AAA | American Anthropological Association |
APA | American Psychological Association |
ApA | American Psychiatric Association |
ARPA | Advanced Research Projects Agency |
AWP | Association for Women Psychologists (later renamed the Association for Women in Psychology) |
CIA | Central Intelligence Agency |
CNM | Committee for National Morale |
CORE | Congress on Racial Equality |
CRESS | Center for Research in Social Systems |
DOD | Department of Defense |
DOS | Department of State |
FBI | Federal Bureau of Investigation |
FCRC | Federal Contract Research Center |
FEPC | Fair Employment Practices Commission |
FMAD | Foreign Morale Analysis Division |
GAP | Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry |
HEW | Department of Health, Education and Welfare |
JCMIH | Joint Commission on Mental Illness and Health |
NAACP | National Association for the Advancement of Colored People |
NIMH | National Institute of Mental Health |
NLF | National Liberation Front |
NMHA | National Mental Health Act |
NRC | National Research Council |
NSF | National Science Foundation |
NYRW | New York Radical Women |
OFF | Office of Facts and Figures |
ONR | Office of Naval Research |
OSS | Office of Strategic Services |
OWI | Office of War Information |
PHS | Public Health Service |
PWD | Psychological Warfare Division |
SHAEF | Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force |
SORO | Special Operations Research Office |
SPSSI | Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues |
TAT | Thematic Apperception Test |
VA | Veterans Administration |
VC M&M | Viet-Cong Motivation and Morale Project |
WRA | War Relocation Authority |