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Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), 455

East, John, 307

Eckstein, Otto, 55 , 303 , 351

Economic Development Administration (EDA), 113 , 123 , 141 , 336

Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 (ERTA), 137 , 139 , 157 -82, 217 , 229 , 236 , 251 , 332 , 428 , 495

See also Tax Cuts

Economists, xv , xvi , 205 -6, 213 , 259 , 303 , 572

Democratic, 28 , 29 , 50 , 55 , 351

"gurus," 30 , 98 , 262 , 554

Republican, 75 -79, 82 -84, 86 , 98 -99, 119 , 165 , 205 -6, 220 , 230 , 357 -58

and tax reform, 472 -73

three schools, 24 -28

See also Economy—ideas about

Economy—actual performance, 19 , 28 -30, 33 , 49 -51, 57 -58, 64 , 95 , 133 , 183 -84, 196 , 204 -5, 234 -35, 260 -62, 266 -69, 340 , 345 -48, 396

Economy—actual policy, 21 -22, 31 -33, 75 -79, 259 -60, 342 , 604 n.17

See also Monetary policy

Economy—effect on budget, 5 , 11 , 14 , 20 , 32 , 34 , 50 -51, 76 , 185 -86, 215 , 313 , 334 -35, 340 -42, 344 , 371

See also Deficit, causes

Economy—ideas about:

assumptions, 571 -72

confusion, 100 , 195 , 259 -60

deficits and inflation, 19 -21, 24 , 27 , 29 -31, 49 , 117 , 184 , 265 , 269

government and markets, 57 , 116 -17, 415 -18, 588 n.45

and ways of life, 260 -61

See also economists; expectations, Keynesian principles; Reagan, Ronald—moral economy, Reaganomics

Edelman, Murray, 552

Edwards, Jack, 307

Edwards, Mickey, 577

Eisenhower, Dwight, 51 , 66

Eizenstat, Stuart, 138

Elazar, Daniel, 123

Elections, 259 , 274 , 279 , 312 , 382 , 409 , 410 -11

1980, 66 -73

1982, 297 -300, 616 n.23

1984, 418 -26, 451

1988, 521 -22, 567

See also Public opinion

Elkin, Stephen, 536

El Salvador, 408 , 414 , 547

Elster, Jon, 537

Engels, Friedrich, 536

English, Glenn, 179

Entitlements, 3 -5, 11 , 40 , 103 -6, 124 , 148 , 191 -92, 228 , 334 -35, 337 , 359 , 386 -87,


397 , 423 -25, 455 , 460

See also Social Security

Evans, Billy Lee, 205 , 598

Evans, Peter B., 539

Evans, Thomas B., Jr., 288 -89, 490

Expectations, 22 , 29 -31, 34 , 50 , 55 , 63 -64, 84 -85, 133 , 184 -85, 189 , 259 , 263 , 266 -67, 269 -71

See also Economy—ideas about; Financial markets; Monetary policy

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