Story 15—
Siuuhu's Revenge:
Sofch Kah and the Water Crossing
The medicine man looked as far as the ocean and saw that there was no danger up to there. They [he
] could also look across the ocean, and on the other side they saw some people living called Sofch kah. They came and destroyed their enemies the Sofch kah, but they weren't as wise and powerful asthe people who lived beyond them. They came [to them] and arrived at the [Atlantic
][9] ocean [to reach these next people], but they couldn't get across and so they stopped.Siuuhu came out and stood at the edge of the ocean[10] with his cane in his hands. He said he would strike the water with his cane. Then he remembered what Earth Doctor had said, and he thought that Earth Doctor would help as they went through this great water. The ocean turned into a large river, and the water didn't reach as far as it did as an ocean. It became narrow because Earth Doctor had made the ocean [shrink]. Siuuhu sang:
The river is getting low.
I am striking the water with my cane.
When he finished the song, he hit the water with his cane, and the water gathered on two sides and made a path for the people to pass through.