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Abbreviations Used in Notes and Bibliography



Archivo Arquidiocesano, Caracas


Archivo de la Academia Nacional de la Historia, Caracas


Actas del Cabildo de Caracas , 12 vols. (Caracas, 1943–1975).


Archivo del Consejo Municipal de Distrito Federal, Caracas


Archivo General de Indias, Seville


Archivo General de la Nación, Caracas


Archivo del Registro Principal de Caracas

The history of early Venezuela remains among the least studied of Spain's American colonies. The city and province of Caracas are better known than the rest of the region comprised by the modern Venezuelan nation, yet here too historians have shown only modest interest. Therefore the present study necessarily relies principally on unpublished materials. The manuscript documents cited in this book are housed in the following archives: in Caracas, the Archivo del Registro Principal de Caracas; the Archivo de la Academia Nacional de la Historia; the Archivo General de la Nación; the Archivo de Consejo Municipal del Distrito Federal; the Archivo Arquidiocesano; and the Sección Libros Raros y Antiguos of the Biblioteca Nacional. In Spain, the Archivo General de Indias was also consulted extensively.

The Archivo del Registro Principal de Caracas is the depository where most of the unwritten past of colonial Caracas, both town and province, awaits discovery. There are four important colonial collections in this archive. The section Escribanías contains notary records that are complete from 1595 through most of the nineteenth century. Wills and estate inventories are located in Testamentarías , but these


records often include most useful inheritance cases tried at law and the division of estates. The ledgers used for the analyses of the wheat estancia and cacao haciendas in chapter 3 and the Piñate cacao haciendas in chapter 4 were found attached to Testamentarías wills. Tierras contains documents from the early seventeenth century pertaining to cases brought to law over property and water rights. None of the collections in the Registro Principal has a serviceable index, but, with the exception of Civiles , they are arranged in chronological order and, if the researcher has physical access to the stacks, they can be consulted with reasonable efficiency. This is not the case with Civiles , a section that comprises a vast quantity of materials, much of which is contained in black cardboard cartons identified only as Cajas Negras . These documents treat for the most part a wide variety of legal cases, many of them judged originally by the cabildo's alcaldes ordinarios, but the section is in general disorder and it has almost never been consulted by historians.

The Archivo de la Academia Nacional de la Historia has a useful collection of copies of documents pertaining to Caracas, Traslados , the originals of which are in the Archivo General de las Indias, Seville. Other sections utilized in this study are: Fundadores de Caracas, Caracas , and Misiones de Capuchinos . The continuing series of monographs and document collections published by the National Academy, the Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia, has made a most important contribution to the study of colonial Venezuela. The volumes of this series used in this study are listed in the appropriate section of this bibliography.

The Archivo General de la Nación is the principal historical archive in Venezuela. Especially useful were the sections Encomiendas, Real Hacienda , and Diversos . In the Archivo Arquidiocesano I consulted the sections Episcopales , which is arranged in chronological order by bishop, Obras pías , and Matrimoniales , in which are recorded many of the dispensations given by the Church to allow cousins to marry. Several manuscripts from the colonial period are to be found in the Sección Libros Raros y Antiguos of the Biblioteca Nacional, including the important household census, "Matrículas de las parróquias de Caracas y demás pueblos de su diócesis, 1759." Finally, the archive of the Consejo Municipal de Distrito Federal has the manuscript of the records of the town council. These have been published through the year 1668; thereafter they


must be consulted in the Consejo archive, and this collection is referred to in the notes as Archivo del Consejo Municipal (ACM), Actas del Cabildo, Originales.

In the Archivo General de Indias, Seville, important material was located in the following sections: Santo Domingo, Caracas, Santa Fe, and Contaduría.

The following are the articles, books, and published documents cited in the text and the notes.

Acosta Saignes, Miguel. Vida de los esclavos negros en Venezuela. Caracas: Hespérides, 1967.

Actas del cabildo de Caracas. 12 vols. Caracas: Tipografía Vargas, 1943-1975.

Actas del cabildo eclesiástico de Caracas. 2 vols. Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia, nos. 65-66. Caracas: Italgráfica, 1965.

Amezaga Aresti, Vicente de. Hombres de Compañía Guipuzcoana. Colección histórico-económica venezolana, vol. 9. Caracas: Banco Central de Venezuela, 1963.

Arcila Farías, Eduardo. Economía colonial de Venezuela. 2 vols. Caracas: Italgráfica, 1973; Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1946.

———. El régimen de la encomienda en Venezuela. Seville: Escuela de Estudios Hispano-Americanos, 1957.

———. Comercio entre Venezuela y México en los siglos xvii y xviii. Mexico City: El Colegio de México, 1950.

------et al., eds. and comps. La obra pía de Chuao, 1568-1825. Universidad Central de Venezuela. Caracas: Imprenta Universitaria, 1968.

Bakewell, Peter J. Silver Mining and Society in Colonial Mexico: Zacatecas, 1546-1700. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971.

Blank, Stephanie. "Patrons, Clients, and Kin in Seventeenth-Century Caracas: A Methodological Essay in Spanish American Social History." Hispanic American Historical Review 54 (1974): 260-283.

———. "Societal Integration and Social Stability in a Colonial Spanish American City, Caracas 1595-1627." Ph.D. diss., University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1971.

Borges, Analola. La casa de Austria en Venezuela durante la guerra de sucesión española (1702-1715). Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Goya Artes Gráficas, 1963.

———. Alvarez Abreu y su extraordinaria misión en Indias. Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Goya Artes Gráficas, 1963.

———. Isleños en Venezuela: La gobernación de Ponte y Hoyo. Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Goya Artes Gráficas, 1960.


Boyd-Bowman, Peter. "Patterns in Spanish Emigration to the Indies, 1579-1600." The Americas 33 (1976): 78-95.

Brading, David A. "Bourbon Spain and Its American Empire." In The Cambridge History of Latin America , vol. 1, ed. Leslie Bethell, 384-439. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1984.

Braudel, Fernand, and F. Spooner. "Prices in Europe from 1450 to 1750." In The Cambridge Economic History of Europe , vol. 4, ed. E. E. Rich and C. H. Wilson,, chap. 7. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1967.

———. The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II. 2 Vols. New York: Harper & Row, 1972.

Briceño-Iragorry, Mario, ed. Orígenes de la hacienda en Venezuela (documentos inéditos de la época colonial ). Caracas: Imprenta Nacional, 1942.

Bronner, Fred. "Urban Society in Colonial Spanish America: Research Trends." Latin American Research Review 21 (1986): 3-72.

Burkholder, Mark A., and D. S. Chandler. Biographical Dictionary of Audiencia Ministers in the Americas, 1687-1821. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1982.

Campillo y Cosio, José. Nuevo sistema de gobierno económico para la América. [1743]. Madrid: Imprenta de B. Cano, 1789.

Capriles, Alejandro Mario. Coronas de Castilla en Venezuela. Madrid: Gráficas Orbe, 1967.

Castillo Lara, Lucas Guillermo. Materiales para la historia provincial de Aragua. Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia, no. 128. Caracas: Italgráfica, 1977.

———. Las acciones militares del gobernador Ruy Fernández de Fuenmayor (1637-1644). Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia, no. 134. Caracas: Italgráfica, 1978.

———. Apuntes para la historia colonial de Barlovento. Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia, no. 151. Caracas: Italgráfica, 1981.

———. La aventura fundacional de los isleños. Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia, no. 163. Caracas: Italgráfica, 1983.

Cedularios de la monarquiá española de Margarita, Nueva Andalucia y Caracas (1553-1604). 8 vols. Enrique Otte, comp. Caracas, 1959-1967.

Chardon, Roland. "The Elusive Spanish League: A Problem of Measurement in Sixteenth-Century New Spain." Hispanic American Historical Review 60 (1980): 294-302.

Chaunu, Pierre. Séville et l'Amerique: XVI-XVIIe siècle. Paris: A. Colin, 1977.

Chaunu, Huguette, and Pierre Chaunu. Séville et l'Atlantique (1504-1650). 8 vols. Paris: A. Colin, 1955-1958.

Cisneros, José Luis de. Descripción exacta de la Provincia de Benezuela (1764). Caracas: Editorial Avila Gráfica, 1950.

De Armas Chitty, José Antonio. Caracas: Origen y trayectoria de una ciudad. 2 vols. Caracas, 1967.

———, and Manuel Pinto C., eds. Juan Francisco de León: Diaro de una insurgencia. Caracas, 1971.


De la Rosa, Leopoldo. "La emigración canaria a Venezuela en los siglos xvii y xviii." Anuario de Estudios Atlánticos (Tenerife), 20 (1976): 617-631.

Depons, François. Viaje a la parte oriental de Tierra Firme en la América Meridional. 2 vols. Enrique Planchart, trans. Caracas, 1960.

Díaz, Manuel Guillermo. El agresivo obispado caraqueño de don Fray Mauro de Tovar. Caracas: Tipografía Vargas, 1956.

Documentos relativos a la insurrección de Juan Francisco de León. Buenos Aires: Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia, 1949.

Documentos para el estudio de los esclavos negros en Venezuela. Selection and commentary by Ermila Troconis de Veracoechea. Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia, no. 103. Caracas: Italgráfica, 1969.

Documentos para la historia de la iglesia colonial en Venezuela. 2 vols. Guillermo Figuera, ed. Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia, nos. 74 and 75. Caracas: Italgráfica, 1965.

Encomiendas. Archivo General de la Nación. 5 vols. Caracas, 1945-1958.

Febres Cordero, Tulio. Archivo de historia y variedades. 2 vols. Caracas: Editorial Sur América, 1930-1931.

Ferry, Robert J. "Encomienda, African Slavery, and Agriculture in Seventeenth-Century Caracas." Hispanic American Historical Review 61 (1981): 609-635.

Gacetilla de nombres geográficos. Caracas: Ministerio de Obras Públicas, 1974.

García Bernal, Cristina. Yucatán: Poblacíon y encomienda bajo los Austrias. Seville, 1972.

García Chuecos, Hector. Historia documental de Venezuela. Caracas: Editorial Rex, 1957.

Gasparini, Graziano. Caracas: La ciudad colonial y Guzmancista. Caracas: E. Armitano, 1978.

Gibson, Charles. The Aztecs Under Spanish Rule: A History of the Indians of the Valley of Mexico, 1519-1810. Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press, 1964.

Góngora, Mario. "Urban Social Stratification in Colonial Chile." Hispanic American Historical Review 55 (1975): 421-446.

———. Studies in the Colonial History of Spanish America. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1975.

Greenow, Linda. "Microgeographic Analysis as an Index to Family Structure and Networks." Journal of Family History 10 (1985): 272-283.

Hamilton, Earl J. American Treasure and the Price Revolution in Spain, 1501-1650. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1934.

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Haring, C. H. The Buccaneers in the West Indies in the XVII Century. Reprint ed. Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books, 1966.

Hernández Pino, Andrés, ed. Papeles coloniales; Aporte para la historia de los pueblos del Estado Miranda. Caracas: Editorial Venezuela, 1948.


Hordes, Stanley Mark. "The Crypto-Jewish Community of New Spain, 1620-1649: A Collective Biography." Ph.D. diss., Tulane University, 1980.

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Humboldt, Alexander von. Personal Narrative of Travels to Equinoctial Regions of America during the Years 1799-1804. 7 vols. Reprint. New York, 1966.

Hussey, Roland D. The Caracas Company, 1728-1784: A Study in the History of Spanish Monopolistic Trade. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1934.

Israel, Jonathan Irvine. Race, Class, and Politics in Colonial Mexico, 1610-1670. New York: Oxford University Press, 1975.

Iturriza Guillén, Carlos. Algunas familias caraqueñas. 2 vols. Caracas: Escuela Técnica Industria Salsiana, 1967.

———. Algunas familias valencianas. Caracas, 1955.

———, ed. Matrimonios y velaciones de españoles y criollos blancos celebrados en la catedral de Caracas desde 1615 hasta 1831. Instituto Venezolano de Genealogía. Caracas: Italgráfica, 1974.

Kipple, Kenneth F. The Caribbean Slave: A Biological History. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1984.

Klein, Herbert S. The Middle Passage: Comparative Studies in the Atlantic Slave Trade. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1978.

Leal, Ildefonso. Libros y bibliotecas en Venezuela colonial (1633-1767). 2 vols. Biblioteca de la Academia Nacional de la Historia, nos. 132 and 133. Caracas: Italgráfica, 1978.

Lévi-Strauss, Claude. The Elementary Structure of Kinship. Boston: Beacon Press, 1969.

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Lockhart, James. The Men of Cajamarca: A Social and Biographical Study of the First Conquerors of Peru. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1972.

Lombardi, John V. The Decline and Abolition of Negro Slavery in Venezuela, 1820-1854. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1971.

———. Venezuela: The Search for Order, the Dream of Progress. New York: Oxford University Press, 1982.

MacLeod, Murdo J. Spanish Central America: A Socio-Economic History, 1520-1720. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1973.

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Miller, Gary Michael. "Status and Loyalty in Colonial Spanish America: A Social History of Regular Army Officers in Venezuela, 1750-1810." Ph.D. diss., University of Florida, 1985.

Miller, Joseph C. "Mortality in the Atlantic Slave Trade: Statistical Evidence on Causality." The Journal of Interdisciplinary History 11 (1981): 385-423.

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______. "The Rural Economy and Society in Colonial Spanish America." In The Cambridge History of Latin America , vol. 2, ed. Leslie Bethell, 189-217. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1984.

Morón, Guillermo. Historia de Venezuela. 5 vols. Caracas, 1971.

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Osgood, Cornelius. Excavations at Tocorón, Venezuela. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1943.

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Pimentel, Juan de. "Relación de Nuestra Señora de Caraballeda y Santiago


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