Habermas, Jurgen, 547
Haig, Alexander, 89 , 101 , 187
Halburton, Michael, 587
Hamilton, Alexander, 219 , 283 , 541 -42
Hamilton, Lee, 568
Hance, Kent, 161 , 163 , 172 , 241 , 598
Harris, Louis, 300
Hart, Gary, 38 -39, 73 , 114 , 399
Hart, Peter, 419
Hass, Lawrence, 521
Hatfield, Mark, 114 , 119 , 121 -22, 202 , 207 , 215 -16, 219 , 285 , 289 , 291 -93, 307 , 363 , 369 , 379 , 391 -92, 396 , 400 , 403 , 410 , 437 , 461
Health Care Financing Administration, 324
Heclo, Hugh, 543
Hefner, Bill, 269
Heftel, Cecil, 248
Heinz, John, 122 , 243 , 311 , 317 , 319 , 325 , 487
Heller, Walter, 55 , 303 , 346
Helms, Jesse, 62 , 214 , 306 , 308 , 398
Heritage Foundation, 67 , 71 , 315
Hightower, Jack, 149
Hinckley, John W., Jr., 117
Hitler, Adolf, 547
Hollings, Ernest (Fritz), 19 , 42 -43, 53 , 57 , 61 , 103 , 120 , 125 -26, 153 , 190 , 198 , 207 , 223 , 230 , 234 , 236 -37, 242 , 248 , 252 , 369 , 398 -99, 433 , 437 -38, 442 , 447 , 450 , 512
Holt, Marjorie, 42
Horton, Frank, 518
Hostage-taking, 53 , 311 , 331 , 364 , 374 , 377 , 378 -80, 384 , 406 -7
See also Budgetary process; Gramm-Rudman-Hollings
House Democratic leadership: and budget process, 16 -17, 41 , 45 -46, 53 -54, 138 -39, 247 -48, 376 -77, 429 , 565 -66
distrust of Rep. Jones, 141 , 146 , 236
and Gramm-Rudman-Hollings, 450 -51, 567 -68
rules for legislation, 145 -49, 288 -89
Speaker's responsibility, 373
spending offensive, 289 , 294 -95, 304
strategy of inclusion, 92 -94, 394 -96
See also Democratic Party
Howard, James, 300 -302
Howard, Paul, 398
Huard, Paul, 501
Hubbard, Carroll, Jr., 128 -29, 178 , 304
Humphrey, Gordon J., 306
Hunt, Lacy, 184
Hutchinson, Ed, 81