Preferred Citation: Karlstrom, Paul J., editor On the Edge of America: California Modernist Art, 1900-1950. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1996 1996.



MacAgy, Douglas, 52 , 64 n.39, 97 ;

as director of California School of Fine Arts, 57 , 104 -5, 285 ;

on Grillo, 56 ;

on Howard, 194 -95;

on Rivera, 104 -5;

support of surrealism, 203 n.2

MacAgy, Jermayne, 208 n.64

McBride, Henry, 4

McChesney, Robert, 55 ;

The Communist Manifesto in Pictures , 285

McCoy, Esther, 143 ;

Banning House (Los Angeles), 149 ;

La Jolla Women's Club building, 149

McCray, James, 44

Macdonald-Wright, Stanton, 16 n.10, 163 , 274 , 284 ;

California Landscape , plate 3 ;

Color Wheel, 23 ;

focus on process of vision, 23 -24;

Motion Picture Industry , 282 ;

need for isolation, 159 ;

synchromism, 8 , 167 ;

Synchromism exhibition (Los Angeles County Museum), 280

MacDowell Club of Allied Arts (Los Angeles), 277

McFarlane, James, 41

McGehee, Ramiel, 263

McGregor, Harry, 83 , 84

machine aesthetic, 57

machine age and freedom, 33

machinery, 23

McIlwain House (Los Angeles; Patterson), 148

McKeever, Chauncey, 83 , 84

McLaughlin, John, 5 , 42 , 44 , 62 , 285 ;

hard-edge abstraction of, 202 ;

search for absolute void, 208 n.63;

Untitled , 5

McWilliams, Carey, 1 , 14 n.1

magic: aesthetics of, 32 ;

in popular culture, 31 , 32

Magritte, René, 184 ;

Black Flag , 52

Maillard, William, 83 , 92 n.47

The Making of a Fresco Showing the Budding of a City (Rivera), 104 , 104 -5

Malraux, André, 283

Man at the Crossroads (Rivera), 73

Mann, Thomas, 110 , 284

Mannerism, 167

Marin Society of Artists, 280

Markopoulos, Gregory: Psyche , 223

Marsh, Norman: arcades at Venice, Calif., 3

Martin, Fletcher, 123

Martínez, Luis, 127

Marx, Karl, 66 n.70

material environment and human body, 163

Mathews, Arthur F., 86 , 275 ;

Adventure , 87 ;

Philopolis magazine, 92 n.51

Matisse, Henri, 10 , 100 , 108 , 110 , 281

Matta, Roberto, 196 , 204 n.6, 206 n.40

Maugard, Adolfo Best, 126

Maurois, André, 110

Mayan Theatre (Los Angeles), 127

Maybeck, Bernard, 98 ;

Anthony House (Los Angeles), 152 -53;

First Church of Christ Scientist (Berkeley), 275

Mediterranean/Hispanic revival in architecture, 141 , 144

Mendelsohn, Eric, 139

Mérida, Carlos, 103 , 125

Merriam, Frank, 70

Merrild, Knud, 134 , 279 ;

Aesthetic Function in Space , 188 ;

Alpha and Omega , 188 , 189 ;

American Beauty, or the Movie Star , 2 ;

Flux Bouquet , 174 ;

flux paintings of, 191 ;

"New Classicist" exhibition at Centaur Gallery, 282 ;

Perpetual Possibility , 190 , 191 ;

postsurrealism of, 185 , 187 ;

Sidereal Parturition , 174 , 175

Meshes of the Afternoon (Deren), 222 , 222 -23

Metart Gallery (San Francisco), 286

Metropolitan Lift (Arnautoff), 105 , 106

Mexican art: alternate view of modern art, 129 ;

and anti-Mexican bias, 126 ;

exhibition at Plaza Art Center, 127 ;

First Pan American Exhibition of Oil Paintings (Los Angeles County Museum), 127 , 130 ;

fresco painting, 129 ;

graphic movement, 130 ;

The Indefinite Period (Los Angeles), 134 ;

influence of, 103 -7, 121 -35;

marginalization of, 122 ;

murals, 124 , 129 , 134 ;


Mexican art (continued )

nationalism in, 130 ;

Pach's advocacy of, 123 -26, 127 ;

patrons of, 122 ;

pre-Cortesian elements of, 121 , 135 ;

support from Hollywood intellectuals, 130

Meyer, Frederick H., 275

Microcosm and Macrocosm (Lundeberg), 35 , 174 , 176

Midway Gardens (Chicago; F. L. Wright), 144

Migrant Mother, Nipomo, California (Lange), 244

Milhaud, Darius, 283

Miller, Barse, 172

Miller, Henry, 92 n.48, 284

Millier, Arthur, 4 , 15 -16n.7, 280 ;

defense of postsurrealists, 24 ;

on the eastern perspective on California, 15 n.2;

on landscapes, 158 -58;

on Macdonald-Wright, 159 ;

on Mexican art, 129

Mill in the Eucalyptus Grove (Beckmann), 115 -16

Mills College (Oakland), 13 , 110 , 112 , 279 ;

exhibition of Group f.64, 255 , 268 n.22

Mills College Amphitheater (Cunningham), 261

Mills #2, 1940 (L. Moholy-Nagy), 113

minimalism, 202

Miró, Joan, 102 , 282

mission-revival architecture, 140 , 142 , 144 , 151 , 152

MobilColor Projectors, 230 -31, 231 , 232 -33

mobiles, 52

Modern American Art (Panama California International Exposition), 276

Modern Art Society (Los Angeles), 277

Modern Art Workers (Southern California), 279

modern era, 22

Modern Gallery (San Francisco; later Art Center), 279

Modern Institute of Art (Beverly Hills), 182 , 285

modernism: alternative, 4 , 34 ;

antiscientific, 25 ;

as broad-based middle-class culture, 22 ;

centrality of architecture and design in, 8 ;

criticism of, 15 -16n.7;

definition of, 4 -5, 15 n-5, 21 -22, 34 ;

Latin American origin of term, 135 n.1

"Modernismo," 135 n.1

modernization and social stratification, 31 -32

Modern Music (Schwankovsky), 236 , 237

Modotti, Tina, 126

Moholy-Nagy, László, 112 , 283 ;

Mills #2, 1940 , 113

Moholy-Nagy, Sybil, 113 , 198

MoMA (Museum of Modern Art;

New York City), 108 , 231

Monasterio, Luis Ortiz, 122

Mondrian, Pier, 25 , 108

Monolithic Hollow Concrete Form Corp., 148

montage, 30

Montenegro, Roberto, 122

Monterey Cypress (Weston), 248

Moods of the Sea (Hoffman and Vorkapich), 218

Mooney, Tom, 81

Moore, Charles, 139

Mora, Joseph Jacinto, 276

Morado, José Chávez, 122

Morgan, Julia, 274

Morgenthau, Henry, 74

Moritz, William, 13

Morley, Grace McCann, 108 , 282 , 285 ;

defense of Refregier's Rincon Annex murals, 84 , 92 n.43;

founding of San Francisco Museum of Art, 100 ;

promotion of surrealism, 182 , 203 n.2;

promotion of traveling exhibitions, 42

Morning, Nogales, Arizona (Reiffel), 163 -64

Morphosis group, 153

Motrin, Peter, 16 n.8

Morrow, Dwight, 129

Mortensen, William, 245

Mortensen School of Photography (Laguna Beach), 281

Moss, Eric Owen, 139 , 153

Mother's Day (Broughton), 234

Motherwell, Robert, 62 , 197 , 283

Motion Painting No. 1 (Fischinger), 225 , 226 , 227

Motion Picture Industry (Macdonald-Wright), 282

motion pictures. See film; film-as-an-art

Mouse Seeds (Spohn), 53

movies. See film; film-as-an-art

Mullican, Lee, 183 , 196 , 197 ;

the Dynaton, 198 -200;

interest in counterculture, 203 ;

Peyote Candle , 198 , 199 ;

retrospective at San Francisco Museum of Art, 198

Munch, Edvard, 98

Municipal Arts Commission of Los Angeles, 275

Muñoz, Francisco Orozco, 125

murals: by Ballin, 134 ;

by Lebrun, 106 ;

by Orozco, 73 , 106 , 281 ;

by Ramos Martínez, 130 -31, 131 -32;

by Rivera, 103 , 104 , 104 -5, 124 , 126 , 281 , 284 ;

by Siqueiros, 106 -7, 122 , 130 , 132 , 282 .

See also Coit Memorial Tower murals; Rincon Annex murals

Murphy, Dudley, 122 , 130 ;

Anywhere out of the World , 212 ;

Aphrodite , 212 ;

Ballet Mécanique , 211 -12;

Emperor Jones , 212 ;

St. Louis Blues , 212 ;

The Soul of the Cypress , 212

Museum of Modern Art (MoMA; New York City), 108 , 231

Museum of Non-Objective Painting. See Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum

Museum of Unknown and Little-Known Objects (Spohn), 53 , 205 n.19

Museum Patrons Association


(later Los Angeles Art Association), 282

mysticism, 236


Preferred Citation: Karlstrom, Paul J., editor On the Edge of America: California Modernist Art, 1900-1950. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1996 1996.