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Chapter 19— Licensing, Copyright, and Fair Use The Thesauron Project (Toward an ASCAP for Academics)
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1. Copyright Clearance Center ( ): currently licenses on behalf of over 9,200 publishers, representing hundreds of thousands of authors; collects usage information from meters (appears to be volume and billing rather than specific use) and reports to rights holders.

2. Technological devices: Clickshare ( ) operates across the Internet as an authentication and payment facilitator; can also provide user profiling and user-access verification services. Publishers maintain their own content on their own Internet server; the Clickshare software enables the provider to track and receive royalties from users who click on content pages; the publishers retain the copyrights.


1. Authors' Registry ( ): accounting system for paying royalties to registered authors for electronic media uses.


2. ASCAP ( ): collective on-line licensing for all copyrighted muscial works in ASCAP's repertory; four different rate schedules (on-line service providers select one).

3. Publication Rights Clearinghouse (National Writers' Union) ( ): rights to previously published articles by freelance writers sold to fax-for-fee database. PRC sets royalties and forwards to authors when articles used, minus 20% fee.

4. Corbis ( or ): licensing of digital images.

This project was developed by Jane C. Ginsburg, Morton L. Jankldow Professor of Literary and Artistic Property Law, Columbia University School of Law, in consultation with James Hoover, Professor of Law and Associate Dean for Library and Computer Services, Columbia University School of Law; Carol Mandel, Deputy University Librarian, Columbia University; David Millman, Manager, Academic Information Systems, Columbia University; and with research assistance from Deirdre von Dornum, Columbia University School of Law, class of 1997.

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Chapter 19— Licensing, Copyright, and Fair Use The Thesauron Project (Toward an ASCAP for Academics)
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