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ABI/Inform, 230 , 232 , 233 , 235

academic community, and digital documents, 374 -78. See also scholarly communication

academic journals. See electronic journals; print journals

Academic Press, 115 , 268

academic productivity. See productivity

Acrobat, 26

administrative control, and Scully Project's productivity, 79 -84


Acrobat Exchange, 274

Portable Document Format, 96 , 98 , 123 , 273 , 278 -79

Adonis, 227

Adorno, Theodor, 160


and network tracking, 373

revenues, from American Economic Association journals, 108

See also marketing

African American Women,286 , 287

aggregators, 62 -63, 65 , 326 -27

aliasing, 43

Alfa Informatica Group, 23

Allen, Brian, 75

Amazon Books, 202

American Association of Universities, scholarly publishing objectives, 255 , 257

American Chemical Society

CORE project, 355 , 357

and Ohio LINK, 268

American Economic Association (AEA), 169 -70

publishing costs, 105 -8

publishing revenue, 108 -9

campus license, 109 -10

economies of scope, 115

enhanced member services, 112 -13

pay-per-look, 110 -11

rents, 116

American Economic Review (AER), in JSTOR study, 178 , 185 , 191

American Historical Review, in JSTOR study, 178 , 187 , 191

American Institute of Physics, CD-ROM subscription options, 155

America Online (AOL), 122

Amos, Thomas, 349

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. See Mellon Foundation

Archival Finding Aid Project, 352

Armstrong, Arthur G., 374

ARTFL, 161

ArticleFirst, 232

Associated Colleges of the South (ACS), 230

libraries, 242

Palladian Alliance, 231 , 235

Association for Computational Linguistics, 23

Association for Computers and the Humanities, 23


Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing, 23

Association of American Publishers (AAP), 161 , 270

Association of Research Libraries (ARL)

library costs, 314 , 316 , 317

and licensing, 59 , 65

scholarly publishing objectives, 255 , 257

Astrophysical Journal, The,170 , 172

Astrophysical Journal Letters, The,173

AT&T Bell Labs, Red Sage experiment, 155

Author/Editor, 30

Autonomous Agents: From Self Control to Autonomy,289


Bangs, Crunches, Whimpers, and Shrieks,289

Battin, Patricia, 309 , 331

Bellcore, 360

CORE project, 355 , 357

benchmarking. See digital benchmarking

BioMedNet, 155 -56

bitonal scanning, 44

books, on-line use of, 285 -86, 395

location of, 296 -97

nonreference, 288 -96

reference, 286 -87

by scholars, 297 -302

See also Online Books Evaluation Project

Boolean search, 376

Bowen, William G.

on JSTOR, 73

on library costs, 315 , 316 , 317

Braman, Sandra, 327 -28

Britannaca CD '98 Multimedia Edition,102 -3

Brown, John Seeley, and Paul Duguid, "The Social Life of Documents," 374 , 375

Brown University Women Writers Project, 23

Brueggeman, Peter, 310 -11

Brynjolfsson, Erik, 360 , 367 , 372

Bryn Mawr Classical Review (BMCR), 396 -98, 399

gopher reports, 195 -97

historical background, 195

overview, 201 -3

subscriber surveys, 197 -201

subscriptions, 197

Bryn Mawr College, in JSTOR study, 178 , 180 , 182 -87, 191

Bryn Mawr Commentaries,397

Bryn Mawr Medical Review (BMMR), 398 -99

gopher reports, 195 -97

historical background, 195

overview, 201 -3

subscriber surveys, 197 -201

subscriptions, 197

Bryn Mawr Reviews (BMR), 5 , 195

buildings, costs for, 119 -20


Cambridge University Press, 30 , 396 -97

campus intranets

and electronic agents, 125 -26

licensing for, 108 , 109 -10

See also digital libraries; libraries; specific colleges, projects, and universities

Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, 29

Canterbury Tales project, 352

Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education, 140 , 142 , 143

Case Western Reserve University (CWRU), consortial digital library, 258 -60

data collection, 267

delivery system, 260 -61

payments system, 266 -67

and publishers, 267 -71

Rights Manager system, 262 -66

Castells, Manuel, 314 , 329

CD-ROMs, 372

Britannica CD '98 Multimedia Edition,102

Chaucer's Wife of Bath's Prologue, 30

Journal of the American College of Cardiology,154

See also software

Center for Electronic Texts in the Humanities (CETH), 25

Chaucer Name Dictionary,286 , 287

Chemical Abstracts, CORE project, 355 , 357

chemical sciences, digital library for. See digital libraries, consortial

Chesnutt, David, 27

Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science (CJTCS), 95 , 96 , 101

background, 96 -98

publication costs, 98 -100

Chrzastowski, Tina E., 311

citation counts, 410 , 411

Clements, Patricia, 29

CNet, 285 , 286 , 287

color fidelity, 46

Columbia Granger's World of Poetry,286 , 287

Columbia University. See Online Books Evaluation Project

Columbia University Press, 288 , 297


Communications Decency Act, 375

computer monitors. See display benchmarking

computer programs. See CD-ROMs; software

Computing Systems (COSY), 98 , 99

Concise Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, The,286 , 287

Conference on Fair Use (CONFU), 58

consortial access, versus ownership, 223 -24, 246 -47

econometric analysis, 240 -46

financial analysis, 231 -40

strategy, 229 -31

consortial digital library, 258 -60

data collection, 267

delivery system, 260 -61

payments system, 266 -67

and publishers, 267 -71

Rights Manager system, 262 -66

consortial licensing, 59 , 63 -65. See also electronic content licensing; libraries

consortial pricing, 61 . See also pricing

Consortium of Consortia (COC), 59

ContentsFirst, 232

contracts. See electronic content licensing

conversion benchmarking, 41 -45

Cooper, Michael, on library costs, 138 , 316 , 317 , 405


electronic content licensing versus, 54 -56

and Internet, 373

in scholarly communication system, 368

See also Thesauron Project

Copyright Act (1976), 54 , 55 , 65

CORE project, 355 , 357

Cornell University

CORE project, 355 ,357

New York State Kodak Photo CD project, 45

See also digital benchmarking

costs, 7 -8, 12

electronic agents' effects on, 127

for electronic journals (see electronic journals; specific journals

for electronic licensing, 58

for electronic publishing, 105 -8, 158 -66, 168 -73

for Internet access, 159 -60, 161

for libraries (see libraries)

for print journals, 9 , 10 , 107 , 381 -84,404

for publishers, 105 -8

for SGML, 30 -33

See also pricing; specific projects

Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR), 65

Council on Library Resources/Commission on Preservation and Access, 59 , 315

credit cards, 372 , 373

customer service, for Project MUSE, 164

CWeb, 285 , 286 , 287

Czech and Slovak Library Information Network (CASLIN), 206 -19

Czech Republic. See Czech and Slovak Library Information Network

databases, 376

costs for, 119

and economies of scope, 115

electronic index, 125

integration, 124 -25, 126 -27

relational, 20

See also specific projects

data formats, 19 -21. See also specific types

data storage and networks, 121 -24, 126

dBASE, 20

debit cards, 372

Deliyannis, Deborah, 399

Denison University, in JSTOR study, 178 , 180 , 182 -87, 191

Dialog, 57

dictionary publishers, 29

digital benchmarking, 37 -41

for conversion, 41 -45

for display, 45 -50

digital documents, 366 -68

and academic community, 374 -78

and academic productivity, 371 -74

nontextual, 44 -45

structure of, 409 -10

See also digital benchmarking; electronic publishing; specific projects

digital imaging. See digital benchmarking; specific projects

digital libraries, 370 , 418

and academic community, 377

consortial, 258 -60, 271 -72

data collection, 267

delivery system, 260 -61

equipment standards for end users, 273 -74

hardware specifications, 275

payments system, 266 -67

and publishers, 267 -71

Rights Manager system, 262 -66

scanning and work flow, 277 -79


digital libraries (continued)

standards, 272 -73

system transactions for end users, 275 -77

technical justification for, 279 -81

and World Wide Web, 354 -55, 364 -65

creativity, 363 -64

information location, 362 -63

on-line journals, 355 -58

risks, 358 -60

university publishing, 360 -62

See also libraries

Digital Projects Lab (DPL), 100

Digital Scriptorium, 351

display benchmarking, 45 -50

distribution, electronic. See electronic agents; electronic journals; electronic publishing; libraries; publishers; specific journals, libraries, and publishers

documents. See digital documents; medieval manuscripts; nontextual documents

Document Type Definition (DTD)

and MARC, 352 , 353

and SGML, 22 -23, 28 , 29 , 32 , 34

and TEI, 23 , 24 , 29

Drucker, Peter, 314 , 366 -67

DTD. See Document Type Definition

Duke University, 104

Duke University Press, 390

DynaText, 33

DynaWeb, 33


EAD. See Encoded Archival Description

Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters Online,154 -55

EBSCO, 226 , 228


EconLit, 106 , 108

Econometrica, in JSTOR study, 178

economies of scope, 114 -16

Economist, 113

editorial costs

for American Economic Association, 106 -7

and electronic working paper services, 115 -16

Electronic Access to Medieval Manuscripts, 348 -53

electronic agents, 120 -21

database integration, 124 -25

storage and networks, 121 -24

strategy, 125 -28

electronic content licensing, 53 -54

for campus intranets, 108 , 109 -10, 125 -26

copyright versus, 54 -56

for CWRU/UA consortial digital library, 262 -65

under JSTOR, 139

for libraries

alternatives, 66 -67

awareness of, 58 -60

challenges of, 60 -64

origination of, 56 -58

positive aspects of, 64 -66

See also copyright; Thesauron Project

electronic journals

consortial access versus ownership, 223 -24, 246 -47

econometric analysis, 240 -46

financial analysis, 231 -40

strategy, 229 -31

costs, 9 -10, 380 -81

annual, per article read, 405

archiving, 405

filtering, 410 -13

"free" journals, 384 -88

production, 404

distribution, 146 , 407 -9

document structure, 409 -10

library costs, 311 -13

pricing, 146 -48, 224 -29

Elsevier Science, 150 -55, 156

end users, 148 -50

models, 61 , 319 -22

other publishers, 155 -56

reengineering production, 405 -7

and World Wide Web, 355 -58

See also electronic content licensing; electronic publishing; libraries; publishers; specific journals and publishers

electronic mail

hostile, 373 , 375 , 376 , 377

as productivity tool, 396

electronic publishing, 18 -19, 102 -3, 128 -29

costs, 105 -8, 158 -66, 168 -73

and electronic agents, 120 -21

database integration, 124 -25, 126 -27

data storage and networks, 121 -24, 126

strategy, 125 -28

future of, 9 -12

pricing models, 5 -9, 319 -22 (see also pricing)

revenue, 108 -9

campus license, 109 -10

economies of scope, 114 -16


enhanced member services, 112 -13

low-volume publications, 113 -14

pay-per-look, 110 -12

rents, 116 -17

and scholarship, 103 -5

and SGML, 27 -30

See also digital benchmarking; electronic content licensing; electronic journals; libraries; publishers; specific projects

electronic text, 19 -21. See also Document Type Definition; Encoded Archival Description; Extensible Markup Language; Hypertext Markup Language; Standard Generalized Markup Language; Text Encoding Initiative

electronic working paper services, 115 -16

Eleven Comprehensive Research Libraries of New York State, 45

Elsevier Electronic Subscriptions, 152 -53

Elsevier Science

Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters Online,154 -55

economies of scope, 115

Elsevier Electronic Subscriptions, 152 -53

GeneCOMBIS,154 -55

Immunology Today Online,153 -54

Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC), 154

and Ohio LINK, 268

pricing, 147 , 227 -28, 310 , 311

Pricing Electronic Access to Knowledge, 156

ScienceDirect,149 , 150

See also TULIP Project

Encoded Archival Description (EAD), 25 , 352

Encyclopedia Britannica,102 , 115 , 287

end users

digital library

equipment standards, 273 -74

system transactions, 275 -77

purchasing, 148 -50 (see also pricing)

See also usage

Engineering Information, Inc. (EI), 104 , 112

ERIC, 232

Extensible Markup Language (XML), 26 -27


Fair, Ray, 104

fair use, 264 -65, 369 , 370

FastDoc, 232

FirstSearch, 232

First Search Electronic Collections Online,121

flaming, 373 , 375 , 376 , 377


Gene, 154

GeneCOMBIS, 154 -55

genres, digital/technological, 375 -76

gift exchange, in scholarly communication system, 368 , 369

Ginsparg, Paul, 384

Ginsparg preprint server, 384 -85, 407

GPO Catalog, 232

Grove, Andy, 384

Guidelines for the Encoding and Interchange of Electronic Texts, 23


Hagel, John, III , 374

Hamaker, Chuck, 150

Hamilton, Richard, 397 , 398 -99

Hammer, Michael, 328 -29

Hansen, Marie, 159

hardware, 10 , 12 , 31 , 163 , 273 , 274 , 275

Harrassowitz, 310

Harvard University, Perseus Project, 23

Haverford College, in JSTOR study, 178 , 180 , 182 -87, 191

Hawkins, Brian, 310 , 331

Haworth, 240

Hellman, Eric, 387

Higher Education Grant Program, 33

High Wire Press, 66 , 67 , 153

Hill Monastic Manuscript Library (HMML), 348 , 349 , 350

Human Genome Project, 104


Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), 26 -27, 96 , 98 , 376


imaging. See digital benchmarking

Immunology Today Online,153 -54

index databases, 125

Index of Economic Articles in Journals,106

Information Access Company (IAC), 226 , 228 , 232

informational content, and conversion benchmarking, 41 -43

information-based productivity. See productivity

information bundlers, 65

information technology (IT), 2 -4, 12 . See also electronic journals; electronic publishing; specific projects

Info Trac, 232

INSO/EBT, 26 , 33


Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes, 348

Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), 57

institutional licensing. See electronic content licensing

Integrated History of Women's Writing in the British Isles, 29

intellectual property, and Rights Manager system, 262 . See also copyright; electronic content licensing; Thesauron Project

International Mathematics Research Notes (IMRN), 390


access costs, 159 -60, 161

copyright protection on, 373

disadvantages of, 159

and electronic agents, 125

and network congestion, 122

usage statistics, 400

See also electronic journals; electronic publishing; World Wide Web; specific projects


Jaffe, Carl, 78

Jefferson, Thomas, 55

Johns Hopkins University, campus intranet, 159 -60. See also Project MUSE

Johns Hopkins University Press, 113

Johnson, Rand, 399

Journal of American History, in JSTOR study, 178

Journal of Biological Chemistry,153

Journal of Contemporary Neurology (JCN), 95 -96, 98 , 100

Journal of Economic Literature (JEL), 106

Journal of Economic Perspectives (JEP), 106

Journal of Functional and Logic Programming (JFLP), 95 , 96 , 98

Journal of Modern History, in JSTOR study, 178

Journal of Political Economy, in JSTOR study, 178 , 185 , 187 , 191

Journal of Statistics Education (JSE), 113 -14

Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC), 154

journals, electronic and print. See electronic journals; print journals; specific journals

JSTOR, 127 , 161

Bowen on, 73

costs, 137 -38, 387 -88

economies of scope, 115

history, 133 -34

mission and services provided, 134 -36

pricing, 138 -43

study on, 177

discussion, 190 -92

goals, 179 -80

journal use in social sciences, 178 -79

method, 180 -82

results, 182 -89

system, 177 -78

viability, 136 -37


Kenney, Anne R., 135

King, Donald W., 404

Kingma, Bruce, 315

Klaus, Václav, "Science and our Economic Future," 219

Knight-Ridder CARL UnCover, 149

Koſice Library Information Network (KOLIN), 207


Lanham, Richard, 89

LaTeX, 96 , 97 , 98

Latour, Bruno, 377

legibility, 45 , 46

Lemberg, William Richard, 317

Liblicense project, 65

libraries, 417 , 418

consortial access versus ownership, 223 -24, 246 -47

econometric analysis, 240 -46

financial analysis, 231 -40

strategy, 229 -31

costs, 7 -8, 327 -31

capital, 317 -18

conventional, 117 -20

for digitalization, 161 -62

economies of scope, 114 , 115

electronic journals, 311 -13

JSTOR research on, 138 -39

operations, 313 -17

print journals and books, 309 -11

and electronic agents, 123 , 127

electronic content licensing environment, 53 -54

alternatives, 66 -67

awareness of, 58 -60

campus intranets, 108 , 109 -10, 125 -26

challenges of, 60 -64

origination of, 56 -58

positive aspects of, 64 -66

and end user purchasing, 149 -50

and scholarly communication system, 368 , 370


social functions of, 377

See also digital libraries; electronic journals; print journals; specific libraries and projects

library consortia. See libraries

Library Information Network of the Czech Academy of Science (LINCA), 207

licensing. See electronic content licensing

Los Alamos High Energy Physics Preprints, 66 , 104

Louisiana State University, 229


Machine-Readable Cataloging (MARC), 351 -52, 353

Mackie-Mason, Jeffrey, 156

mailing costs, for American Economic Association, 107

MARC, 24 , 272 , 351 , 352 , 353

market exchange, in scholarly communication system, 368 , 369


for electronic journals, 226 -27

and network tracking, 373

for Project MUSE, 163

on World Wide Web, 163 -64

Marmor, Max, 75

Masaryk University, 208

Massy, William, 314 -15

medieval manuscripts, and technical standards, 347 -53

Medline, 66 , 232

Meiklejohn, Alvin, 88

Mellon Foundation, 1 -2, 73 , 115 , 133 -34, 149 , 206 , 231 , 310

memberships. See subscriptions

memorization, and Scully Project, 77 -78

microfilming, 43 . See also digital benchmarking

Microsoft Access, 20

Miller, Mary E., 75

Millsaps, 235

MIT Information Systems, 98

MIT Libraries, 98

MIT Press

costs, 168 -69

electronic versus print journals, 95 -101

pricing models for journals, 112 , 128

Model Editions Partnership (MEP), 27 -28, 29 , 33

Moravian Library Information Network (MOLIN), 208

Moravian Regional Library, 206

Morino, Mario, 160 -61

multimedia, 376

MUSE. See Project MUSE

Mutual Aid Groups,295


National Information Infrastructure (NII), 55 , 58

National Library of the Czech Republic, and CASLIN, 206 , 207 , 208 , 209 , 212 , 215

Native American Women,286 , 287

Neal, James G., "The Use of Electronic Scholarly Journals," 250

Neural Computation (NC), 98 , 99 -100, 101

NewJour, 58

Newsletter on Serials Pricing Issues,223

New York State Kodak Photo CD project, 45


Noam, Eli, 359 -60

nontextual documents, 44 -45

Nordic Digital Research Institute, 45

North Carolina State University, Journal of Statistics Education,113 -14

NorthEast Research Libraries Consortium (NERL), 53

Nunberg, Geoffrey, 371 , 372


OCLC. See Online Computer Library Center

Odlyzko, Andrew, 405 , 407

O'Donnell, Michael, 97 , 98

offset printing, 42

Ohio LINK, 115 , 267 -68, 270

Okerson, Ann S., 312

Olesko, Brian M., 311

Online Books Evaluation Project (Columbia University), 282 -83, 302 -3

book formats, 298 -302

conceptual framework, 283

contemporary books in on-line collection, 305 -8

location of on-line book use, 296 -97

methodology, 284 -85

nonreference books, 288 -96

on-line books collection, 283 -84

on-line resources, access to, 297

reference books, 286 -87

Online Clinical Trials,121

Online Computer Library Center (OCLC)

cataloging system, 267

CORE project, 355 , 357

as electronic agent, 121 , 125 , 127

Electronic Journals Online, 153

FirstSearch, 232

on-screen display, benchmarking for, 45 -50


Opentext, 33

optical character recognition (OCR), 32 ,209

Oracle, 20

Orlando Project, 28 -29, 33

Ovid, 125

Owen, Elizabeth, 75

ownership, versus consortial access, 223 -24, 246 -47

econometric analysis, 240 -46

financial analysis, 231 -40

strategy, 229 -31

Oxford English Dictionary, The,29 , 286 , 287 , 297 , 300 , 302

Oxford University, Canterbury Tales project, 352

Oxford University Press, 288 , 296 , 297 , 396 -97


Pacific Journal of Mathematics, production costs, 413 -14

Palacký University, 208

Palladian Alliance, 231 , 235

Panorama, 25

PapersFirst, 232

Past Masters,288 , 292 , 297

pay-per-look services, 108 ,110 -12, 127 , 139 , 226 -27

PDF. See Portable Document Format

Pergamon, 310 , 311

Periodical Abstracts, 227 , 228 , 230 , 232 , 233

Perseus Project, 23

Philosophical Foundations of Social Work,295

Pitti, Daniel, 25

pixels. See display benchmarking

Portable Document Format (PDF), 96 , 98 , 123 , 273 , 278 -79

Postscript, 26 , 96 , 97 , 98

"prestige accounting," 337

pricing, 10 , 61

consortial access versus ownership, 223 -24, 246 -47

econometric analysis, 240 -46

financial analysis, 231 -40

strategy, 229 -31

for data network services, 122

for electronic journals, 146 -48, 224 -29 (see also specific journals )

Elsevier Science, 150 -55, 156

end users, 148 -50

models, 61 , 319 -22

other publishers, 155 -56

end user purchasing, 148 -50

foundations for, 5 -9

for print journals, 145 -46

transaction-based, 108 , 110 -12, 127 , 139 , 226 -27

See also costs; revenues; subscriptions; specific projects

Pricing Electronic Access to Knowledge (PEAK), 156

print books, 18

library costs for, 309 -11

versus on-line books, 289

print journals, 18

costs, 9 , 10 , 107 , 381 -84, 404

and economies of scope, 115

library costs for, 118 -19, 309 -11

parallel publishing electronically, 158 , 164 , 312 , 313 , 319 , 321 -22, 372 (see also electronic journals; electronic publishing)

pricing, 145 -46

subscriptions, 146 , 227

See also specific journals and publishers

ProceedingsFirst, 232

productivity, 11 , 73 -75

and digital documents, 371 -74

electronic mail as tool for, 396

in higher education, 87 -89, 375

and information technology, 2 -4

on-line information, 396

paradox of, 366 -67

See also Scully Project

productivity gains, 78 -79

administrative control of, 79 -84

reader control of, 85 -87

Project Gutenberg, 102 , 357

Project MUSE, 161

costs, 159 , 162 -63, 164 , 171

customer service, 164

economies of scope, 115

models of analysis and data from, 250 -58

pricing models, 321 , 322

sales, 324 , 326

subscriptions, 238 , 240

ProQuest Direct, 232 , 233

public service operations, costs for, 119

publishers, 418

consortial access versus ownership, 223 -24, 246 -47

econometric analysis, 240 -46

financial analysis, 231 -40

strategy, 229 -31

costs, 105 -8


dictionary, 29

and digital libraries, 267 -71

and electronic agents, 120 , 121 , 123 , 127

and electronic licensing, 59 , 60 , 61 -63, 65

nonprofit versus for-profit, 369 , 410

revenue, 108 -9

campus license, 109 -10

economies of scope, 114 -16

enhanced member services, 112 -13

low-volume publications, 113 -14

pay-per-look, 110 -12

for print journals, 382 , 383 -84

rents, 116 -17

subscription pricing for libraries, 311 -13

university presses, electronic publishing by, 318 -19, 327 -31 (see also specific universities )

costs, 322 -24

income, 324 -27

pricing models, 319 -22

Web sites, 158

See also electronic content licensing; electronic journals; electronic publishing; print journals; specific projects and publishers

Putnam, Robert, 377


Qualitative Research in Social Work,295

Quality Index (QI), 43 -44

Quarterly Journal of Economics, in JSTOR study, 178 , 187 , 191


readers. See subscriptions; usage

Red Sage experiment, 155

reengineering, of journal production, 405 -7

reference books, online usage of, 286 -87, 395

Regier, Willis G., 171

relational databases, 20

rents, 116 -17, 163


federal subsidies for, 369 -70, 371

methods, 11

See also specific projects

resolution. See digital benchmarking

resource management, and benchmarking, 41


Revelt, David, 406


for American Economic Association journals, 108 -9

campus license, 109 -10

economies of scope, 115

enhanced member services, 112 -13

pay-per-look, 110 -11

rents, 116

for print journals, 382 , 383 -84

for university presses' electronic products, 324 -27

See also pricing

Review of Economics and Statistics, in JSTOR study, 178 , 187 , 191

rhetorical forms, digital/technological, 376

Rights Manager, 262 -66, 267 , 270

Rise of the Network Society, The,314

RLG, WebDOC system, 111

Robinson, Peter, 30

Rutgers University, 164


Saint John's University, Hill Monastic Manuscript Library, 348 , 349 , 350

Saint Louis University, Vatican Film Library, 348 , 350

sales. See revenue

scalability, 60 -61


in CWRU/UA consortial digital library model, 261 , 266 , 267 , 268 , 277 -79

in JSTOR project, 135 , 137 -38

See also digital benchmarking

SCAN project, 321 , 322 -23, 324 -25, 334

scholarly communication, 417 -19

demand and supply, 403 -4

electronic, 103 -5

future of, 391 -92

incentives in, 388 -91

and SGML, 27 -30

system of, 368 -71

See also digital libraries; electronic content licensing; electronic journals; electronic publishing; libraries; print journals; publishers; specific projects and universities

scholars, use of on-line books, 297 -302. See also Online Books Evaluation Project

"Science and our Economic Future" (Klaus), 219

ScienceDirect,149 , 150

screen diplay, benchmarking for, 45 -50

Scully, Vincent. See Scully Project

Scully Project, 75 -78

administrative control of productivity gains, 79 -84

cost model for, 90 -91

reader control of productivity gains, 85 -87


Self Expressions: Mind, Morals, and the Meaning of Life,289

Serial Item and Contribution Identifier (SICI), 273

SGML. See Standard Generalized Markup Language

sgmls shareware program, 30

shrink-wrapped licenses, 56 , 57

SIAM Journal of Control and Optimization,360

SilverPlatter, 108 , 125

Simon and Schuster Higher Education, 288

Slovak National Library, 206 , 211

Slovak Republic. See Czech and Slovak Library Information Network

"Social Life of Documents, The" (Brown and Duguid), 374 , 375

social sciences, journal use in, 178 -79

social work books, on-line use of, 289 , 293 , 295 -96


costs of, 10 , 12

for digital library end users, 274

licensing of, 56 -57

limitations of, 17

as scholarship, 364

for SGML, 30 , 31

word processing, 103

See also CD-ROMs; specific programs

source documents, digital benchmarking for. See digital benchmarking

sp shareware program, 30

Spafford, Gene, 359

Speculum, in JSTOR study, 178

Sperberg-McQueen, C. Michael, 27


and Ohio LINK, 268

pricing, 310

Red Sage experiment, 155

Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), 21 -23, 171 -73, 351 , 352 , 353

applications of, 23 -26

costs, 30 -33

disadvantages of, 33 -34

effectiveness of, 33 -34

encoding, 22 , 31 , 33

and HTML and XML, 26 -27

and scholarly communication, 27 -30

tags, 30 , 33 , 34

Stanford University, HighWire Press, 66 , 67 , 153

Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics (SNDE), 96 , 98 , 99 , 100 , 128

subscription agents, 60 -61, 65

subscriptions, 66 , 226

to American Economic Association journals, 105 -6, 108

campus intranets, 109 -10

enhanced services, 112 -13

and electronic agents, 127

to electronic journals, 165 , 197 (see also electronic journals)

Elsevier Electronic Subscriptions program, 152 -53

faculty, 120

to low-volume publications, 113 -14

pricing, 311 -13, 319 -22

to print journals, 146 , 227

revenues, 325 -26

See also costs; digital libraries; electronic publishing; libraries; print journals; publishers; revenues; usage; specific journals and projects

subsidies, federal, to universities, 369 , 371

Supervision in Social Work,295

SVGA monitors, 47 , 48 , 49

Swarthmore College, in JSTOR study, 178 , 180 , 182 -87, 191

Szarmach, Paul, 399


Task Strategies,295

teaching methods, 11

TEILite, 32

Tenopir, Carol, 404

Text Encoding Initiative (TEI), 23 -25, 352

Thesauron Project, 337 -38, 342 -43

access, 339 -40, 343 -45

authenticity, 340 -41, 345

costs, 341 -42

deposits, 338 -39, 343

other applications, 341

tracking, 341 , 345 -46

TIFF, 273 , 278 -79

time-of-day pricing, 122

TinLib, 208

tonal reproduction, 45

traffic-based pricing, 122

transactional licensing, 66

transaction-based pricing, 108 , 110 -12, 127 , 139 , 226 -27

travel expenses, 163

Trinity University, 230 , 235 , 238

Tufts University, Perseus Project, 23

TULIP Project, 6 , 150 -52, 355


Union Catalogue, 206 , 207 , 211 , 218 . See also Czech and Slovak Library Information Network

University Libraries and Scholarly Communication,309 , 313 -14

University Library of Bratislava, 206

University Microfilms (UMI), 233 -35

ABI/Inform, 230 , 232 , 233 , 235

library subscriptions to, 238

Periodical Abstracts, 227 , 228 , 230 , 232 , 233

pricing, 242

University of Akron (UA), consortial digital library, 9 , 258 -60

data collection, 267

delivery system, 260 -61

payments system, 266 -67

and publishers, 267 -71

Rights Manager system, 262 -66

University of Arizona, 164

University of California (Berkeley)

Archival Finding Aid Project, 352

library operations costs, 315 -16, 317 , 318 , 324

University of California (San Francisco), Red Sage experiment, 155

University of California Press, electronic publishing, 318 -19

costs, 322 -24

income, 324 -27

pricing models, 319 -22

University of Chicago. See Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science

University of Chicago Press, 168 -73.

University of Illinois, 102 , 164

University of Michigan

in JSTOR study, 178 , 180 , 182 -87, 190 -91 (see also JSTOR)

and Pricing Electronic Access to Knowledge, 156

University of Pavel Josef Safárik (UPJS), 207

university presses

electronic publishing by, 318 -19, 327 -31

costs, 322 -24

income, 324 -27

pricing models, 319 -22

federal subsidies to, 369

Web sites of, 360 -62

See also specific university presses

Unshielded Twisted Pairs (UTPs), 159

usage, 8 -9, 10

consortial access versus ownership, 223 -24, 246 -47

econometric analysis, 240 -46

financial analysis, 231 -40

strategy, 229 -31

end user purchasing, 148 -50 (see also pricing)

at Johns Hopkins University, 159 -60

licensing and, 57 , 60 , 61 -62

of on-line books

location of, 296 -97

nonreference, 288 -96

reference, 286 -87

by scholars, 297 -302

transaction-based, 108 , 110 -12, 127 , 139 , 226 -27

through subscriptions, 66 , 67 (see also subscriptions)

unrestricted, 66 -67

See also electronic content licensing; electronic journals; electronic publishing; print journals; specific journals and projects


Van Alstyne, Marshall, 360

Vatican Film Library, 348 , 350


and benchmarking, 40 -41

and electronic licensing, 59 , 60 -61, 62

for index databases, 125

See also publishers; specific vendors

Videre: Journal of Computer Vision Research,96

Virginia Polytechnic Institute Scholarly Communications Project, 98

virtual community, 373 , 374 , 375 , 377

visual media, 376

visual memory training, and Scully Project, 77 -78


Washington University, 102

WebDOC, 111

Western Michigan University, 399

Whitaker, Martha, 149

William and Mary Quarterly, in JSTOR study, 178

Williams College, in JSTOR study, 178 , 180 , 182 -87, 191

Winn, Bill, 159 , 160

Women Writers Project, Brown University, 23

WordPerfect, 56

word processing software, 103

WordStar, 56

Working Group on Intellectual Property Rights in the Electronic Environment, 58

working paper services, electronic, 115 -16

WorldCat, 232


World Wide Web (WWW)

and data storage and networks, 123

and digital libraries, 354 -55, 364 -65

creativity, 363 -64

information location, 362 -63

on-line journals, 355 -58

risks, 358 -60

university publishing, 360 -62

and electronic agents, 125

and electronic publishing, 102 , 103 -4, 164 (see also electronic publishing)

marketing on, 163 -64

pay-per-look services, 110 -12

pornography on, 373 , 375

publisher Web sites, 158

SGML Web pages, 25 -26

usage statistics, 400

See also electronic journals; electronic publishing; Internet; specific projects

World Wide Web Consortium, 27

World Wide Web Liblicense project, 65

Wriston, Walter, 367 , 374

Writing System Declaration, 24


XML. See Extensible Markup Language


Yale University. See Scully Project

Yale University Library, 53 , 58 , 59 -60, 63 , 65


Zemsky, Robert, 314 -15

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