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Chapter 9— Electronic Publishing Is Cheaper

1. Marie Hansen, ''Pricing Issues for Electronic Journals," unpublished, 1996. [BACK]

2. Piracy is a real threat. According to the Software Publishers Association, about $13 billion in sales was lost due to piracy in 1996. See the SPA home page against piracy: [BACK]

3. Adorno, Minima Moralia, translated by E. F. N. Jephcott (London: New Left Books, 1974), section 30. [BACK]

4. The Gazette (Johns Hopkins), February 24, 1997, 9. [BACK]

5. Skeptics of electronic communication are not convinced that digitization will lead to Utopia with a spell checker. See, for example, Kurt Andersen, "The Digital Bubble: Waking Up from the New-Media Pipe Dream," New Yorker, January 19, 1998, 30. [BACK]

6. An article in Upside forecast that Internet customer services could save businesses 25% to 50% of the cost of traditional telephonic customer support (David Kline, "Reshaping the Way America Does Business," Upside Online, August 5, 1996). But in 1998, mailing lists carry alerts that the telephone companies are seeking ways to add new charges for Internet use. [BACK]

7. The size of the Web market has grown as rapidly as the Web itself. In 1997 CyberAtlas estimated between 5.8 million and 35 million users. The CyberAtlas estimate in October 1998 is 100 million users. See [BACK]

8. See, for instance, http://; and [BACK]

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