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Lanham, Richard, 89

LaTeX, 96 , 97 , 98

Latour, Bruno, 377

legibility, 45 , 46

Lemberg, William Richard, 317

Liblicense project, 65

libraries, 417 , 418

consortial access versus ownership, 223 -24, 246 -47

econometric analysis, 240 -46

financial analysis, 231 -40

strategy, 229 -31

costs, 7 -8, 327 -31

capital, 317 -18

conventional, 117 -20

for digitalization, 161 -62

economies of scope, 114 , 115

electronic journals, 311 -13

JSTOR research on, 138 -39

operations, 313 -17

print journals and books, 309 -11

and electronic agents, 123 , 127

electronic content licensing environment, 53 -54

alternatives, 66 -67

awareness of, 58 -60

campus intranets, 108 , 109 -10, 125 -26

challenges of, 60 -64

origination of, 56 -58

positive aspects of, 64 -66

and end user purchasing, 149 -50

and scholarly communication system, 368 , 370


social functions of, 377

See also digital libraries; electronic journals; print journals; specific libraries and projects

library consortia. See libraries

Library Information Network of the Czech Academy of Science (LINCA), 207

licensing. See electronic content licensing

Los Alamos High Energy Physics Preprints, 66 , 104

Louisiana State University, 229

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