10 Venice Spain, and the Papacy Paolo Sarpi and the Renaissance Tradition
1. One example, among many, appears in the Consiglio in difesa di due ordinazioni della Serenissima Repubblica , published in Istoria dell'Interdetto e altri scritti of Sarpi, ed. M. D. Busnelli and G. Gambarin (Bari: Laterza, 1940; hereafter referred to as Scritti ), vol. II, p. 16: "Just as until the present I have put forward in my writings only clear and unquestioned doctrine, so in the future I will be able to state quite simply all that I know to be Christian and Catholic doctrine." Cf. Luigi Salvatorelli, "Paolo Sarpi," in Contributi alla storia del Concilio di Trento e della Controriforma (Florence, 1949), pp. 142-43.
2. On Sarpi as a problem in historiography, see Giovanni Getto, Paolo Sarpi (Rome, 1941; but now republished, substantially unaltered, by Olschki in Florence, 1967), pp. 7-43 (pp. 1-52 of the Florentine edition); Vincenzo M. Buffon, Chiesa di Cristo e Chiesa Romana nelle opere e nelle lettere di Paolo Sarpi (University of Louvain, 1941), pp. 31-32; Federico Chabod, La politica di Paolo Sarpi (Rome and Venice: Instituto per la Collaborazione Culturale, 1962), pp. 13-18; Gaetano Cozzi, "Paolo Sarpi: il suo problema storico, religioso e giuridico nella recente letteratura," Il diritto ecclesiastico , LXIII (1952), 52-88; and Giovanni Gambarin, "Il Sarpi alla luce di studi recenti," Archivio veneto , L-LI (1953), 78-105.
3. Cf. Chabod, La politica di P. S ., p. 48.
4. See the penetrating book by Henri X. Arquillière, L'Augustinisme politique: Essai sur la formation des théories politiques du Moyen-Age (Paris: Vrin, 1934).
5. Cf. Salvatorelli, "Paolo Sarpi," p. 139.
6. Cf. Hubert Jedin, Das Konzil von Trient: ein Überblick über die Erforschung seiner Geschichte (Rome: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 1948), pp. 62 ff.
7. Arturo Carlo Jemolo, Stato e Chiesa negli scrittori politici italiani del Seicento e del Settecento (Turin: Bocce, 1914).
8. Cf. Buffon, Chiesa di Cristo e Chiesa Romana , p. 32. On this point I agree with Getto, op. cit. , pp. 116-17, and I agree still more with Salvatorelli in his penetrating study Le idee religiose di fra Paolo Sarpi , Classe di Scienze Morali . . . Memorie, vol. V (Rome: Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 1953), p. 338.
9. Letter to François Hotman, 22 July 1608, in Sarpi, Lettere ai Gallicani , ed. Boris Ulianich (Wiesbaden: F. Steiner 1961), p. 173. Cf. Buffon, Chiesa di Cristo e Chiesa Romana , p. 185.
10. Georges Delagarde, La naissance de l'esprit laïque au déclin du Moyen-Age , 6 vols. (Paris, 1942-48; but see now the new edn. in 5 vols. published by Nauwelaerts at Louvain, 1956 et seq .).
11. Cf. in particular Eugenio Garin, L'umanesimo italiano (Bari: Laterza, 1952); and Hans Baron, The Crisis of the Early Italian Renaissance (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1955).
12. Gaetano Cozzi, Il doge Nicolò Contarini (Venice and Rome: Istituto per la Collaborazione Culturale, 1958), p. 81.
13. Cf. Chabod, La politica di P. S ., p. 119, and Clemente Maria Francescon, Chiesa e Stato nei consulti di fra P. S . (Vicenza, 1942), p. 251. The Republic's protection of Cesare Cremonini from the Inquisition is of special interest in this regard. See Spini, Ricerca dei libertini (Rome, 1950), pp. 146-47.
14. Cf. Salvatorelli, "Venezia, Paolo V e fra P. S.," in La civiltà veneziana nell'età barocca (Venice and Rome: Istituto per la Collaborazione Culturale, 1959), p. 91.
15. This is the impression that emerges very forcefully from the first biography of Sarpi, the Vita by Fulgenzio Micanzio, first published at Leiden in 1646 and more readily available in the Milan, 1824, or the Florence (Barbèra), 1958, editions of the Istoria del Concilio Tridentino , here cited in the 1658 edition (no place); see p. 178 for Sarpi's interest in travel. See also Chabod, La politica di P. S ., p. 32.
16. Cf. Romano Amerio, Il Sarpi dei Pensieri filosofici inediti (Turin, 1950), pp. 13-15, and the citations in Sarpi, Scritti filosofici e teologici , ed. Amerio (Bari: Laterza, 1951).
17. In Il Sarpi dei Pensieri filosofici inediti . Notable examples of Sarpi's empiricism are to be found in his letters to Jérôme Groslot de l'Isle of 6 January and 12 May 1609, in Lettere ai Protestanti , ed. Manlio Duilio Busnelli (Bari: Laterza, 1931; hereafter cited as Lettere ), vol. I, pp. 58 and 79. For his juridical thought, see "Consiglio in difesa di due ordinazioni" and "Consiglio sul giudicar le colpe di persone ecclesiastiche," both in Scritti ; see especially pp. 6 and 52-53.
18. Istoria del Concilio Tridentino , ed. Giovanni Gambarin (Bari: Laterza, 1935), vol. I, p. 187. Cf. Getto, P. S ., pp. 175-76.
19. Vita , pp. 79-80.
20. Cf. Buffon, Chiesa di Cristo e Chiesa Romana , p. 10. Getto, on the other hand ( P. S ., pp. 68-69 and 92), sees Sarpi as a "Stoic sage."
21. "Considerazioni sulle censure," in Scritti , vol. II, p. 209: "Many things which in their beginnings are good become pernicious as they then change."
22. See his discussion of the council as an institution in Christian history: Istoria del Concilio Tridentino , vol. I, pp. 5-6 and 214-18; of the cult of the Virgin, ibid ., vol. I, pp. 287-90; of ecclesiastical government, ibid ., vol. I, pp. 350-52; and of ecclesiastical benefices, ibid ., vol. I, pp. 400-403. Naturally I do not exclude the importance of Protestant historiography in Sarpi.
23. Cozzi, Contarini , pp. 56-57.
24. Vita , p. 76.
25. Note the conclusion of Sarpi's first formal consulto , the ''Consiglio in difesa di due ordinazioni," in Scritti , vol. II, p. 16.
26. Micanzio, Vita , pp. 93 and 145.
27. "Risposta al Breve circa li prigioni" in Scritti , vol. II, p. 71. Sarpi's words reflect a general Venetian ethos; see Ernesto Sestan, "La politica veneziana del Seicento" in La civilità veneziana nell'età barocca , p. 54.
28. As in "Scrittura sopra la forza e validità della scommunica," in Scritti , vol. II, pp. 38-39.
29. From the consulto, Della giurisdittione temporale sopra Aquileia , cited by Francescon in Chiesa e Stato nei consulti di fra P. S ., p. 114. Cf. also "Consiglio in difesa di due ordinazioni," in Scritti , vol. II pp. 12, 14, and 15, and "Consiglio sul giudicar le colpe di persone ecclesiastiche," ibid ., p. 46.
30. "Considerazioni sopra le censure," in Scritti , vol. II, p. 251.
31. Note the skill with which Sarpi contrasts the authoritarianism of Pope Paul V and the free deliberations of the Venetian Senate in "Istoria dell'lnterdetto," Scritti , vol. I, pp. 15 ff. et passim .
32. La politica di P. S ., p. 72.
33. "Considerazioni sopra le censure," in Scritti , vol. II, p. 249.
34. Cf. Garin, L'umanesimo italiano , pp. 31 ff.
35. Cf. Sestan, "La politica veneziana," pp. 45 ff.
36. Cf. Chabod, La politica di P. S ., p. 135.
37. Thus in the "Istoria dell'Interdetto," Scritti , vol. I, p. 57, Sarpi speaks of the Spanish view that "the distrust between the two greatest Italian [states] made their affairs more stable; and by having the pope conquer the Republic, they would also increase their temporal jurisdiction."
38. Letter to Groslot, 23 October 1607, in Lettere , vol. I, p. 4.
39. Cozzi, Contarini , pp. 133-34; letter to Groslot, 25 September 1612, in Lettere , vol. I, p. 244.
40. Letter to Groslot, 23 October 1612, ibid ., vol. I, p. 248.
41. "Istoria dell'lnterdetto," in Scritti , vol. I, p. 4, et passim .
42. Letter to Groslot, 27 April 1610, in Lettere , vol. I, p. 119.
43. This doctrine appears in many of his works. Note, for example, the letter to Groslot of 25 November 1608, ibid ., vol. I, p. 50: "But in all things the occasion is the chief matter, without which all goes not only fruitlessly, but even with loss. When God shows us the opportunity, we must believe it to be His will that we take it. When [He does] not, we must await silently the time of His good pleasure." The doctrine is carefully examined by Salvatorelli in Le idee religiose di fra P. S ., pp. 312 ff. and 358 ff., and by Cozzi in "Fra P. S., l'Anglicanesimo e la 'Historia del Concilio Tridentino,'" Rivista storica italiana , LXVIII (1956), 569-71.
44. Letter to Groslot, 25 September 1612, in Lettere , vol. I, p. 243.
45. See, for example, the letter to Groslot of 26 October 1610, ibid ., vol. I, p. 149: "I, however, have observed many times that matters thought to be without hope turn out well and those that appear to have every chance of success turn out badly. I thus prefer to wait to see what happens and make no predictions.''
46. So the letter to Groslot of 14 September 1610, ibid ., vol. I, p. 135: "As to predicting the future, I dare not do it, because of the experience I have had with things that always turn out contrary to expectations."
47. Letter to Groslot, 4 August 1609, ibid ., vol. I, p. 88. Cf. Micanzio, Vita , p. 173.
48. Cf. Boris Ulianich, "Sarpiana: La lettera del Sarpi allo Heinsius," Rivista storica italiana , LXVIII (1956), 425-46, and Cozzi, "Fra P. S., l'Anglicanesimo e la 'Historia del Concilio Tridentino.'" Micanzio, Vita , p. 73, speaks of Sarpi's special interest in St. Augustine.
49. Cf. Amerio, Il Sarpi dei Pensieri filosofici inediti , pp. 13-15.
50. Note, for example, the debates on systematic theology in the Istoria del Concilio Tridentino , vol. I, pp. 298-99, 318, 343-44, 365, and 380-81. Cf. Cozzi, "Paolo Sarpi tra il cattolico Philippe Canaye de Fresnes e il calvinista Isaac Casaubon," Bollettino dell'Istituto di Storia della Società e dello Stato Veneziano , I (1958), 98-99, on Sarpi's attitude with regard to speculative theology among the Protestants. See also Chabod, La politica di P. S ., pp. 149-50.
51. This is the position taken subsequently by Galileo and the Galileans, and it may be traced to the close personal ties between Galileo and Sarpi.
52. Letter to Groslot, 7 July 1609, Lettere , vol. I, p. 86.
53. For a more complete documentation on what follows, see Buffon, Chiesa di Cristo e Chiesa Romana , and Boris Ulianich, "Considerazioni e documenti per una ecclesiologia di P. S." in Festgabe Joseph Lortz (Baden-Baden: B. Grimm, 1958), vol. II, pp. 363-444.
54. See for example the "Apologia per le opposizioni fatte dal cardinale Bellarmino," Scritti , vol. III, p. 69: "What is meant by 'Church'? If we follow the meaning of the word itself and the Holy Scriptures, [it is] the congregation of the faithful." For precedents of Sarpi's position among the medieval canonists, see Brian Tierney, Foundations of the Conciliar Theory (London: Cambridge University Press, 1955).
55. "Scrittura sopra la forza e validità della scommunica," Scritti , vol. II, p. 21: "And the theologians give as a certain and infallible rule that when a man is sure in his conscience of not having sinned mortally in the action for which he has been excommunicated, he can have a sure conscience about having no damage in his soul and of not being excommunicated [in they eyes of] God, nor deprived of the spiritual assistance of the Church." For Sarpi's opinion on the Jesuit doctrine of obedience, see "Istoria dell'Interdetto,'' in Scritti , vol. I, p. 107, and on the troubles of the Jesuits during the interdict crisis, see Pietro Pirri, S. J., L'Interdetto di Venezia del 1606 e i Gesuiti (Rome: Institutum Historicum S. I., 1959).
56. Thus Sarpi's approval of the electoral principle in ecclesiastical office. See the letter to Groslot of 17 February 1608, Lettere , vol. I, p. 65.
57. For Sarpi, the cause of Gallican autonomy was also the cause of the Universal Church. See letter to Groslot of 22 July 1608, ibid ., vol. I, p. 24.
58. Note the texts presented by Cozzi in "Sarpi, L'Anglicanesimo e la 'Historia . . .,'" pp. 613-15, and "P. S. tra il cattolico Philippe Canaye . . .," pp. 123-24, n. 284.
59. He represented Protestant doctrine as a radical remedy for "extinguishing tyranny" in the letter to Groslot of 22 July 1608, Lettere , vol. I, p. 23.
60. Cited in Buffon, Chiesa di Cristo e Chiesa Romana , p. 42, from the "Sommario di una considerazione sulla libertà ecclesiastica," Biblioteca Marciana, Venice, MS It., cl. XI, cod. 176, fol. 171.
61. Note Sarpi's caustic reply to the pope in "Nullità nelli brevi del pontefice," Scritti , vol. II, p. 90.
62. See the summary of this position in Amerio, Il Sarpi dei Pensieri filosofici inediti , pp. 35-36.
63. "Consulto sui rimedii. . .," Scritti , vol. II, p. 159: "It becomes just and legitimate to reject and oppose those pontiffs who adopt any means (even though wicked and impious) in order to conserve and increase their temporal authority. . . ."
64. Note Spini, Ricerca dei libertini , pp. 15 ff.
65. Note the texts assembled with regard to this point by Francescon in Chiesa e Stato nei consulti di Fra P. S .
66. See Micanzio, Vita , pp. 161-62.
67. "Consiglio sul giudicar le colpe di persone ecclesiastiche," Scritti , vol. II, p. 49.
68. Ibid ., p. 50: "Ecclesiastics are citizens and members of the republic. But the republic is governed by the laws of the prince. Hence [ecclesiastics] are subjects; and in disobeying [the law] they sin before God no less than the laity."