Preferred Citation: Seidman, Michael. Workers Against Work: Labor in Paris and Barcelona during the Popular Fronts. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1991 1991.

An Overview of the Revolution in Barcelona


1. José Peirats, La CNT en la revolución española (Paris, 1971), 1:160. Felix Morrow (Revolution and Counterrevolution in Spain [New York, 1974]) has remarked on the similarity between the Bolshevik program of 1917 and that of the Central Committee of Antifascist Militias. Unlike the Bolsheviks, however, the CNT and the FAI ended up sharing power with other political parties and unions.

2. Tierra y Libertad, 10 September 1936. On the Church, see Frances Lannon, “The Church’s Crusade against the Republic,” in Revolution and War in Spain, 1931–1939, ed. Paul Preston (London, 1984); Enric Ucelay Da Cal, La Catalunya populista: Imatge, cultura i política en l’etapa republicana, 1931–1939 (Barcelona, 1982), p. 140; Mary Vincent, “The Spanish Church and the Frente Popular” (Paper presented at Popular Fronts Conference, University of Southampton, April 1986); Hilari Raguer i Suñer, La unió democràtica de Catalunya i el seu temps (1931–1939) (Montserrat, 1976).

3. Pierre Vilar, La guerre d’Espagne, 1936–1939 (Paris, 1986), p. 24.

4. Solidaridad Obrera, 23 July 1936; Gabriel Jackson, The Spanish Republic and the Civil War (Princeton, 1967), p. 289.

5. Josep Massot i Muntaner, Aproximació a la història religiosa de la Catalunya contemporània (Barcelona, 1973), p. 128. See also Vilar, La guerre, p. 108; the author adds, “Il faut remonter à la révolution française pour trouver l’équivalent.” For a recent study, José M. Sánchez, The Spanish Civil War as a Religious Tragedy (Notre Dame, 1987), p. 8.

6. Agustin Souchy and Paul Folgare, Colectivizaciones: La obra constructiva de la revolución española (Barcelona, 1977), p. 75; Direction des affaires politiques et commerciales, 3 November 1936, 244, AD.

7. Junta, 16 January 1937, 1204, AS; Caldereros en cobre, 9 September 1936, 1428, AS; Junta de secciones, 24 September 1936, 1446, AS.

8. Antoni Castells i Durán, “La colectivización-socialización de la industria y los servicios en Barcelona ciudad y provincia” (Manuscript, Barcelona, Centre d’estudis històrics internacionals, 1986), p. 131.

9. See files in Generalitat 240, AS.

10. Comité, 26 November 1936, 182, AS.

11. Although this firm depended on the contracts awarded by the CNT, the personnel opposed collectivization (Informe, contables UGT-CNT, 5 March 1938, 1219, AS).

12. For the text in Catalan, see Albert Pérez Baró, 30 meses de colectivismo en Cataluña (1936–1939) (Barcelona, 1974), pp. 193–200; for a contested Spanish version, Souchy and Folgare, Colectivizaciones, pp. 36–38.

13. César M. Lorenzo, Los anarquistas españoles y el poder, 1869–1969 (Paris, 1972), p. 103.

14. Juan P. Fábregas, Les finances de la revolució (Barcelona, 1937), p. 87.

15. Juan P. Fábregas, Los factores económicos de la revolución española (Barcelona, 1937).

16. See Noam Chomsky, American Power and the New Mandarins (New York, 1969), pp. 72–158; Burnett Bolloten, The Spanish Revolution, the Left, and the Struggle for Power during the Civil War (Chapel Hill, 1979); John Brademas, Anarcosindicalismo y revolución en España (1930–1937), trans. Joaquín Romero Maura (Barcelona, 1974); Carlos Semprún-Maura, Revolución y contrarrevolución en Cataluña, 1936–1937, trans. Julia Escobar (Barcelona, 1974); James W. Cortada, ed., A City in War: American Views on Barcelona and the Spanish Civil War, 1936–1939 (Wilmington, Del., 1985).

17. Lorenzo, Los anarquistas españoles, p. 223; Butlettí interior de la Unió general de treballadors, January 1937. These figures, especially those of the UGT, must be used with caution.

18. Boletín del Comité nacional de la CNT para exclusivo uso de los sindicatos, 1 November 1937; Lorenzo, Los anarquistas españoles, p. 225. On the Generalitat’s formal control, see José Arias Velasco, La hacienda de la Generalidad, 1931–1938 (Barcelona, 1977), p. 211.

19. De Companys a Indalecio Prieto: Documentación sobre las industrias de guerra en Cataluña (Buenos Aires, 1939), pp. 77–91. The defense sector was obviously a bastion of power for whichever organization controlled it, and its workers had privileged access to food supplies.

20. L’industrie de guerre de la république espagnole, box 54, Burnett Bolloten Collection, Hoover Institution; UGT sindicato de madera, 6 May 1938, 1411, AS.

21. Informe al comité ejecutivo, 23 April 1938, 1084, AS.

22. Solidaridad Obrera, 10 May 1938.

23. Ramón Tamames, La república, la era de Franco (Madrid, 1980), p. 310.

24. Solidaridad Obrera, 11 November 1938.

25. Peirats, La CNT, 2:173.

26. Joan Fronjosà, La missió dels treballadors i la dels sindicats en la nova organització industrial (Barcelona, 1937), p. 5.

27. Actes de reunió del consell general de la indústria química, Generalitat 252, AS.

28. The Generalitat had decreed a 50 percent reduction in rents and wanted to restrict union control of urban property (Josep Tarradellas, L’obra financera de la Generalitat de Catalunya [Barcelona, 1938], pp. 42–44).

29. Walter Tauber, “Les tramways de Barcelone collectivisés pendant la révolution espagnole, 1936–1939,” Bulletin d’information, Fondation internationale d’études historiques et sociales (March, 1977): 14.

30. Castells, “Colectivización,” p. 74.

31. Walther L. Bernecker, Anarchismus und Bürgerkrieg: Zur Geschichte der Soziale Revolution im Spanien, 1936–1939 (Hamburg, 1978), pp. 234, 245, 254; Walther L. Bernecker, Colectividades y revolución social: El anarquismo en la guerra española, 1936–1939, trans. Gustau Muñoz (Barcelona, 1982), p. 76.

32. Solidaridad Obrera, 26, 27, 28 July 1936; Tauber, “Tramways,” p. 25.

33. Anna Monjo and Carme Vega, Els treballadors i la guerra civil (Barcelona, 1986), p. 44.

34. Tauber, “Tramways,” p. 39.

35. Comité central de gas i electricitat, 19 August 1936, 182, AS.

36. Tauber, “Tramways,” p. 38.

37. Adolfo Bueso, Recuerdos de un cenetista (Barcelona, 1978), 2:162.

38. Pérez Baró, 30 meses, p. 46.

39. Quoted in Bernecker, Colectividades, p. 315; Solidaridad Obrera, 2 June 1937.

40. Comité, 12 November 1936, 182, AS.

41. Al Sindicato, 18 February 1937, 1446, AS; Comité, 4 January 1937, 182, AS; Solidaridad Obrera, 15 May 1937.

42. Comité, 2 and 16 March 1937, 181, AS.

43. Reunión de junta, 23 February 1204, AS; Acta de asamblea, 21 February 1937, 469, AS; Reunión, organización telefónica, 1170, AS.

44. Comité, 16 March 1937, 181, AS.

45. Manuel Azaña, Obras completas (Mexico City, 1967), 3:488.

46. United Shoe, Generalitat 252, AS.

47. Informe, 22 June 1938, 9, Leg. 18, AS.

48. Monjo and Vega, Els treballadors, p. 156; Al Sindicato, 29 January 1938, 9, Leg. 18, AS. See also the concluding remarks of Michael Alpert, El ejército republicano en la guerra civil (Paris, 1977), pp. 299–335.

49. Letters from militants in 933 and other carpetas, AS; on the legitimacy of “indispensable” status in a metallurgical factory, see Trefilerías (n.d.), 887, AS.

50. Alberto Balcells, Crisis económica y agitación social en Cataluña de 1930 a 1936 (Barcelona, 1971), p. 198.

51. Pérez Baró, 30 meses, p. 47.

52. The following information is from Actas de sindicato de trabajadores de canódromos, 861, AS.

53. 18 October 1936, 1322, AS.

54. Societat de moços, 20 September 1936, 1170, AS.

55. Comité, 17 October 1938, 182, AS.

56. H. Rüdiger, “Materiales para la discusión sobre la situación española en el pleno de la AIT,” 8 May 1937, Rudolf Rocker Archives, 527–30, IISH.

57. Acta de asamblea (n.d.), 469, AS.

58. CNT Marítima, 7 August 1937; Boletín del Sindicato de la industria de la edificación, madera y decoración, 10 October 1937; Sidero-Metalurgia, September 1937.

59. Acta de asamblea ordinaria, 4 December 1936, PC.

60. See report, 1219, AS.

61. Monjo and Vega, Els treballadors, pp. 91–92; Anna Monjo and Carme Vega, “Les col.lectivitzacions industrials a Barcelona durant la guerra civil,” L’Avenç, no. 70 (April 1984): 37.

62. Asamblea general extraordinaria, sindicato de artes gráficas CNT, 18 October 1936, 1204, AS. At the same meeting a motion was presented to require members to purchase the union’s journal so it “would be successful”; the motion failed, perhaps because the union press lacked support among the rank and file.

63. Acta, 21 February 1937, 469, AS; Acta, 22 August 1937, 1404, AS.

64. Reunión de junta, 2 October 1936, 1204, AS; Comité ejecutivo, 10 December 1937, 501, AS.

65. See J. García Pradas, Antifascismo proletario: Tesis, ambiente, táctica (Madrid, 1938?), 1:24.

66. Juan López, Seis meses en el ministerio de comercio: Conferencia pronunciada el 27 mayo 1937 (Valencia, 1937), p. 14; Jordi Sabater, Anarquisme i catalanisme: La CNT i el fet nacional català durant la guerra civil (Barcelona, 1986), p. 55.

67. M. Cardona Rossell, Aspectos económicos de nuestra revolución (Barcelona, 1937), p. 13.

68. Juan Peiró, Problemas y cintarazos (Rennes, 1946), pp. 124–25, 53; Sabater, Anarquisme, pp. 55, 63.

69. A. Schapiro, “National-Anarchisme,” Le Combat syndicaliste, 11 June 1937, Rudolf Rocker Archives, 566, IISH.

70. See CNT/AIT circulars, “Nacional-Anarquismo,” in ibid. The CNT was not exempt from a xenophobia that occasionally degenerated into a rather familiar antisemitism. Solidaridad Obrera, 31 January 1937, accused Franco of looking like a Jew and criticized “Jewish plutocrats” and financiers of working with Hitler. In May 1938 when Ben-Krimo, a Sephardic Jew, asked the CNT to aid persecuted Jews, he received a very cold response from Mariano Vázquez, the secretary of the national committee. Vázquez refused to open Spain’s doors “to all the Jews who wish to come here. It is impossible because it would undoubtedly be one of the most counterrevolutionary decisions that we could take. We are sure that [admission of the Jews] would mean the immediate revival and strengthening of capitalism and the old exploitation” (See the exchange of letters in 811, AS).

71. Helmut Rüdiger, El anarcosindicalismo en la revolución española (Barcelona, 1938), p. 7.

72. CNT Marítima, 11 September 1937.

73. Solidaridad Obrera, 15 September 1937.

74. Ibid., 14 September 1937.

75. Comité de serveis correccionals, 14 January 1937, Generalitat, leg. 25, AS.

76. Solidaridad Obrera, 31 December 1936.

77. Lorenzo, Los anarquistas españoles, p. 124.

78. Luis López de Medrano, 986 días en el infierno (Madrid, 1939), pp. 178–84. This author’s opinion cannot always be taken at face value; at one point in his tirade against the Popular Front, he claims that Guernica was destroyed by “Red Basque separatists allied with criminals of the CNT.”

79. Motiu, 24–30 July 1937, Generalitat 69, AS.

80. Files in 352, AS; the following statistics are from Estances dels reclosos, Generalitat 88, AS. See also A los compañeros, 26 January 1938, 1446, AS.

81. See files in 615, AS.

82. Eric Hobsbawm, Workers: Worlds of Labor (New York, 1984), p. 87. See also Carmen Grimau, El cartel republicano en la guerra civil (Madrid, 1979), p. 208, for images of women.

83. Tierra y Libertad, 20 November 1937; Henri Paechter, Espagne, 1936–1937 (Paris, 1986), p. 110.

An Overview of the Revolution in Barcelona

Preferred Citation: Seidman, Michael. Workers Against Work: Labor in Paris and Barcelona during the Popular Fronts. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1991 1991.