Washington University, 102
WebDOC, 111
Western Michigan University, 399
Whitaker, Martha, 149
William and Mary Quarterly, in JSTOR study, 178
Williams College, in JSTOR study, 178 , 180 , 182 -87, 191
Women Writers Project, Brown University, 23
WordPerfect, 56
word processing software, 103
WordStar, 56
Working Group on Intellectual Property Rights in the Electronic Environment, 58
working paper services, electronic, 115 -16
WorldCat, 232
World Wide Web (WWW)
and data storage and networks, 123
and digital libraries, 354 -55, 364 -65
creativity, 363 -64
information location, 362 -63
on-line journals, 355 -58
risks, 358 -60
university publishing, 360 -62
and electronic agents, 125
and electronic publishing, 102 , 103 -4, 164 (see also electronic publishing)
marketing on, 163 -64
pay-per-look services, 110 -12
publisher Web sites, 158
SGML Web pages, 25 -26
usage statistics, 400
See also electronic journals; electronic publishing; Internet; specific projects
World Wide Web Consortium, 27
World Wide Web Liblicense project, 65
Writing System Declaration, 24