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Chapter 19— Licensing, Copyright, and Fair Use The Thesauron Project (Toward an ASCAP for Academics)
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Entry of Works

Deposits must be made by or under the authority of the author (if living) or successor in title (if dead); the depository will not accept submissions from unauthorized third parties.

Deposited works should be sent in HTML format.

Upon depositing, the author will supply information necessary to cataloging the work, including author name and the title of the work, and will categorize the work for the Thesauron catalog by selecting from LC classifications and sub-classifications supplied on menu screens (see also IIIC, infra).

Every work deposited in Thesauron will automatically receive an identifying


ISBN-type number ("Thesauron number"). The number will be communicated to each author upon deposit as well as maintained in the catalog.

Exit of Works

The author, upon submitting the work, may demand that it self-delete from the depository by a date selected. Any document so designated should bear a legend that indicates at what date it will no longer be included in the depository.

The author may also demand deletion from the depository at any time. The catalog (see IIIC, infra) will indicate the date that a work has been deleted and whether it has been replaced by an updated version. A morgue catalog will be established to keep a record of these deletions.

Terms and Conditions

With each deposit, a participating author who wishes to impose terms and conditions on use of the work may select from a menu of choices. These choices will include:

What kind of access to permit (e.g., browsing only)

What purpose (e.g., personal research but not library reserve or course packs)

Whether to charge for access, storage, or further reproductions

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Chapter 19— Licensing, Copyright, and Fair Use The Thesauron Project (Toward an ASCAP for Academics)
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