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Aaron, Henry, 315

Ackley, Gardner, 359

Addabbo, Joseph P., 304

Administration, Reagan:

appointments, members, 75 -88, 235 , 429 -30

divisions within, 82 -85, 98 -99, 119 , 165 , 174 -75, 185 -91, 196 -97, 206 , 220 -22, 234 -35, 349 , 357 -59, 368 -69, 382 , 385 , 389 -90, 421 , 444 , 452 , 509 -10

responsibility to the president, 79 -81, 86 -89, 101 -2, 119 , 134 -35, 388 , 443 -44.

See also Feldstein, Martin; Regan, Donald; Stockman, David

Afghanistan, 19 , 32 , 35 , 38 , 64

AFL-CIO, 34 , 117 , 311 , 318 , 320 , 323 , 325 , 347 , 362 , 419 , 498 , 567

Albertine, Jack, 477

Alexander, William, 131 , 279 , 283

Allen, Richard, 109

American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), 320 -22, 507

American Business Council, 477

American Farm Bureau Federation, 523

American Medical Association, 395

Americans for Democratic Action, 257

Anderson, Charles, 555

Anderson, John, 587

Anderson, Martin C., 75 -78, 82 -84, 88 -89, 101 , 106 -7, 110 -11, 119 , 134 , 196 , 235 , 253 , 276 , 586

Andrews, Mark, 122 , 202 , 290 , 369 , 399 , 461

Applegate, Doug, 598

Appropriations, 140 -41, 186 , 192 -93, 195 -97, 199 -203, 285 , 293 -94, 363 , 373 -74, 377 , 405 -10, 438 , 461 -63, 517 -18, 521

caps in 1984, 384 , 391 -92, 399 -403

and constitution, 6 , 437

hearings, 290 -91

norm of passing bills, 209 -10, 215 -16, 285 , 373 -74

and policy, 9 -10, 363 , 377

(see also authorizations)

process, xiv , 3 -5, 8 -11, 140 -41

and targets, including 302(b), 14 , 293 -94, 405 -6, 458 -60.

See also Continuing resolutions; Supplemental Appropriations

Aquino, Corazon, xiv , 516

Archer, William, 311 , 322 -23, 493 -95

Armstrong, William, 61 , 125 -26, 169 -70, 177 , 242 , 279 , 289 , 311 -12, 319 -20, 322 , 325 -26, 378 -79, 438 , 514

Ashbrook, John, 155

Aspin, Les, 115 , 244 -47, 304 , 452

Atkinson, Eugene, 598

Authorizing Committees:

and appropriations, 9 -11, 153 , 296 -97, 362 -63, 374 , 407 -09

and 1981 reconciliation, 45 -47, 97 , 137 -38, 141 -46, 148 , 153

and 1982 reconciliation, 248

and 1984 DEFRA, 401 -2, 404

See also Continuing resolution; Reconciliation

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