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capture of Noo-ee by, 232 –233

death of, 166 –167

killing by Siuuhu, 154 , 155

killing of, 149

people with the power of, 223

transformation of a young man into, 153 , 160 , 312 n2

warrior purification and, 313 n1

Eagle Mountain, 108


circularity of, 305 n2

connection to the heavens, 47

creation of, 11 , 45

creation of (Dolores), 58 –62

creation of (New English Bible), 63

creation of (Thin Leather), 53 –58

Jeoss's creation of, 46

plasma, 303 n5

spinning of, 80 , 161 , 305 n2

Earth Doctor, 45 , 46

as an aid to Siuuhu, 208

cane songs of, 71 –72

contrasted with God, 302 n2

creation by, 55 , 68

creation of Buzzard by, 51 –52

creation of oil by, 80

creation of underworld people by, 317 n6

difference from God, 302 n2

as the first person, 53

as a flood survivor, 67 , 72

as a purifier, 156

role in original people's escape, 75

rule for women of, 53

shrinking of the ocean by, 212

spitting of sickness by, 79

Earth Medicine Man, 45 n. See also Earth Doctor

Earth Medicine Man songs, 59 , 299 –301nn3, 4

Earthquake Doctor, 261

Earth Shaman, 45 n. See Earth Doctor

Earth surface chiefs, 227

Ee-ee-toy, 58 , 135 .

See also Siuuhu

killing of, 190 –195

scalping of Noo-ee by, 232 –233

Ejaculation god, 77

El Bebedor, 38 , 298 –299n6. See also Siuuhu

Elder Brother, 58 .

See also Siuuhu

killing of Ha-ak by, 149

naming of mountains by, 230 –231

purification of, 176 –177

tempting of girls by, 190


Emergence, place of, 322 n23, 325 n5

Emigration theories, 9

Empiricism, about oral histories, 2 , 7 –9

"Ending: Big Mountain," 263 –264

"Ending: Defeat at the Ocean People," 269 –272

"Ending: First Grave," 264 –267

"Ending: Raven and Geehoduk," 267 –268

"Ending: Stop the War, Split the Water, Depart the God," 272 –278

"Ending: Turkey Man," 268 –269

Estrella subphase, 292 –293n7

Europe, in Smith-Allison text, 319 nn9, 10

Evers, Larry, 307 n6

Evil, selfishness as, 252 c. See also Wickedness

Evil spirit, in woman, 53

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