Preferred Citation: Karlstrom, Paul J., editor On the Edge of America: California Modernist Art, 1900-1950. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1996 1996.



Baldessari, John, 201

Baul Ballard's Film Society, 233

Ballet Mécanique (Murphy). 211 -12

Ballin, Hugo, 123 , 131 ;

Department of Water and Power Building murals (Los Angeles),


134 ;

Los Angeles Times murals, 134

Balloonic Uplifters (Spohn), 50

Banning House (Los Angeles; McCoy), 149

Bara, Theda, 214

Baranceanu, Belie (Goldschlager), 280 ;

Hollywood Hills , 171 ;

Leaf Bud , 170 ;

Sunset Boulevard at Everett Street , 171 ;

The Yellow Robe , plate 7,170

Barlow, Roger: Even as You and I , 219 , 220 -21

Barnes, Matthew, 43 , 206 n.34

Barr, Alfred, 182

Barreda, Octavio G., 125

Barrows Lane Gallery (University of California at Berkeley), 282

Barton, Ralph, 122

Barttlett House (Los Angeles; Whittlesey), 146

Bauer, Rudolf, 226

Bauhaus, 110 , 112 -13. See also specific artists

The Bauhaus: How It Worked (Mills College, Oakland), 112

Bay Area. See San Francisco

Beasley, David, 54

Beat art, 202 , 203 , 209 n.67

Becket, Welton: Pan-Pacific Auditorium Building (Los Angeles), 282

Beckmann, Max, 115 -18, 286 ;

Argonauts , 116 ;

Mill in the Eucalyptus Grove , 115 -16;

San Francisco , 115 -16

Bedroom Fluff (Spohn), 53

Being, 38 n.28

Bellows, George, 277

Belson, Jordan, 233 ;

Transmutation , 234 ;

Vortex Concerts, 234

Bender, Albert, 260

Bengston, Billy Al, xv

Benjamin, Karl, 202

Bennington School of Dance (Mills College, Oakland), 112

Benton, Arthur B., 146

Benton, Thomas Hart, 45 , 112 , 159 , 283 , 285

Berkeley, Busby, 224

Berkeley League of Fine Arts, 278

Berkman, Alexander, 55

Berlin, Ben, 5 ;

Duck-Cannon-Firecrackers , plate 1 ;

Owngz , 167 ;

Portrait , 167 , 168 ;

Vudu Futhmique , 167

Berman, Eugene, 45 , 182 , 285

Berman, Wallace, 201 , 202

Bertoia, Harry, 238

Biberman, Edward, 134 , 159 , 166 ;

The Hollywood Palladium , plate 9 , 176

Biddle, George, 72 , 105 , 122

Billings, Warren, 81

Biltmore Salon (Biltmore Galeria Real, Los Angeles), 278

Bischoff, Elmer, 56 , 57 ;

The Gifts of Jermayne MacAgy , 208 n.64

Bivouac Art Club (Los Angeles), 277

Bivouac Art Club of the Otis Art Institute Prize, 127

Black and Tan (Murphy), 212

Black Flag (Magritte), 52

Bladen, Ronald, 55

Blanch, Arnold, 79

Blood of a Poet (Cocteau), 223

Bloody Thursday. See Pacific Maritime Strike

Blue Four, 6 , 16 n.9, 249 ;

exhibition at the Oakland Art Gallery, 279 ;

Feininger, 6 , 100 -102 (see also Feininger, Lyonel);

Jawlensky, 6 , 100 -102;

Kandinsky, 6 , 100 -102, 103 , 107 ;

Klee, 6 , 25 , 100 -102

Blue Rider group, 107

Blues Pattern (John Whitney, Crippen, and Pintoff), 238

Blum, John Morton, 49

Blumann, Sigismund, 255 -56

Bombardment (Lundeberg), 176

Bondi, Beulah, 130

Bonfiglio, María Ramírez, 127

Bop City (San Francisco), 233 , 234

Bosch, Hieronymus, 46

Boswell, Peyton, 163

Bothwell, Dorr, 160 , 202

Bradbury, Malcolm, 41

Braun, Maurice, 275

Brechin, Gray, 10

Brecht, Bertolt, 284 ;

Galileo , 285

Brenner, Anita, 122

Breton, André, 184 , 196 , 204 n.3

Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even (Duchamp), 284

The Bridge (Vidor), 215

Bridges, Harry, 75 , 77

Brigante, Nick, 163

Brigman, Anne, 257 , 258 , 259 ;

The Storm Tree , 247

Broughton, James, 214 ;

Mother's Day , 234 ;

The Potted Psalm$ , 203 , 233

Brown, Joan, 62

Brown, Jr., Arthur, 104

Browner, Juliet, 191 , 283

Bruce, Edward, 73 , 85

Brush and Pencil Club of Los Angeles, 276

Bryan, William Alanson, 130

Bufano, Beniamino, 276

Budding the Railroad (Refregier), 80

bungalows, 141 , 141 -43

Buñuel, Luis, 283 ;

Un Chien Andalou , 223

Burger, Peter, 30

Burkhardt, Hans, 14 , 62 , 159 , 283 ;

antiwar paintings of, 46 -50, 176 , 182 ;

concentration camp paintings of, 48 -49;

Iwo Jima , 46 ;

One Way Road , 46 ;

One World , 49 -50;

opposition to World War II, 46 ;

optimism of, 50 ; The Parting , 47 -48;

universality in work of, 49 ;

VE Day , plate 5 , 49 ;

War, Agony in Death , 46 , 47 , 48

Burnham, Daniel H., 69 , 274

Bute, Mary Ellen, 232

Bwana Devil (Hoffman), 218


Preferred Citation: Karlstrom, Paul J., editor On the Edge of America: California Modernist Art, 1900-1950. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1996 1996.