Preferred Citation: Karlstrom, Paul J., editor On the Edge of America: California Modernist Art, 1900-1950. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1996 1996.



dada, 182 , 191 -93

Dailey, Gardner, 139

Dalí, Salvador, 52 , 181 ;

Un Chien Andalou , 223 ;

exhibition at California Palace of the Legion of Honor, 284 ;

involvement in experimental film, 211 , 285 ;

lectures on surrealism, 194

Dalzell-Hatfield Gallery (Los Angeles), 103 , 279

Danto, Arthur, 11 , 16 n. 14

Darío, Rubén, 135 n. 1

Dark and Light journal, 278

Dasein , 38 n.28

Daughters of the American Revolution, 79

Davies, Arthur B., 274

Davis, Ron, xv

Davis, Stuart, 41

DeBrier, Samson (Arthur Jasmine), 213 , 214

deconstruction, 153

DeFeo, Jay, 202

Degenerate Art (Nazi exhibition), 110

Dehn, Adolph, 259

de Kooning, Willem, 46 , 85

Delano, Annita, 8 , 9 , 10

Delaunay, Sonia, 8 -9

Del Monte Art Gallery (Monterey), 275

De Martino, Ernesto, 30 -31, 32

Demuth, Charles, 168

Depression, Great, 70 , 72 , 263

Derain, André, 163

Deren, Maya: At Land , 223 ;

Meshes of the Afternoon , 222 , 222 -23;

Ritual in Transfigured Time , 223

design as central to modernism, 8

"Design for a Concrete Apartment House" (Wilson), 145

Deutsch, Boris, 123 , 163 ;

Lullaby , 218 , 218 -19;

Rock of Ages , 167 ;

What Atomic War Will Do to You , 176 , 177

Día de Flores (Rivera), 127 , 128

Dickey, Dan, 173

Diebenkorn, Richard, xv , 56 , 57 , 58 , 100 , 285

Dijkstra, Bram, 13

Dike, Phil, 13 , 123 , 166 ;

Copper , 172

Disasters of War (Goya), 48

Discovery of Gold (Refregier), 81

disillusionment, 58 ;

with science, 66 n.62

Disney, Walt, 279 ;

Disney Studios, 224

distance, 10

The Divers (Léger), 114 , 115

divisionism, 166

Dix, Otto, 49

Dixon, Maynard, 103

Dockum, Charles: MobilColor Projectors, 230 -31, 231 , 232 -33

documentary photography, 245

Dodge, Mabel, 100

Dodge House (Hollywood; Gill), 149 , 276

Doheny, Edward, 31

Dondero, George, 78 , 79 , 85 , 91 n.31

Double Portrait of the Artist in Time (Lundeberg), 185 , 187


Double Wedding at Beverly Hills (Ernst), 191

Dove, Arthur, 171

Arthur Wesley Dow Foundation, 278

Drexler, Fred, 82

Duchamp, Marcel, 11 , 16 n.13, 99 , 124 , 283 ;

Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even , 284 ;

exhibition at California School of Fine Arts, 285 ;

involvement in experimental film, 211 ;

Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2 , 97 , 98 , 205 n.19, 276 ;

relationship with Spohn, 205 n.19;

relationship with the Arensbergs, 205 n.19

Duchamp and Villon (California School of Fine Arts, San Francisco), 285

Duck-Cannon-Firecrackers (Berlin), plate 1

Dufy, Raoul, 108

Dulac, Germaine, 211

Dunham, Katherine, 222

Dunlap, Helena, 169 -70, 277

Durston, Arthur, 173 -74;

Industry , 174 , 174

Duryee, E., 146

Dynaton movement, 24 , 183 , 207 n.50, 209 n.66;

exhibition at San Francisco Museum of Art, 198 -200;

use of non-Western themes and motifs, 202 -3

Dyn journal, 196 -97


Preferred Citation: Karlstrom, Paul J., editor On the Edge of America: California Modernist Art, 1900-1950. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1996 1996.