Preferred Citation: Ekman, Richard, and Richard E. Quandt, editors Technology and Scholarly Communication. Berkeley, Calif Pittsburgh?]:  University of California Press Published in association with the Andrew K. Mellon Foundation,  c1999 1999.



OCLC. See Online Computer Library Center

Odlyzko, Andrew, 405 , 407

O'Donnell, Michael, 97 , 98

offset printing, 42

Ohio LINK, 115 , 267 -68, 270

Okerson, Ann S., 312

Olesko, Brian M., 311

Online Books Evaluation Project (Columbia University), 282 -83, 302 -3

book formats, 298 -302

conceptual framework, 283

contemporary books in on-line collection, 305 -8

location of on-line book use, 296 -97

methodology, 284 -85

nonreference books, 288 -96

on-line books collection, 283 -84

on-line resources, access to, 297

reference books, 286 -87

Online Clinical Trials,121

Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)

cataloging system, 267

CORE project, 355 , 357

as electronic agent, 121 , 125 , 127

Electronic Journals Online, 153

FirstSearch, 232

on-screen display, benchmarking for, 45 -50


Opentext, 33

optical character recognition (OCR), 32 ,209

Oracle, 20

Orlando Project, 28 -29, 33

Ovid, 125

Owen, Elizabeth, 75

ownership, versus consortial access, 223 -24, 246 -47

econometric analysis, 240 -46

financial analysis, 231 -40

strategy, 229 -31

Oxford English Dictionary, The,29 , 286 , 287 , 297 , 300 , 302

Oxford University, Canterbury Tales project, 352

Oxford University Press, 288 , 296 , 297 , 396 -97


Preferred Citation: Ekman, Richard, and Richard E. Quandt, editors Technology and Scholarly Communication. Berkeley, Calif Pittsburgh?]:  University of California Press Published in association with the Andrew K. Mellon Foundation,  c1999 1999.