Preferred Citation: Bahr, Donald, Juan Smith, William Smith Allison, and Julian Hayden. The Short, Swift Time of Gods on Earth: The Hohokam Chronicles. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1994 1994.



Wa'aki (great-house), etymology of, 297 n1. See also Great-houses

Walking baskets, 208

Wampum Eater, 135


See also Battles

definition of, 153

change in quality of, 235 –236

ending of, 272 –278

and end of the great-houses, 36 , 37

in the time of the great-houses, 8 –9

War ceremonies, origin of, 153

War purifications, 156 , 170 –171, 174 , 316 n18

Warriors, purification of, 18 , 174 n

War sacraments, 18


for burning of the world, 93

crazy, 129

Water holes, camping at, 208

Watermelons, Siuuhu's creation of, 94

Water Plume, 237 –239

Way to Rainy Mountain, The (Momaday), 291 n1

Wetness and dryness as mythological themes, 38 , 41 –43, 139 –140, 204 –206, 246 n, 312 nn4, 5, 6, 315 nn13, 14, 15, 317 n7, 320 n16


creation of, 244

myth of the killing of, 323 n7

Whippoorwill, 321 n18

White beans, Siuuhu's creation of, 84

White Eater Old-woman, 211 c, 273 , 310 –311n6, 315 n10, 319 nn7, 8, 325 n4

White Feather, 133

White people

history of, 20

origin of, 19 , 155 , 168 –169

Siuuhu on, 207

White Shell Woman, 310 –311n6

White Thin Mountain, 89 , 100

Whore, 77 , 89 n, 111

"Whore, The," 112 –122


god's punishment of, 69 –74

sin of teaching, 119 –120c


after Siuuhu's death, 186

spread of, 53

Wi:gita ceremonies, 163 n, 314 n6, 322 –323nn7, 8

Wilcox, David, 298 n5

Wilson, Edmund, 296 n18


destruction by, 53

in Pima-Papago myth, 76

as the servant of Bitter Man, 33 , 34

Thin Leather's version of, 77

Wind-man, 108 –109

"Wind trouble," 219

Wine, origin of, 123 –130

Wine ceremonies ("Wine Drinks"), 123 , 297 n3, 305 –307n6, 309 n1, 310 n2

Wing-feather Running, 206

Wise men, 92

Witch, 138 , 140 , 144 , 144 n

Witch story, 141 –146


creation of, 47

creation of (New English Bible), 64 –65

evil spirit in, 53

external creation by, 312 n2

first sin committed by, 122

footlooseness of, 77 , 111 , 122 c

game played by, 146

stealing of, 141

weakness of, 52 c

Woodpecker, 72 , 98

Wooshkam, Wooshkum, 209 c, 210

divisions of, 215

making blue oriole by, 221

splitting into four contingents, 222

wicked ways of, 276 c

World burning, signs of, 93 –94

World destruction, as caused by sexual relations, 67 –74

Worship, defined, 295 –296n14

Wright, Harold Bell, 304 n1

Wuaga ceremony, 321 n21


Preferred Citation: Bahr, Donald, Juan Smith, William Smith Allison, and Julian Hayden. The Short, Swift Time of Gods on Earth: The Hohokam Chronicles. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1994 1994.