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Sixteen The Budget Process Collapses

1. See Savage, Balanced Budgets, appendix, p. 266. [BACK]

2. Ibid. [BACK]

3. George J. Church, "How Reagan Decides," Time, December 13, 1982, pp. 12-17. [BACK]

4. Ibid. [BACK]

5. "Interview with President Reagan: 'The recovery may just be better than we think,'" Business Week, February 14, 1983, pp. 119, 121-122. [BACK]

6. Ibid. [BACK]

7. Soma Golden, "Superstar of the New Economists," New York Times Magazine, March 23, 1980, pp. 30-33, 91-95. [BACK]

8. Ibid. [BACK]

9. Stockman, Triumph of Politics, pp. 356-57. [BACK]

10. Ibid., p. 358. The joke involves a boy who on Christmas morning receives as a present a gigantic pile of horse manure. Rather than being upset, he immediately sets to digging through the pile. Asked why, he replies, "With all this horse manure, there has to be a pony in here somewhere!" Reagan expressed his skepticism of projections publicly many times. That is a convenient stance; therefore reports of private discussions are better evidence of his position. [BACK]

11. Ibid., pp. 358-60. [BACK]

12. See George Reedy, The Twilight of the Presidency (New York: New American Library, 1987) for a description of the dynamic under a very different president, Lyndon Baines Johnson. [BACK]

13. Stockman, Triumph of Politics, p. 362. [BACK]

14. Ibid., pp. 362-64. [BACK]

15. John Berry, "Interest Rates Are Still the Key," Washington Post, January 9, 1983, pp. G1, G17; David Hoffman, "Reagan Advisers Consider Tax Rises in Future Budgets," Washington Post, January 9, 1983, pp. A1, A9. [BACK]

16. See "A Bi-Partisan Appeal To Resolve the Budget Crisis," Washington Post, January 20, 1983, pp. A14-15. [BACK]

17. Table 11, for example, shows only a $39 billion increase in the deficit from policy in FY84, while the Bi-Partisan Appeal required around $100 billion in FY84 contraction. Table from Mills and Palmer, Deficit Dilemma, p. 22. [BACK]

18. George J. Church, "'A Little Terrifying,'" Time, January 17, 1983, p. 10. Ross K. Baker, "Institutional Norms or Party Discipline?: The Punishment of Phil Gramm," typescript, emphasizes the violation of House norms based on interviews with fourteen members of the House Democratic Steering and Policy Committee. [BACK]

19. Helen Dewar, "Reagan's Program Attacked," Washington Post, January 27, 1983, pp. A1, A7. [BACK]

20. Walter Isaacson, "Mending and Bending," Time, February 7, 1983, pp. 12-14. [BACK]

21. Walter Isaacson, "Clashes and Compromises," Time, February 14, 1983, pp. 13-14. [BACK]

22. "A Newsweek Poll: Arms Wrestling," Newsweek, January 31, 1983, p. 17. [BACK]

23. "Why some executives are cooling on Reagan," Business Week, February 21, 1983, p. 19. [BACK]

24. Thomas Edsall and Spencer Rich, "Conable, Dole Oppose Tax Hike Plan," Washington Post, January 19, 1983, pp. A1, A4. [BACK]

25. Thomas Edsall, "Rostenkowski Asks Tax Freeze," Washington Post, February 9, 1983, pp. A1, A6; Thomas Edsall, "Rostenkowski Enrages O'Neill on Tax Stance," Washington Post, February 10, 1983, p. A4. [BACK]

26. CQA 1983, pp. 261-64; Harry Anderson et al., "The Push for a Jobs Program," Newsweek, January 17, 1983, p. 53. [BACK]

27. Walter Isaacson, "Searching for the Recovery," Time, February 21, 1983, pp. 16-17 [BACK]

28. They reasoned that a separate bill for these would allow the House to attach yet another "jobs" package. [BACK]

29. The Treasury claimed that the banks wanted to hold onto the money for their own use. [BACK]

30. Paul Taylor, "Banks Use Psychology to Stoke Savers' Rebellion," Washington Post, March 20, 1983, pp. A1, A6. [BACK]

31. Helen Dewar, "Jobs Bill Imperiled in Senate," Washington Post, March 11, 1983, p. A1. [BACK]

32. Thomas Edsall, "Demos Boost Banks in Tax Battle With Dole," Washington Post, March 12, 1983, p. A8. [BACK]

33. Helen Dewar, "President———Bank Tax Lobbying," Washington Post, March 12, 1983, pp. A1, A8; "On and Off," Time, March 21, 1983, p. 18. [BACK]

34. "No Line of Credit," Time, March 28, 1983, p. 19; CQA 1983, pp. 261-64. [BACK]

35. CQA 1983, pp. 261-64. [BACK]

36. Jonathan Alter et al., "Behind the Banks' Victory," Newsweek, May 2, 1983, p. 28. [BACK]

37. "Voting the Bankers' Way," Time, May 30, 1983, pp. 12-13. [BACK]

38. Thomas B. Edsall, "Senate Panel Approves Withholding Repeal," Washington Post, May 26, 1983, p. A9. [BACK]

39. "Exercises in Make-Believe," Time, June 27, 1983, p. 19. [BACK]

40. See CQA 1983, pp. 435-37; Richard E. Cohen, "What a Difference a Year—and an Election—Make in Producing a Budget," National Journal, April 2, 1983, pp. 696-99. [BACK]

41. Ed Magnuson, "Uproar Over Arms Control," Time, January 24, 1983, pp. 16-18. [BACK]

42. Walter Isaacson, "The Winds of Reform," Time, March 7, 1983, pp. 12-16, 23, 26-30. Unattributed quotes below are from that report. See James Fallows, The National Defense (New York: Random House, 1981), for the basic critique. [BACK]

43. Barton Gellman, "Saga of the World's Costliest Plastic Cap," Washington Post, August 21, 1983, pp. A1, A6. [BACK]

44. See Aaron Wildavsky, The New Politics of the Budgetary Process (Glenview, Ill./Boston: Scott, Foresman/Little Brown, 1987), chap. 6, for different sides of the story. [BACK]

45. Walter Isaacson, "Reagan for the Defense," Time, April 4, 1983, pp. 8-19. [BACK]

46. Michael Reese et al., "Reagan on the Defense," Newsweek, April 18, 1983, pp. 22-24. [BACK]

47. Stockman, Triumph of Politics, pp. 369-70; CQA 1983, p. 439. [BACK]

48. Reese et al., "Reagan on the Defense." [BACK]

49. Helen Dewar, "Stockman Issues Blunt Warning: Budget Agreement Called Vital," Washington Post, April 19, 1983, pp. A1, A6. [BACK]

50. Ibid.; Ed Magnuson, "Feuding in the Family," Time, May 2, 1983, pp. 12-14. [BACK]

51. Helen Dewar, "Conservatives Rebuff Reagan on Budget Counter-Offer," Washington Post, April 21, 1983, p. A4. [BACK]

52. Helen Dewar, "Senate Panel Defies Reagan," Washington Post, April 22, 1983, pp. A1, A7; Richard E. Cohen, "Political and Fiscal Blood May Flow Before Battle of 1984 Budget Is Over," National Journal, April 30, 1983, pp. 898-900; Magnuson, "Feuding in the Family." [BACK]

53. Howard H. Baker, Jr., "We Will Pass a Budget Resolution," Washington Post, May 15, 1983, p. B8; and Scott Matheson and Jim Thompson, "The States Need a Resolution Now," Washington Post, May 15, 1983, p. B8. [BACK]

54. Helen Dewar, "House GOP Vows Help for Reagan's Tax Cuts," Washington Post, April 29, 1983, p. A4. [BACK]

55. Ed Magnuson, "Going Into the Trenches," Time, May 30, 1983, pp. 12-14. [BACK]

56. Votes are all from Congressional Record, May 19, 1983. [BACK]

57. Mark Starr et al., "Congress: Falling on Its Face?" Newsweek, June 20, 1983, p. 23. [BACK]

58. "Budget Deal," Time, July 4, 1983, p. 19. [BACK]

59. CQA 1983, p. 447. [BACK]

60. "Tough Talk from Dole," Time, August 15, 1983, p. 13. [BACK]

61. Timothy B. Clark and Richard E. Cohen, "Coming Up Empty-Handed, National Journal, November 26, 1983, pp. 2460-69. [BACK]

62. Stockman, Triumph of Politics, pp. 371-73. [BACK]

63. Helen Dewar, "Democrats' Tight-Fisted Spending Bill Snags Their Welfare Aims," September 22, 1983, p. A3; Dewar, "Senate Votes to Cut U. N. Contribution," September 23, 1983, pp. A1, A4; Dewar, "Stopgap Funding Bill Is Put on Fast Track," September 28, 1983, P. A4; and Dewar, "Senate, Wooing Reagan, Votes Against More Education Spending," October 5, 1983, p. A2; all in Washington Post. [BACK]

64. Richard E. Cohen, "Plan to curb deficits by capping COLAs could set off a battle royal," National Journal, August 13, 1983, pp. 1671, 1699. [BACK]

65. Starr et al., "Congress: Failing on Its Face?" [BACK]

66. Thomas W. Lippman, "Regan Says President Would Veto a Reduction of July 1 Tax Cut," Washington Post, June 15, 1983, p. A3. [BACK]

67. Richard E. Cohen, "Senate Republican Control May Be Put to Test by Tough Issues this Fall," National Journal, September 10, 1983, pp. 1824-29. [BACK]

68. Timothy B. Clark, "Cracks Appear in Business's United Front in Opposition to Tax Boosts," National Journal, July 16, 1983, pp. 1493-96. [BACK]

69. Mark Starr, "Doing Nothing About Deficits," Newsweek, August 15, 1983, pp. 20-22. [BACK]

70. Ibid. [BACK]

71. Richard E. Cohen, "Choosing Their Poison," National Journal, October 15, 1983, p. 2121. [BACK]

72. CQA 1983, p. 233. [BACK]

73. Cohen, "Choosing Their Poison." [BACK]

74. Ibid.; and Cohen and Clark, "Coming Up Empty-Handed." [BACK]

75. CQA 1983, pp. 235-36. [BACK]

76. Ibid., pp. 529-30; Clark and Cohen, "Coming Up Empty-Handed"; T. R. Reid, "Leaders Spurned As House Defeats Spending Measure," Washington Post, November 9, 1983, p. A8; Susan Tifft, "Cowering Before the Deficit," Time, November 21, 1983, pp. 23, 26. [BACK]

77. Clark and Cohen, "Coming Up Empty-Handed." [BACK]

78. Helen Dewar and Martha M. Hamilton, "House Refuses to Consider a Tax Increase," Washington Post, November 18, 1983, pp. A1, A4; Ed Magnuson, "'We're Unable to Act,'" Time, November 28, 1983, pp. 18-20; Clark and Cohen, "Coming Up Empty-Handed"; CQA 1983, p. 236. [BACK]

79. Clark and Cohen, "Coming Up Empty-Handed." [BACK]

80. Helen Dewar, "Senate Marks Time As Debt Deadline Nears," Washington Post, October 30, 1983, p. A4. [BACK]

81. Helen Dewar, "Reagan Threatens Veto In Debt Ceiling Battle," Washington Post, November 2, 1983, p. A6. [BACK]

82. Ibid. [BACK]

83. Helen Dewar, "Deficit-Reduction Plan Torpedoed by Reagan," Washington Post, November 4, 1983, p. A2. [BACK]

84. Helen Dewar, "Senate Presses On in Quest to Cut Deficit," Washington Post, November 5, 1983, p. A4. [BACK]

85. Ibid. [BACK]

86. Dewar, "Deficit Reduction Plan Torpedoed by Reagan." [BACK]

87. Harry Anderson et al., "Congress Fiddles, The Deficits Burn," Newsweek, November 21, 1983, pp. 81-82. [BACK]

88. Dewar and Hamilton, "House Refuses to Consider a Tax Increase"; Helen Dewar and David Hoffman, "Deficit-Cutting Drive Resumes," Washington Post, November 16, 1983, pp. A1, A10; Magnuson, "'We're Unable to Act'"; Clark and Cohen, "Coming Up Empty-Handed"; CQA 1983, p. 287. [BACK]

89. CQA 1983, p. 241. [BACK]

90. Magnuson, "'We're Unable to Act.'" [BACK]

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