He Great Doctor's End (Thin Leather/Lloyd)

And then they [invaders] went on to where the Casa Blanca vahahkkees now are in ruins; and the great doctor who lived there [Black Sinew Chief], the same who had sent his boy to inquire of the proph-
[x] Go:k Sisiwelig, 'Two Whirlwinds'.
ecies [on the coming invasion], drew a magic line before his place, so that the enemy could not cross. And when Ee-ee-toy's men came to the line the earth opened, and they could not go further till one of their great doctors, by his power, had closed it, and then they could pass it.
And they had a great battle there, for the place was very strong, and hard to get into. And there was a doctor among them called Nee-hum Mahkai,[y] and they asked him to use his magic power to tear the place down, and he tried but could not succeed. And they asked another, called Tchu-dun Mahkai,[z] or Earthquake Doctor, and he tried and failed also. And then they asked another little man, not supposed to have much power, and he took a hair from his head and held it up by the two ends and sang a song and turned it into a snake. And he sent the snake, and it struck the house and shook it so it broke and fell down from above. And then Ee-ee-toy's men took the place and killed everybody there except Tcheutcickadahtai Seeven,[aa] who escaped and ran on.
And one of Ee-ee-toy's warriors pursued him and was going to strike him with a club, when he sank down, and the place where he sank was filled with fog, so they could not see him, and he got out on the other side and ran on. But they had a doctor called
[y] Probably Wuihom Ma:kai, 'Lightning Medicine Man' [or 'doctor'].
Cucuk Tatai Siwañ, 'Black Sinew Chief'.
Ku-mi-wahk Mahkai,[bb] and they had him clear away the fog, and then they could see him and chased him again.
And again, when about to be struck, he sank down, and a mirage filled the place so that they could not see him, for things did not look the same. And he got out beyond and ran on. And they had a Saskatch Mahkai,[cc] or Mirage Doctor, who cleared away the false appearance, and again they chased him and were about to kill him, when again he sank.
And this time a rainbow filled the place and made him invisible, and again he ran on till their Kee-hawt Mahkai,[dd] or Rainbow Doctor, removed the rainbow. And then once more they were about to strike him when he sank, and the quivers which heat makes, called coad-jook,[ee] filled the hole, and again he got away. But they had a Coadjook Doctor, and he removed it, and then they chased him and killed him. (Lloyd 1911: 156–158)
Ko:mhaiwa Ma:kai, 'Fog [wet, misty] Medicine Man'. Here and in the next two instances, a person who counters the thing in question, e.g., who counters fog.
Saskaj[*] Ma:kai, 'Mirage [waterlike] Medicine Man'.
Kiohod[*] Ma:kai, 'Rainbow Medicine Man'.
Ku:jegi, 'mirage' (as waves over a paved road), 'heat waves'.