Preferred Citation: Karlstrom, Paul J., editor On the Edge of America: California Modernist Art, 1900-1950. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1996 1996.



Paalen, Wolfgang, 24 -25, 183 , 196 -97, 206 n.38;

the Dynaton, 196 , 198 -299, 207 n.50;

"Farewell to Surrealism," 197 ;

publication of Dyn , 197 -98

Pabst, G. W., 221

Pach, Walter, 122 , 123 -26, 127 ;

"The Greatest American Masters," 124

Pacific Art League (formerly Palo Alto Art Club), 278

Pacific Arts and Crafts News , 275

Pacific Concrete Machinery Co., 144

Pacific Maritime Strike, 70 , 71 , 75 , 77

Pacific Rim, influence of, 196 , 200 , 207 n.54

Pacific Southwest Exhibition (Long Beach), 280

Packard, Emmy Lou, 89

Padilla, Ezequiel, 125

Painters' and Sculptors' Club of Los Angeles, 278

Painters' Club of Los Angeles (later California Art Club), 274 , 275

Painters of the West (Los Angeles), 279


painting: figurative, 118 ;

frescoes, 129 ;

gestural, 14 , 236

Palace of Fine Arts (San Francisco), 98

Palo Alto Art Club (later Pacific Art League), 279

Panama California International Exposition (San Diego), 276

Panama-Pacific International Exposition (San Francisco), 16 n.10, 98 , 161 , 276

Pan-Pacific Auditorium Building (Los Angeles; Wurdeman and Becket), 282

Paradise, Phil, 123 , 166 , 172

Paris International Surrealist Exhibition , 196

Park, David, 57 , 284 , 286

The Parting (Burkhardt), 47 -48

Partridge, Roi, 257 , 260 , 277

Pasadena Art Institute, 279

Pasadena Society of Artists, 279

Pasadena Society of Women Painters and Sculptors, 280

Patchen, Kenneth: Journal of Albion Moonlight , 235

Patterson, H. M.: W. R. McIlwain House (Los Angeles), 148

Paul, Stella, xv

Pelton, Agnes, 160 -61, 281

Pelton Concrete Tile wall, 148

perceptual art vs. cognitive art, 37 n.16

Performing Painter (John Whitney, Crippen, and Pintoff), 238

Perl's Gallery (Los Angeles), 283

Perpetual Possibility (Merrild), 190 , 191

personal world vs. universal laws, 26 -27

Peterson, Sidney: Clinic of Stumble , 234 ;

Henri Rousseau , 238 ;

Horror Dream , 234 ;

The Potted Psalm , 203 , 233 ;

Raoul Dufy , 238 ;

Sharaku , 238

Peyote Candle (Mullican), 198 , 199

Pflueger, Timothy, 104

Phillips, Duncan, 43

Philopolis journal, 92 n.51, 275

Philosophical Research Society, 236

photograph); 243 -49;

camera clubs, 245 , 267 n.2;

documentary, 245 ;

for government reports, 244 -45;

as means of personal expression, 253 ;

pictorialist, 245 -47, 249 , 252 ;

for political purposes, 262 , 263 -64;

and psychology of neglect, 10 ;

Rayographs, 192 , 201 ;

in regional art, 201 ;

straight seeing, 246 -47, 249 (see also Group f.64);

use of light, 262 ;

veracity of, 245

Piano KeysLake (Kupka), 236

Piazzoni, Gottardo, 99

Picabia, Francis, 211

Picasso, Pablo: Guernica , 46

Picasso: Forty Years of His Art (Museum of Modern Art), 108

pictorialist photography, 245 -47, 249 , 252

Pictures of Old Chinatown (Genthe), 277

Pintoff, Ernie: Blues Pattern , 238 ;

Performing Painter , 238

Plague Summer (Kessler), 235

Plant and Animal Analogies (Lundeberg), plate 8 , 174

Plante, Michael, 17 n.15

Plaza Art Center (Los Angeles), 127

piein-air painting, 15 n.7

poetry, 23 , 45

Poggioli, Renato, 22

pointillism, 161

politics of art: art as aloof from politics, 107 ;

art for social/political reform, 132 ;

internationalism versus isolationism, 134 ;

leftist orientation of, 191 , 205 n.17;

modernism viewed as communistic, 78 -79;

modernism viewed as un-American, 72 -73, 90 -91n.11;

photography for government reports, 244 -45, 262 , 263 -64;

reaction to World War II, 45 , 46 , 50 ;

surrealism as political revolution, 203 -4n.3

Pollock, Jackson, 13 , 102 -3, 122 , 176 , 277 ;

exhibition at San Francisco Museum of Art, 285 ;

influence of surrealism on, 208 n.64;

training in art, 236 -38

pop art, 201

popular culture, magic in, 31 , 32

populist imagery, 173

Portrait (Berlin), 167 , 168

portraiture, 173

Posada, José Guadalupe: Ministry of Education murals, 130

Postel, Waldo, 77 -78, 82

postimpressionism, 16 n.8, 161 , 167

postmodernism, 1 , 11 , 153 , 167 , 178

postsurrealism, 13 , 282 ;

cognitive association, 24 ;

metaphysical themes of, 184 -85, 204 n.6;

museum exhibitions, 203 n.2;

versus surrealism, 182 , 183 , 184 , 201 , 208 n.58

postwar art. See World War II: art after

Potboiler Art Center (Los Angeles), 278

The Potted Psalm (Broughton and Peterson), 203 , 233

Pound, Ezra, 23 , 37 n.16

Preaching and Farming at Mission Dolores (Refregier), 88

precisionism, 41 , 168 , 169

pre-Columbian-style architecture 141

prefigurative image, 25

Prelude to Spring (Hoffman), 218

Preparedness Day Bombing and Mooney Trial (Refregier), 81

Prestini, James, 112 , 113

Preston Holder (Willard Van Dyke), 250

primitivism, 167

Printmakers of Los Angeles, 276

Printmakers Society of California (Los Angeles), 278

The Progenitors (Howard), plate 10 , 193

progressivism, 15 n.7


Prometheus (Orozco), 73 , 106 , 281

provincialism, 158

Psyche (Markopoulos), 233

psychodramas, 234 -35

psychology, of neglect, 10

Public Buildings Administration, 75 . See also Rincon Annex murals

Public Works, House Committee on: hearings on Refregier's Rincon Annex murals, 69 , 78 -79, 81 -86, 88 -89, 92 nn.39, 49

Public Works of Art Project (PWAP), 72 , 73 , 105 , 282

public works programs (New Deal), 72 . See also specific programs

pueblos, 141

Puthuff, Hanson Duvall, 275

Putzel, Howard, 102 -3, 122 , 181 , 196

PWAP (Public Works of Art Project), 72 , 73 , 105 , 282


Preferred Citation: Karlstrom, Paul J., editor On the Edge of America: California Modernist Art, 1900-1950. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1996 1996.