These preliminary results of the Online Book Evaluation Project suggest that, at this early point in its development, the on-line format is finding a place in the work patterns of scholars who have had an opportunity to try it.
Interviews and focus groups substantiate the findings from the server data and surveys. Together they suggest the following about scholars' reactions to the online format:
• It is a convenient way to access information in reference books and potentially to do textual analyses in individual books or whole databases like the OED.
• Using a search function, one can quickly determine if a book or set of books addresses a topic of interest and warrants further investigation.
• It is an easy way to browse through a book to determine whether it is worth deeper exploration or whether only a small section is pertinent to one's work. If the latter is the case, it is as easy to print out that small section of the on-line book as it is to take the typical next step of photocopying that section of the paper book.
• A scholar who wants to read and annotate only a modest section of a book, say a chapter or an essay for a course assignment, will find that accessing and printing out the section from the on-line book can be quicker than doing the equivalent with a library copy of the paper book.
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TABLE 17.12. CWeb On-line Survey: Quality & Productivity, September 1996-June 1997 | Productivity | Quality of Work | | Cannot say | Better paper | No difference | Better on-line | Cannot say | 8 | 0 | 2 | 0 | Better paper | 3 | 27 | 5 | 1 | No difference | 0 | 1 | 4 | 0 | Better on-line | 0 | 9 | 15 | 12 | |
• Ready access from any location at any hour and not worrying about whether the book sought is on the library shelf are valued features of the on-line format.
On the other hand, if scholars want to read much or all of a book, they are likely to prefer the traditional format. If the book is core to their research or to a course, scholars are likely to prefer to own a copy. If they cannot afford such a copy, if the book is of more passing interest, or if they cannot obtain a print copy, scholars would typically prefer to retain a library copy for the duration of their interest in the book. If they cannot do so, say because the book is on reserve, scholars must decide among their options, e.g., buying their own copy or using an on-line copy, and decide which option is next preferred.
Over the duration of this project, we will continue to add books to the on-line collection and to pursue our explorations of scholars' reactions to this format. We will look for trends in the perceived accessibility of on-line books and in the desirability of this format for various uses. We will seek to measure the frequency with which scholars read such substantial portions of books borrowed from libraries that they will continue to seek library access to paper copies. In a related effort, we will assess the extent to which libraries now satisfy scholars' desires for access to such copies. If a library did not have a book in its collection in print format but did offer on-line access, a scholar would face a different trade-off between the two formats.
At the same time we will pursue our analyses of the cost and intellectual property issues involved in scholarly communication in an effort to determine whether the on-line book format can contribute to the perpetuation of research and learning and to the dissemination and preservation of knowledge.
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APPENDIX A . Contemporary Books in the On-line Collection | Publisher/Title | Author | Subject | Print Status | Month Public | Columbia University Press | Great Paleozoic Crisis | Erwin | Earth Science | Circulating | 6/97 | Seismosaurus: The Earth Shaker | Gillette | Earth Science | Circulating | 10/96 | Invasions of the Land | Gordon | Earth Science | Circulating | 6/97 | Folding of Viscous Layersa | Johnson | Earth Science | Circulating | | Dinosaur Tracks & Other Fossil Footprintsa | Lockley | Earth Science | Circulating | | Sedimentographica: Photographic Atlas | Ricci-Lucchi | Earth Science | Circulating | 1/97 | Development of Biological Systematicsa | Stevens | Earth Science | Circulating | | Consuming Subjectsa | Kowaleski | Economic History | Circulating | | Jordan's Inter-Arab Relations | Brand | Internat'l Relations | Reserves | 3/97 | Managing Indonesia | Bresnan | Internat'l Relations | Reserves | 3/97 | Logic of Anarchy a | Buzan | Internat'l Relations | Reserves | | Hemmed In: Responses to Africa's ... | Callaghy | Internat'l Relations | Reserves | 3/97 | China's Road to the Korean Wara | Chen | Internat'l Relations | Circulating | | Culture of National Securitya | Katzenstein | Internat'l Relations | Reserves | | International Relations Theory & the End of the Cold Wara | Lebow | Internat'l Relations | Circulating | | The Cold War on the Peripherya | McMahon | Internat'l Relations | Circulating | | Losing Control: Sovereignty ...a | Sassen | Internat'l Relations | Circulating | | Gender In International Relations | Tickner | Internat'l Relations | Reserves Circulating | 11/96 | The Inhuman Race a | Cassuto | Literary Criticism | Circulating | | Rethinking Class: Literary Studies ...a | Dimock | Literary Criticism | Circulating | | The Blue-Eyed Tarokajaa | Keene | Literary Criticism | Circulating | | Ecological Literary Criticisma | Kroeber | Literary Criticism | Circulating | | Parables of Possibilitya | Martin | Literary Criticism | Circulating | | The Text and the Voicea | Portelli | Literary Criticism | Circulating | | At Emerson's Tomba | Rowe | Literary Criticism | Circulating | | Extraordinary Bodies: Figuring Physical ...a | Thomson | Literary Criticism | Circulating | | What Else But Love? The Ordeal of Race ...a | Weinstein | Literary Criticism | Circulating | | Columbia Granger's Index to Poetry | Granger | Poetry | Ref.Desk | 10/94 | |
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APPENDIX A . (continued) | Publisher/Title | Author | Subject | Print Status | Month Public | Ozone Discourses | Liftin | Political Science | Reserves | 1/97 | Concise Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia | | Reference | Ref.Desk | 3/91 | Hierarchy Theory a | Ahl | Science | Circulating | | Refiguring Life: Metaphors of 20th Century ...a | Keller | Science | Circulating | | The Molecular Biology of Gaiaa | Williams | Science | Circulating | | Sampling the Green Worlda | Stuessy | Science | Circulating | | The Illusion of Lovea | Celani | Social Work | Circulating | | Mutual Aid Groups, Vulnerable Populations, & the Life Cycle | Gitterman | Social Work | Reserves | 11/96 | Supervision in Social Work | Kadushin | Social Work | Reserves | 9/96 | Eating Disorders: New Directionsa | Kinoy | Social Work | Circulating | | From Father's Property to Children's Rightsa | Mason | Social Work | Circulating | | Handbook of Gerontological Services | Monk | Social Work | Reserves | 9/96 | Turning Promises Into Performance | Nathan | Social Work | Circulating | 9/96 | Philosophical Foundations of Social Work | Reamer | Social Work | Reserves Circulating | 9/96 | Task Strategies: An Empirical Approach | Reid | Social Work | Reserves | 9/96 | Experiencing HIV a | Sears | Social Work | Circulating | | Qualitative Research In Social Work | Sherman | Social Work | Reserves | 1/97 | The Empowerment Tradition in Americaa | Simon | Social Work | Circulating | | Garland Publishing | | | | | Native American Women | Bataille | Biography | Reference | 1/97 | African American Women | Salem | Biography | Reference | 1/97 | Chaucer Name Dictionary | de Weever | English Literature | Reference | 12/96 | Oxford University Press | | | | | Oxford English Dictionary | | Language | Reference | 9/96 | Postcards from the Trenches:...b | Booth | Literary Criticism | Circulating | | The Erotics of Talkb | Kaplan | Literary Criticism | Circulating | | |
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APPENDIX A . (continued) | Publisher/Title | Author | Subject | Print Status | Month Public | "Littery Man": Mark Twain ... | Lowrey | Literary Criticism | Circulating | 11/96 | Children's Literature & Critical Theory | May | Literary Criticism | Circulating | 11/96 | Poetics of Fascism | Morrison | Literary Criticism | Circulating | 10/96 | Novel & Globalization of Culture | Moses | Literary Criticism | Circulating | 11/96 | Modernisation & the Theater of Censorship | Parkes | Literary Criticism | Circulating | 6/97 | Romances of the Republicb | Samuels | Literary Criticism | Circulating | | Majestic Indolence: English Romantic Poetry ... | Spiegelman | Literary Criticism | Circulating | 1/97 | Making Mortal Choices:... Moral Casuistryb | Bedau | Philosophy | Circulating | | Morality, Normativity, & Society | Copp | Philosophy | Circulating | 10/97 | Free Public Reason: Making It Up ... | D'Agostino | Philosophy | Circulating | 10/96 | Metaphilosophy and Free Willb | Double | Philosophy | Circulating | | Bangs, Crunches, Whimpers, & Shrieks | Earman | Philosophy | Circulating | 10/96 | Causation and Persistence: A Theory ...b | Ehring | Philosophy | Circulating | | Self Expression: Mind, Morals, & Meaning ... | Flanagan | Philosophy | Circulating | 10/96 | Logic of Reliable Inquiry | Kelly | Philosophy | Circulating | 10/96 | Philosophy of Mathematics & Mathematical Practice In the 17 th Century | Mancosu | Philosophy | Circulating | 10/96 | Moral Dilemmas & Moral Theoryb | Mason | Philosophy | Circulating | | Autonomous Agents: From Self Control ... | Mele | Philosophy | Circulating | 10/96 | Other Minds: Critical Essays | Nagel | Philosophy | Circulating | 10/96 | The Last Word b | Nagel | Philosophy | Circulating | | Law & Truth | Patterson | Philosophy | Circulating | 11/96 | Nietzsche's System | Richardson | Philosophy | Circulating | 10/96 | Freedom & Moral Sentiment | Russel | Philosophy | Circulating | 10/96 | Living High and Letting Dieb | Unger | Philosophy | Circulating | | The Human Animal b | Weston | Philosophy | not in yet | | Real Rights | Wellman | Philosophy | Circulating | 10/96 | |
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APPENDIX A . (continued) | Publisher/Title | Author | Subject | Print Status | Month Public | Simon & Schuster Higher Education | Bond Markets bc | Fabozzi | Business | Reserves | | Marketing Managementbc | Kotler | Business | Reserves | | Statistics for Business & Economicsb | Newbold | Business | Reserves | | Investments b | Sharp | Business | Reserves | | Financial Market Rates & Flowsb | Van Horne | Business | Reserves | | Politics & the Media | Davis | Political Science | Reserves | 4/97 | Public Policy Analysisb | Dunn | Political Science | Reserves | | International Politics | Holsti | Political Science | Reserves | 1/97 | a Permission has been received, but the book is not yet on-line. | b Book is not yet on-line. | c A new edition has been issued for which we need the electronic file. | |