The Short, Swift Time of Gods on Earth


 collapse sectionIntroduction
 Oral History
 The Two Hohokams
 The Text
 Pima-Papago Literature
 collapse sectionPart 0—  Prelude, the Font Text
 Prelude 1—  The Bitter Man (Governor of Uturituc)
 Prelude 2—  The Bitter Man (Manje's Guides)
 Prelude 3—  The Drinker (Governor of Uturituc)
 collapse sectionPart 1—  Genesis
 Story 1—  First Creation
 Supplement  First Creation (Thin Leather)
 Supplement  Creation (Dolores)
 Supplement  Genesis, Chapter 1—  (New English Bible)
 collapse sectionPart 2—  The Flood
 Story 2—  Destruction through Sex
 collapse sectionPart 3—  New Creation and Corn
 Story 3—  Second Creation
 Story 4–  Corn and Tobacco Leave
 Story 5—  Corn Returns
 Supplement  The Story of Corn and Tobacco (Thin Leather)
 Supplement  How Morning Green Lost his Power over the Winds and the Rain Gods (Thin Leather)
 collapse sectionPart 4—  The Whore
 Story 6—  The Whore
 collapse sectionPart 5—  Origin of Wine and Irrigation
 Story 7—  Origin of Cactus Wine
 Story 8—  Origin of Irrigation
 Supplement  Origin of Irrigation (Thin Leather)
 Supplement  Tawquahdah-Mawks[en7] and her Canal (Thin Leather) Supplement  Tawquahdah-Mawks and her Canal (Thin Leather)
 collapse sectionPart 6—  Morning Green Chief and the Witch
 Story 9—  Ho'ok, "Witch"
 Supplement  The Story of Ho'ok (Thin Leather)
 Supplement—  How a Chief from Another "Great House"[en11] Enticed the Women from Casa Grande (Thin Leather)Supplement—  How a Chief from Another "Great House" Enticed the Women from Casa Grande (Thin Leather)
 collapse sectionPart 7—  Feather Braided Chief and the Gambler
 Story 10—  The Boy Gambler, The Man-Eagle, and the Origin of White Culture
 Story 11—  Origin of the Purification Ceremony and the Strengthening of Medicine Men
 Supplement  Story of the Gambler (Siviriano Garcia)
 collapse sectionPart 8—  Siuuhu's Death and Resurrection
 Story 12—  Siuuhu's Death and Resurrection
 Story 13—  Siuuhu's Journey Out
 Supplement  How Nooee Killed Ee-Ee-Toy (Thin Leather)
 Supplement  I'itoi is Killed (Dolores)
 collapse sectionPart 9—  The Conquest until Buzzard
 Story 14—  Siuuhu's Journey Back
 Story 15—  Siuuhu's Revenge:  Sofch Kah and the Water Crossing
 Story 16—  Siuuhu's Revenge:  Omens at Mesquite Vahki
 Story 17—  Siuuhu's Revenge:  Apaches
 Story 18—  Siuuhu's Revenge:  Jackrabbit Eaters
 Story 19—  Siuuhu's Revenge:  Buzzard
 Supplement  A Short Conquest (Dolores)
 Supplement  The Conquest (Hendricks)
 Supplement  The Capture of Buzzard (Hendricks)
 Supplement  The Capture of Buzzard (Thin Leather)
 collapse sectionPart 10—  The Conquest until Siwañ Wa'aki
 Story 20—  Siuuhu's Revenge:  Mescal Painted Chief
 Story 21—  Interlude:  Water Plume and Himmult
 Story 22—  Siuuhu's Revenge:  Hat Mountain Pause
 Story 23—  Siuuhu's Revenge:  Casa Grande Ruin
 Story 24—  Siuuhu's Revenge:  Yellow Soft Feather Plume
 Story 25—  Siuuhu's Revenge:  Siivan I Vahki
 Story 26—  Siuuhu's Revenge:  Downstream
 Story 27—  Siuuhu's Revenge:  Ocotillo Foundation House
 Story 28—  Siuuhu's Revenge:  Guadalupe and Pueblo Grande
 Story 29—  Interlude:  Arrows from the South
 Story 30—  Siuuhu's Revenge:  Sivern, his Box, and the Handsome Young Boy
 Supplement  Black Sinew Chief, his Basket, and Kokoñip (Thin Leather/Russell)
 Supplement  He Great Doctor's End (Thin Leather/Lloyd)
 collapse sectionPart 11—  After the Conquest
 Story 31—  Ending:  Big Mountain
 Story 32—  Ending:  First Grave
 Story 33—  Ending:  Raven and Geehoduk
 Story 34—  Ending:  Turkey Man
 Story 35—  Ending:  Defeat at the Ocean People
 Story 36—  End:  Stop the War, Split the Water, Depart the God
 Supplement  The Old Woman's Death (Hendricks)
  Conclusion—  Mythologies

  Appendix—  Correlation of Conquests in Thin Leather and Smith-Allison
 collapse sectionNotes
 Part 0— Prelude, the Font Text
 Part 1— Genesis
 Part 2— The Flood
 Part 3— New Creation and Corn
 Part 4— The Whore
 Part 5— Origin of Wine and Irrigation
 Part 6— Morning Green Chief and the Witch
 Part 7— Feather Braided Chief and the Gambler
 Part 8— Siuuhu's Death and Resurrection
 Part 9— The Conquest until Buzzard
 Part 10— The Conquest until Siwañ Wa'aki
 Part 11— After the Conquest
 collapse sectionIndex

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