McBride, Lloyd, 113
McCarthy, Tim, 117
McCarthyism, 72
McChesney, William, 349
McClory, Robert, 280
McClure, James, 201 -2
McComber, Dale, 99
McConnell, Grant, 555
McCracken, Paul, 27 , 230 , 587
McCurdy, Dan, 179
McFarlane, Bud, 444
McNamar, Tim, 101
Madigan, Ed, 176
Madison, James, 1 , 5 -6, 542 , 548 , 557
Magnuson, Warren, 58
Malabre, Alfred, 57
Malloy, John, 501
Manatt, Charles, 175
Marcos, Ferdinand, xiv
Martin, Lynn, 569
Marx, Karl, 74 , 470 , 536 , 655
Marxist theory, 535 -41
Mathias, Charles, 121 -22, 369 , 399 , 437
Mathiasen, David, 523
Mattingly, Mack, 410
Mayhew, David, 290
Media, 569
as critics of government policy, 538 , 549 , 558 -60
role in governmental process, 545 -48, 551
Meese, Edwin, 82 , 87 -89, 101 , 118 , 159 , 186 , 188 , 191 -92, 254 , 369 , 429 , 510 , 590
Melcher, John, 325
Mentz, Roger, 485
Metzenbaum, Howard M., 122
Michel, Robert H., 129 -30, 132 , 142 , 145 -48, 177 , 180 , 188 , 192 , 200 , 203 , 222 -23, 230 , 233 , 236 , 243 , 245 -46, 292 , 295 , 300 , 302 , 311 , 362 , 367 -68, 384 , 394 , 437 , 441 , 483 , 494 -95
Miller, George, 48 -49, 83 , 210 , 245 , 376 , 393 , 509
Miller, James, 442 , 452 , 464 -65, 508 , 516
Miller, Warren, 422
Miller, William, 50
Milliken, William, 243
Mills, Gregory B., 333 , 342 -43
Mills, Wilbur, 477
Mineta, Norman, 43 , 115 , 244
Mitchell, George J., 426 , 485 -86, 490 , 567 -68
Moffett, Toby, 93
Mondale, Walter, xiv , 56 , 354 , 390 , 409 , 411 -13, 419 -22, 425 -26, 474 -75, 507
Monetary policy:
counter to fiscal policy, 344 , 348 , 351 , 621 n.39
maintenance of banking system, 57 -58, 261 -67
Reagan support for squeeze, 77 , 112
velocity problem, 99 -100, 165
Volcker's squeeze: 29 -30, 33 , 49 -50, 57 -58, 183 -85, 188 -90, 261 , 267 -69
See also Deficit—consequences; Economy—actual performance; Economy—actual policy; Economy-ideas about
Montgomery, G. V. (Sonny), 127
Moody, Jim, 376
Mosher, Frederick C., 7
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 38 , 57 , 81 , 136 , 243 , 311 -13, 319 , 344 , 379 , 484 -88, 494 , 496 , 512 , 523