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The return to the house.

The men now return to the house where the procession had begun. A Po(n) will go to the cremation grounds to take the funeral cloths and mat and the kuta :.

The women of the household have remained at home during the procession and cremation. If a dead man leaves a widow, she breaks her bangles and they will be thrown away at the neighborhood chwasa . Women who are related to the family begin to come to the house at this time, as they will throughout the succeeding period of mourning, and conventionally begin to wail loudly as they approach the house.[62]

The members of the funeral procession return to the house, where the family members enter the upper floors. The kriya putra cannot enter the house. He goes to the cheli , the ground floor, which is in such situations considered to be outside of the house.[63] He will remain there during the following period of mourning.

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