Preferred Citation: White, Joseph, and Aaron Wildavsky. The Deficit and the Public Interest: The Search for Responsible Budgeting in the 1980s. Berkeley New York:  University of California Press Russell Sage Foundation,  c1989 1989.



Labor, 21 -22, 34 , 50 , 51 , 113 , 175 -76, 197 , 233 , 267 -69, 270 -71, 299 -300, 318 ,


323 , 325 , 345 -47, 351 , 362 , 419 , 498 -99, 567

See also Democratic Party

Ladd, Everett Carl, 478

Laffer, Arthur, 25

"Laffer Curve," 25 , 75

Lasswell, Harold, 551

Latham, Earl, 543

Latta, Delbert, 41 , 43 , 46 , 61 , 127 , 129 , 138 , 146 , 236 , 244 -48, 280 , 295 , 372 , 438 , 440 , 582

Laxalt, Paul, 202 , 219 , 236 , 349 , 359

Leach, Jim, 230 , 244

Leahy, Patrick, 371

Leath, Marvin, 434 , 450 , 509 , 514

Lebanon, 374 , 424

Legal Services Corporation (LSC), 211 -12, 360 , 373

Legislative Strategy Group (LSG), 134 -35, 161 , 170 , 186

Lehman, John, 109

Lehrman, Lewis E., 474

Leland, Mickey, 450

Lenin, V. I., 536

Lesher, Richard, 165

Levin, Carl, 201 , 306 , 445

Levitas, Elliot, 598

Lewis, Drew, 300 -302, 522 -23

Lewis, Jerry, 282

Light, Paul, 312 , 320 , 326

Lighthizer, Robert, 251

Lincoln, Abraham, 542

Lindblom, Charles, 557

Lobbying: by business interests, 93 , 164 -68, 171 , 175 -76, 178 -79, 230 , 249 -51, 255 , 257 , 270 , 274 -75, 396 , 441 , 477 , 480 -81, 484 , 498 -502, 532 -34, 533 , 612 n.95

by Ronald Reagan, 89 -90, 95 , 125 , 128 -30, 149 -50, 162 , 176 , 181 , 483

See also Interest withholding; Special interests

Lobbyists for the Independent Sector, 477

Loeffler, Tom, 448 , 513

Long, Gillis W., 416

Long, Russell, 32 , 55 , 57 , 160 , 166 , 170 , 236 , 252 , 308 , 325 -26, 361 , 378 -80, 390 , 396 , 401 , 488 , 492

Lott, Trent, 173 , 192 , 200 , 236 -37, 243 , 258 , 384 , 447 -48, 566

Lowery, Mike, 435 -36, 514

Lowi, Theodore, 82 -83, 543 , 550 , 554 -57, 560

Lublin, Joann S., 498

Lugar, Richard, 214 , 289

Lynn, James T., 75 , 587


Preferred Citation: White, Joseph, and Aaron Wildavsky. The Deficit and the Public Interest: The Search for Responsible Budgeting in the 1980s. Berkeley New York:  University of California Press Russell Sage Foundation,  c1989 1989.