collapse sectionBhaktapur's Pantheon As A System of Signs
 Bhaktapur's Pantheon As A System of Signs: Some Notes on Idols
 collapse sectionBhaktapur's Pantheon As A System of Signs: Classes of Meaningful Forms
 1. Proximity.
 2. Materiality.
 3. Artifice.
 4. Ordinary versus uncanny humanly worked forms.
 1. Proximate versus distant.
 2. Material versus immaterial.
 3. Worked versus natural.
 4. Benign versus dangerous.
 Bhaktapur's Pantheon As A System of Signs: Distinctions Within this. Types of Gods
 Bhaktapur's Pantheon As A System of Signs: Some Contrasts With Other Hindu Systems
 A Final Remark
 collapse sectionChapter Nine  Tantrism and the Worship of the Dangerous Deities
 Tantrism As A Religious Mode
 Tantrism In Popular Fantasy
 Upper-Status Tantrism
 Upper-Status Tantrism: Puja
 Upper-Status Tantrism: Family And Phuki Worship—Worship oF the Lineage Gods, The Aga(n) Gods, And the Digu Gods
 Upper-Status Tantrism: Individually Centered Practices and Initiation
 collapse sectionTantrism and the Public City
 Symbolic Complexes: Siva/Sakti
 collapse sectionSymbolic Complexes: Sacrifice
 Sacrifice: The Hierarchical Division of the Head
 Sacrifice: Human Sacrifice
 Sacrifice: Aspects of Its Significance in Bhaktapur
 Secrecy and Mystery
 In Sum
 collapse sectionChapter Ten  Priests
 Preliminaries: Priests and Kings—The Relations of the Symbolic Order and Power
 Preliminaries: Kinds of Priests and Priestly Functions
 collapse sectionBhaktapur's Brahmans
 The Rajopadhyaya Brahmans
 Lakhae Brahmans
 Bhaktapur's Non-Newar Brahmans
 collapse sectionOvert Auxiliary Priests and Para-Priests
 collapse sectionPurity Technicians With Limited Functions
 The Bha
 The Cala(n)
 The Kata:
 The Nau
 Hindu Use of Buddhist Priests
 Covert Para-Priests: The Pollution-Accumulating Thars—Po(n) and Jugi
 Temple and Shrine Priests
 Some Remarks on the Status Of The Rajopadhyaya Brahman In Bhaktapur
 collapse sectionChapter Eleven  Purity and Impurity: On the Borders of the Sacred
 A Tangle of Interpretations
 What Is Polluted, And What Is Polluting?
 Pollution, Ingestion, And Disgust
 Bodies and Corporate Bodies and Their Exuviae
 What Is Polluted and Polluting in Birth and Death?
 collapse sectionThe Management of Pollution in Bhaktapur: Avoidance, Surrogation, and Cleaning
 Surrogate Absorption of Contaminants—Both Dirty and Clean
 The Purity Complex: Psychological Resonances and Social Order

 collapse sectionChapter Twelve  The Civic Ballet: Annual Time and the Festival Cycles
 The Calendar
 collapse sectionApproaches to Meaning
 Selection from the Hindu Set of Festivals
 Aspects of the Analysis of Calendrical Events
 The Inclusion and Sequential Numbering of Calendrically Determined Events
 collapse sectionChapter Thirteen  The Events of the Lunar Year
 Swanti and the Lunar New Year [77, 78, 79, 1, 2]
 collapse sectionMiscellaneous Events [3-7]
 Jugari Na:Mi [3]
 Hari Bodhini [4]
 Saki Mana Punhi [5]
 Gopinatha Jatra [6]
 Bala, Ca:Re [7]
 Sukhu(n) Bhisi(n)dya: Jatra [8]
 Ya: Marhi Punhi [9]
 Miscellaneous Events [10-11]
 The Month of the Swasthani Vrata
 Sarasvati Festivals [12, 13]
 Madya: Jatra [14] End of Swasthani Vrata
 Sila Ca:re (Sivaratri) [15]
 The Minor Festivals of Krsna (Holi) [16, 17]
 The Approach of the Season of Anxiety [18, 19]
 Biska:, The Solar New Year [20-29]
 The Dewali Period, the Worship of the Digu Lineage Deities [30]
 The Minor Dasai(n) of Rama [31, 32]
 Honoring Mothers [33]
 Aksaya Trtiya [34]
 Candesvari Jatra [35]
 Buddha Jaya(n)ti and a Note on "Buddhist" Festivals in Bhaktapur
 Sithi Nakha [36]
 Candi Bhagavati Jatra [37]
 Dasa Hara [38]
 Panauti Jatra [39]
 Bhagasti [40], the Death of the nine Durgas (Devi Cycle)
 Minor Festivals of Visnu [41-43] and the Beginning of the Caturmasa Vrata
 Guru Puja [44]
 Gatha Muga: Ca:re [45] (Devi Cycle)
 Naga Pa(n)cami [46]
 Gunhi Punhi [47], Beginning of the Densest Festival Season
 Saparu [48], the Cow Festivalof the Dead of the Previous Year, and the Annual Carnival
 Miscellaneous Events: Krsna Janmastami [49] and Sitala Puja [50]
 Gokarna Au(n)si [51], Honoring Fathers
 Miscellaneous Minor Events [52-58]: a Note on Tij, a Festival Which the Newars do not Have
 Events During the Period of Indra Jatra [59-65]: the Transformation of Festival Themes and Events in Different Newar Cities and Towns
 The Remainder of the Yearly Calendrical Cycle [66-79]
 collapse sectionChapter Fourteen  The Events of the Solar Cycle
 Ghya: Caku Sa(n)lhu [10]
 collapse sectionBiska: [20-29]: The Solar New Year Festival
 collapse sectionThe Preliminary Preparations
 1. The yasi(n).
 2. Bhairava and Bhadrakali .
 3. The representation of Royalty.
 The First Day Start of the Bhairava/Bhadrakali Jatra [20]; The Struggle Between the Upper and Lower Halves of the City
 The Second Day
 The Third Day
 collapse sectionThe Fourth Day
 The Raising Up of the Main Yasi(n) God—The Ending of the Old Year
 The Fifth Day: Taking Down the Yasi(n) God—Beginning of the Solar New Year
 The Sixth Day: The Mahakali/Mahalaksmi Jatra
 The Seventh Day: The Brahmani/Mahesvari Jatra
 The Eighth Day. Feasting the Gods—Chuma(n) Gandya: Jatra
 The Ninth Day: Taking Down the Small Yasi(n) God—Final Phases of the Bhairava/Bhadrakali Jatra
 collapse sectionApproaches to Meaning
 1. Biska: as a solar festival.
 2. Biska: as a structural focal sequence.
 3. Interactive versus parallel features: bases for solidarity.
 4. Human actors.
 5. Divine actors.
 6. Space.
 7. Narrative content.
 8. Rhetoric.
 9. The message.
 collapse sectionChapter Fifteen  The Devi Cycle
 The Legend of the Nine Durgas
 An Introduction to Meaning
 The Nine Durgas—The Cast of Characters and Their Iconic Representation
 collapse sectionThe Annual Cycle
 Sithi Nakha [36]
 Bhagasti [40]
 The Period Between Bhagasti [40] and Gatha Muga: Ca:Re [45], Human Sacrifice
 Gatha Muga: Ca:Re [45]
 collapse sectionMohani, The Autumnal Festival Sequence of the Rice Harvest [67-76]
 Mohani: The First Day
 The Second Day through the Sixth Day
 The Seventh Day: Taking Down the Goddess Taleju
 The Eighth Day: Kalaratri
 Continuation of the Ninth Day: The Living Goddess Kumari and Emergence of the Nine Durgas
 The Tenth Day: The Taleju Jatra, and the Transfer of Power to the Nine Durgas
 collapse sectionMohani: Approaches to Meaning
 1. Mohani and the rice agricultural cycle.
 2. Mohani as a structural focal sequence.
 3. Interactive versus parallel features.
 4. Human actors.
 5. Divine actors.
 6. Space.
 7. The narrative.
 8.Rhetoric and participation.
 The Performances of the Nine Durgas
 The Significance of the Nine Durgas" Pyakha(n): Some Speculations on How The Nine Durgas Protect Bhaktapur
 collapse sectionChapter Sixteen  The Patterns and Meanings of the Festival Year
 Distinctions and Enumerations and Their Implications
 A Note on Moving Deities Within the City
 Patterns in the Year
 External Influences on the Annual Cycle
 A View of the Annual Events With the Citizen at Their Center
 collapse sectionChapter Seventeen  What Is Bhaktapur that a Newar May Know It?
 Structures of the Imagination
 Spheres, Structures, and Oppositions
 collapse sectionResources for Making Meaning Intelligible
 1. Levels.
 2. Redundancy and filtering.
 3. Discrete categories.
 4. Membership in a domain.
 5. Boundaries.
 6. Systematic ordering.
 Bhaktapur's Order, Stability, And Stasis
 Why Is Bhaktapur the Way It Is?

 collapse sectionAppendix One  Transliterations Used in the Text
 Transliteration of Bhaktapur Newari
 collapse sectionAppendix Two  Bhaktapur's Newar Hindu Thars Ranked By Macrosocial Status
 Part 1. Thars Listed By Status Levels
 Part 2. Newar Hindu Thars In Bhaktapur Listed Alphabetically
  Appendix Three  Kinship Terminology
 collapse sectionAppendix Four  Types of Worship and Materials Used in Worship
 collapse sectionPujas Not Conducted By A Brahman Purohita
 Temple Visits
 Home Pujas
 Pujas Conducted By A Brahman Purohita
 collapse sectionMaterials and Equipment
 Pure Water
  Appendix Five  A Catalogue of Annual Events and Their Distribution Throughout the Lunar Year
 collapse sectionAppendix Six  Rites of Passage and Death Ceremonies
 1. Writing a mantra on the tongue: Jihvasodhana.
 2. Application of lamp black to the child's eyes by the father's sister.
 3. Name giving: Namakarana.
 4. The rice feeding ceremony: Ja(n)ko.
 5. Boy's hair shaving: Busakha.
 6. Boy's full membership in their thar: Kaeta Puja.
 7. Mock-marriage: Ihi.
 8. Menarche ceremonies: Barha taegu and Barha cwa(n)gu.
 9. Marriage: Byaha.
 10. Tantric initiation: Dekha.
 11. Old-age ceremonies: Buraburi ja(n)ko.
 12. Dying and cremation.
 Preparation of the body.
 The funeral procession.
 The cremation.
 The return to the house.
 The activities of the mourning period.
 Death related activities following the dasa kriya mourning period.
 collapse sectionNotes
 Chapter One Introduction
 Chapter Two Orientations
 Chapter Three Nepal, the Kathmandu Valley, and Some History
 Chapter Four Bhaktapur's Other Order
 Chapter Five The Distribution of Roles: The Macrostatus System
 Chapter Six Inside the Thars
 Chapter Seven The Symbolic Organization of Space
 Chapter Eight Bhaktapur's Pantheon
 Chapter Nine Tantrism and the Worship of the Dangerous Deities
 Chapter Ten Priests
 Chapter Eleven Purity and Impurity: On the Borders of the Sacred
 Chapter Twelve The Civic Ballet: Annual Time and the Festival Cycles
 Chapter Thirteen The Events of the Lunar Year
 Chapter Fourteen The Events of the Solar Cycle
 Chapter Fifteen The Devi Cycle
 Chapter Sixteen The Patterns and Meanings of the Festival Year
 Chapter Seventeen What Is Bhaktapur that a Newar May Know It?1
 Appendix Two Bhaktapur's Newar Hindu Thars Ranked By Macrosocial Status
 Appendix Three Kinship Terminology
 Appendix Four Types of Worship and Materials Used in Worship
 Appendix Six Rites of Passage and Death Ceremonies
 collapse sectionGENERAL INDEX
 collapse sectionNAMES INDEX

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