Papago country, 134
Papago Indian Religion (Under-hill), 305 n6
Papago Music (Densmore), 307 n6
Papago territorial group, 4
as spirit destination, 93 c
stories of loss of, 42 –43, 316 n1
Parental duties, commandment concerning, 122 , 157
versus creation, 45 , 68 , 75 –77, 111 –112, 137 –141, 181 –182, 311 –312nn1, 2, 3. See also Sexual relations
language of, 69 –70, 70 c, 130 , 215 , 302 –303n4, 308 –309n12
obedience to, 114
responsibilities of, 115 c
creation from Ha-ak's blood, 149 –150
creation of from sky-fallen lizard, 138 , 139 , 147
Patolli (game), 307 n7
Peace, period of, 134
Peacock tail hats, 218
Pearl of Great Price, The , 21
See also Humans; Man
creation of first, 54 –55
formation from clay, 78 –79
petrified, 303 n8
Personal accounts, 3
Peyote Meeting, 23
Peyote Religion, The (Stewart), 23 , 24
Philandering, crime of, 67 , 68
Picacho, 147
"Pima Creation Myth" (Hayden), 26
"Pima Creation Myth" (Russell), 26
Pima language
first writing of, 33
orthography and pronunciation of, 28 –29
Pima mythology, physicality of, 68
creation of, 41
identification of, 291 n2
levels of text among, 25
literature of, 24 –26
riverine versus desert adaptations of, 309 –310n2
sacraments among, 18
Pima-Papago mythology physicality of, 68
relationship to history, 281
single narrators of, 282
fighting among, 112 c
first ancestor of, 47
as first to plant, 81
relationship to Hohokam, 1 –2, 10
Upper and Lower, 297 n2
Pima territorial group, 4
Pima-to-Pima conquest, 37
Pinion feathers, 105
Pinole, drinking of, 160
Pioneer period, 10 , 292 –293n7
by ancient Pimas, 81
care in, 127 c
Plant-persons, 76
creation by First Born, 59
creation of (New English Bible), 63
"Platform mounds," 292 n6
Population, increase in, 56
Popul Vuh (mythology), 294 n10
Post-Hohokam era, beginning of, 236
Postkilling purification, 174
See also Wetness and dryness
of blue deer, 254
of Buzzard, 41 –42, 204 , 315 nn13, 14, 15, 318 n2
of siwañs, 41 –42, 205 , 322 n4
symbolism of, 31
Pregnancy, shortening of, 67 , 69
Pre-Hohokam period, 282
consequences of, 114 c
origin of, 112
Procreation. See Parenthood; Sexual relations
Proof, and myth, 8
Prose, 25
and memorization, 24 –25
narrative versus commentary, 28
Prostitute. See Whore
Protest song poetry, 309 n4
Puberty ceremonies, 180 , 196 , 316 n2, 321 –322n21
Pueblo Grande (ancient place and ruin), 15 , 125 , 252 , 253
Pueblo Indian farming songs, 307 n6
planting of, 104
return of, 99 –100
Pumpkin seeds, as a symbol of marriage, 83