ABI/Inform, 230 , 232 , 233 , 235
academic community, and digital documents, 374 -78. See also scholarly communication
academic journals. See electronic journals; print journals
academic productivity. See productivity
Acrobat, 26
administrative control, and Scully Project's productivity, 79 -84
Acrobat Exchange, 274
Portable Document Format, 96 , 98 , 123 , 273 , 278 -79
Adonis, 227
Adorno, Theodor, 160
and network tracking, 373
revenues, from American Economic Association journals, 108
See also marketing
African American Women,286 , 287
aggregators, 62 -63, 65 , 326 -27
aliasing, 43
Alfa Informatica Group, 23
Allen, Brian, 75
Amazon Books, 202
American Association of Universities, scholarly publishing objectives, 255 , 257
American Chemical Society
and Ohio LINK, 268
American Economic Association (AEA), 169 -70
publishing costs, 105 -8
publishing revenue, 108 -9
campus license, 109 -10
economies of scope, 115
enhanced member services, 112 -13
pay-per-look, 110 -11
rents, 116
American Economic Review (AER), in JSTOR study, 178 , 185 , 191
American Historical Review, in JSTOR study, 178 , 187 , 191
American Institute of Physics, CD-ROM subscription options, 155
America Online (AOL), 122
Amos, Thomas, 349
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. See Mellon Foundation
Archival Finding Aid Project, 352
Armstrong, Arthur G., 374
ARTFL, 161
ArticleFirst, 232
Associated Colleges of the South (ACS), 230
libraries, 242
Association for Computational Linguistics, 23
Association for Computers and the Humanities, 23
Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing, 23
Association of American Publishers (AAP), 161 , 270
Association of Research Libraries (ARL)
library costs, 314 , 316 , 317
scholarly publishing objectives, 255 , 257
Astrophysical Journal, The,170 , 172
Astrophysical Journal Letters, The,173
AT&T Bell Labs, Red Sage experiment, 155
Author/Editor, 30
Autonomous Agents: From Self Control to Autonomy,289