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Scan-and-Store Process Resources

• Scanning workstation, including a computer with sufficient processing and storage capacity, a scanner, and a network connection. Optionally, a second workstation can be used by the scanning supervisor to process the scanned images. The workstation used in this phase of the project includes:

-Minolta PS-3000 Digital Planetary Scanner

-Two computers with Pentium 200 MHz CPU, 64 MB RAM, 4 GB HD, 21" monitor

-Windows 3.11 OS (required by other software)

-Minolta Epic 3000 scanner software

-Adobe Acrobat Capture, Exchange, and Distiller software

-Image Alchemy software

-Network interface cards and TCP/IP software for campus network access

• Scanner operator(s), typically student assistants, with training roughly equivalent to that required for interlibrary loan photocopying. Approximately 8 hours of operator labor will be required to process the average 800 pages per day capacity of a single scanning workstation.


• Scanning supervisor, typically a librarian or full-time staff, with training in image quality control, indexing, and cataloging, and in operation of image processing software. Approximately 3 hours of supervisor labor will be required to process 800 scanned pages per day.

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Chapter 16— A New Consortial Model for Building Digital Libraries
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