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African-centered world histories, 296 n15

Africans, origin of, 11 , 167

Agave cactus, 322 n2


abnormalities in, 56 , 67

brevity of Hohokam mythic history, 2 , 3 , 5 , 6 , 11 , 38 , 298 n5

premature, 93

youthfulness of Siuuhu, 11 , 282

Ak Chin (village), 257 c

Alaska Native Language Center, 294 n10

Algae, in creation, 59

Allison, William, 1 , 12 , 14 –16, 26 –28, 111

American churches, established and tribal, 18 –24, 296 n18

Anger, origin of, 86 , 87


created by First Born, 59

created by God (New English Bible), 64 –65

created by Hohokam, 321 n18

dream visitations by, 251 c

First Born's changing of, 61

human-like, 42

mythic loss of human aspect, 42

purpose of fear in, 114 c

talking, 39

use by medicine men, 321 n20

Ants, creation of and by, 54 , 303 n5


creation of, 41

era of, 235 –236

first people to talk, 80

friendship with the Pimas, 277

killing of, 217

killing of Kokoñip by, 235 , 236

raids by, 36

wars with, 11 , 170 –171, 276 –277

wickedness of, 112


pre-European interest of, 284

quantifying interest of, 5

Arrow, power of, 274

Arrowhead making, dream sign about, 82

Ashes Hill, 278 , 325 n5

Autobiography, Native American, 291 n1

Aztec mythology, 298 –99n6

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