Safire, William, 355
Salmon, John J., 477
Samuelson, Robert, 520
Santini, James D., 142
Sasser, Jim, 126 , 437 , 567 , 655
Saudi Arabia, 37
Savage, James, 353 -54
Schick, Allen, 11 -12, 45 , 567
Schneider, Claudine, 181 , 244
Schram, Martin, 162
Schultze, Charles, 23 , 33 , 303 , 656 n.19
Schumpeter, Joseph, 351
Schweicker, Richard, 89 , 133 -36
Scorekeeping, 140 -41, 143 -44, 154 -55, 166 , 200 -202, 212 , 215 , 281 , 295 -96, 307 , 320 -22, 391 , 404 , 513 , 517 , 567 .
See also Budget authority vs. outlays; Fakery
Seiberling, John, 46 , 48 , 210
Senate Republicans:
deference in 1981, 114 , 119 -23, 126 , 160 , 164 -65
independence after 1981, 197 , 203 , 206 -8, 217 -20, 225 -26, 241 -44, 308 -9, 373 , 379 -80
out front in 1985, 430 -39
unity and 1984 election, 383 , 392
See also Administration, Reagan; Gypsy Moths; Reaganomics; Tax cuts
Sequestration, 440 -41, 448 , 451 -53, 455 -56, 507 , 509 -13
"Seven-Year Budget War," 11
Shanker, Albert, 113
Shanks, J. Merrill, 422
Shapiro, Donald, 487
Shelby, Richard C., 143
Shields, Mark, 298
Shultz, George, 75 , 82 , 166 , 473 , 587
Shumway, Norman, 184
Skocpol, Theda, 539
Small Business Administration, 363
Smith, Denny, 361
Snelling, Governor, 223
Social Security, 3 -5, 32 , 40 , 103 -4, 11 , 120 -21, 126 , 133 -36, 143 , 176 -77, 192 , 242 -43, 357 , 375 , 378 -80, 397 -98, 411 , 432 -38, 445 , 533
Gang of 17 , 236 -40, 610 n.28
rescue package, 193 , 309 -30, 618 n.18, 619 n.23
See also Deficit—Causes; Entitlements; Reagan—Moral Economy
Solarz, Steven, 115
Solomon, Anthony, 55
Solomon, Peter, 133
Soviet Union, 19 , 32 , 36 -38, 108 , 175 , 190 , 415 , 548
Special interests, xvii , 6 , 380 -81, 419 -20, 431 , 468 , 472 -73, 486 , 495 , 497 -502, 507 , 532 -34, 539 , 543 , 548 , 569 , 572
bidding war on ERTA, 166 -67, 171 -75, 180 -82
business vs. defense, 233 -34
doctors and hospitals vs. the elderly, 395 , 404 -5
farmers, 212 -15
federal employees, 60 , 295 -96, 323 , 325 -27, 619 n.23
Teamsters and truckers, 303 -4
See also Democracy; Interest withholding; Labor; Lobbying; Public Interest, The; Social Security
Specter, Arlen, 122
Spending cut packages:
Bipartisan Budget Appeal, 359
Democratic 1980-81, 40 -42, 115 , 123 -25, 131 , 142 -46
Democratic surveys, 361 -62, 376
"freeze" proposals, 230 , 360 , 396 -99
FY83 budget process, 228 -30, 234 , 241 -42, 244 -45, 249
FY84 budget process, 366 , 369 -72
FY85 budget process, 391 -99
FY86 budget process, 432 -39
out side budget process, 72 -73, 375 , 378 -81
Reagan 1981, 88 -89, 101 -2, 104 -6, 111 -12, 127 , 146 , 148 , 150 -52, 154 -55, 591 nn.40, 56
Reagan FY84-85, 358 , 360 , 391 -92, 398
Republican pre-Spending
"September offensive," 191 -92, 195 , 196
See also Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981 (OBRA); Reconciliation; Social Security; Summits, budget
Spinney, Franklin C., 366
Sprinkel, Beryl, 30 , 86 , 98 , 189
Stafford, Robert, 121 -22, 153 , 223 , 298 , 369 , 399 , 489
Stark, Fortney (Pete), 257 , 477 , 481
State, The, 535 , 543 -46, 549 -50
State managers:
American executive as, 544
in Marxism, 544
notion of, 538
Stein, Herbert, 27 , 78 , 85 , 99 , 157 , 274
Stenholm, Charles, 92 , 127 , 152 , 165
Stennis, John C., 114
Stevens, Ted, 119 , 122 , 202 , 288 , 291 , 305 , 326 , 398 , 402 , 406 , 462 -63
Stevenson, Adlai, 427
Stockman, David, 31 , 41 , 47 -48, 64 , 76 , 78 , 81 -86, 88 -92, 95 -110, 113 , 115 , 119 -29, 132 -49, 151 -52, 154 -56, 163 -65, 170 , 173 -76, 179 , 181 , 183 -93, 196 -99, 201 -2, 210 -11, 216 , 219 , 221 -22, 225 , 227 -28, 231 -37, 251 , 254 , 269 , 271 , 279 , 285 -90, 292 -93, 301 , 307 , 319 -21, 336 , 341 , 349 , 356 -61, 364 , 368 -69, 374 , 382 , 385 -400, 404 , 407 , 409 , 429 , 433 , 435 , 437 , 439 , 443 -44, 461 , 473 , 532 , 537 -38, 541 , 555 -56, 587 , 590-91, 595
Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), "Star Wars," 197 , 367 , 409
Summits, budget, 31 -32, 235 -41, 286 , 319 -22, 372 , 382 -83, 390 , 407 , 520 -21, 566 -67
Supplemental appropriations, 53 , 211 , 286 , 288 -94, 362 -65
emerging stalemate, 365
veto override, 291 -93
See also Appropriations; "Jobs" Bills
Surrey, Stanley, 473
"Switchblade state," 539
"Switchboard state," 539