Chapter 5 Research Subventions and Ministerial Control
1. For tests of clocks, see Olmsted, "Voyage of Jean Richer"; CdB, 2: 236. [BACK]
2. Histoire, 1: 199; Martin, Livre, 669; Wolf, Observatoire, 96-97; Decline and Reform, 91-99. The assistant called Pasquin, Pasquine, Paquin, or Pasquier helped in this work (table 1a, ii). [BACK]
3. Perrault, Abrégé; BN MS. fr. 15189: 171v (7 May 1673); Auzout later attempted a more faithful translation: Leibniz, Briefwechsel, 1: 594. On Blondel and Perrault, see Hirschfield, Académie, 87-89. [BACK]
4. Roland, "Alexis-Hubert Jaillot"; Brown, Story, 217-24, 245-49; Neptune françois; Bourgeois and André, Sources, 1: 51, 56-57, nos. 152, 177, 181; Saunders, Decline and Reform, 77-84, 164-65; Stroup, Royal Funding, 54-55, and documents VII and VIII; Histoire ... 1700, 120-24; Mémoires ... 1718, 2: 3 (from De la grandeur et de la figure de la terre). Richer, Varin, Des Hayes, and Deglos supplied data from both sides of the Atlantic: AdS, Reg., 9: 229r-v (July 1682 to June 1683). [BACK]
5. CdB, 1: 1343. See also BN MS. n. a. fr. 5147: 107r-8r; BN MS. n. a. fr. 5136: 256-57, 271-83, 360. [BACK]
6. In 1676, for example, the astronomer Richer constructed canal locks in Fère: Blanchard, Ingénieurs, 112-13. [BACK]
7. BN MS. n. a. fr. 5147; see 108r, 112r, for notary's fees. Stroup, Royal Funding, table 5 (1693, 1695, 1697, 1698). Some reimbursements to Bourdelin are probably included in the small expenses of the Library (table 12c-d). [BACK]
8. Saunders, Decline and Reform, 67. [BACK]
9. BN MS. Clairambault 566: 252v; CdB, 2: 759, 1009; Saunders, Decline and Reform, 159. [BACK]
10. Saunders, Decline and Reform, 89. [BACK]
11. Compare Histoire, 1: 386-87, 2: 132-33, and Histoire ... 1699, 2-3, 14. [BACK]
12. Histoire, 1: 408-19, 432-41; 2: 32, 56-58, 71-73. [BACK]
13. Three missions cooperated with the Academy. The China missions included Fontaney, Tachard, Vissedelou, Bonnet, Le Comte, and Gerbillon, who left in 1685, and Avril, Beauvollier, and Barabé, who were to enter China via Grand Tartary as part of a diplomatic mission in 1688. Fourteen Jesuits went to Siam and India, twelve of them mathematicians; these included Antoine Thomas, Richaud, de Beze, and François Noel: "Observations ... de Siam," and "Observations ... des Indes et de la Chine," in Mémoires, 7, 2: 605-875. On their work, see AdS, Reg., 11: 114v, 115r-16v (16, 20 Dec. 1684, 17, 20 Jan. 1685); Mémoires, 10: 130-31; Saunders, Decline and Reform, 187; Mungello, Curious Land, 255-56. Other Jesuit missionaries also reported to the Academy, which in November 1685 examined information from Goa in January: AdS, Reg., 11: 144r, 148r-50r. The Jesuits also took with them a fashionable remedy for the poor, on which they had been authorized to spend 500 lv.: AN G7 884 (June 1685). They were pensioned at 400 lv. a year while they were abroad, and their funds were usually channeled through père Verjus: CdB, 2: 660, 855, 870, 913. Payments continued during the 1690s: Stroup, Royal Funding, 45n. 20. [BACK]
14. Mémoires, 7, 2: 743. [BACK]
15. Ibid., 605-875; AdS, Reg., 12: 104v-5r (13, 20 Nov. 1688); Mémoires, 4: 325-33. The Jesuits sent other descriptions of eastern animals, printed in Mémoires, 3, 2: 251-88, with Du Verney's reflections. [BACK]
16. AdS, Reg., 9: 124r-27r (29 Nov. 1681). [BACK]
17. Saunders, Decline and Reform, 66-77, stresses Louvois's exasperation with academicians. [BACK]
18. Histoire, 1: 395-404, 429-31; 2: 6-8, 23-25, 44-48, 63-66, 89-93. [BACK]
19. AdS, Reg., 10: 95v (15 Apr. 1682). [BACK]
20. BN MS. n. a. fr. 5147: 120v. Bourdelin recorded his out-of-pocket expenses: 365 lv. for the assistant's wages, at least 40 lv. for new bedding and laundry, 150 lv. for rent of a shop and cellar in which to work, and unnamed sums for tables, cabinets, etc. [BACK]
21. AdS, Reg., 11: 121v-22r, 125r-v, 128v, 130r, 136v-38r, 139r-40r (7, 10-19, 21 Mar., 19 May, 6 June, 28 July, 4, 8 Aug. 1685); Histoire, 1: 442-45, 448; 2: 4-5, 14-15, 42, 59-60, 63, 87, 368-69; CdB, 2: 780; 3: 114; BN Archives de l'ancien régime 1: 26v-27r (16 Mar. 1685). See also AdS, Reg., 4: 123v-25r (4 Aug. 1668). The translation of Frontinus was never printed: BN MS. Clairambault 566: 252v. Picard published a treatise on surveying in 1684. In his eulogy of La Hire, Fontenelle made the reimbursement for 600 lv. of expenses incurred in this work (table 4c) the subject of an anecdote about Louvois's disdain for detail: Histoire ... 1718, 81. Academicians discussed hydraulic machines and treatises with James II of England when he visited the Observatory in 1690: Histoire, 2: 103; McKie, "James, Duke of York, F.R.S." Trying to divert the Eure to Versailles was enormously expensive and cost nearly 6 million lv. between 1685 and 1687: CdB, 2: 1312-13. [BACK]
22. Mémoires, 10: 29-36, 251-52, 325-39; AdS, Carton 1667-1699, pochettes 1692, 1693, and 1694. [BACK]
23. Saunders, Decline and Reform, 198. [BACK]
24. Ibid., 91-99. [BACK]
25. AN O1 1934B 14 explains that his pension was "en consideration de plusieurs machines qu'il a inventées." [BACK]
26. Histoire, 1: 422-23, 448; 2: 14-15, 22, 33-35, 39. [BACK]
27. For a detailed account of the financial record of the Academy during the 1690s, see Stroup, Royal Funding. [BACK]
28. On the effects of the war on publishing and manufacturing, see BN MS. fr. 7801: 62r, and Lister, Journey, 80, 138, 145, 162-63. [BACK]
29. Saunders, Decline and Reform, chaps. 5, 6, and 7; Stroup, Royal Funding, chap. 5. [BACK]
30. Stroup, Royal Funding, chap. 3, and app. A, B. [BACK]
31. AN G7 902, paid Aug. 1698. [BACK]
32. See treatises in Mémoires, 7, 2; Méoires, 10; Histoire, 2: 155-63, 189-200, 218-29, 259-65, 285-92, 300-331, 340-44; Stroup, Royal Funding, 50-51. [BACK]
33. From 1693 the Academy's share of the expenses of the petit Jardin cannot be separated from the Jardin royal's share; academicians continued to use the Jardin royal even after Fagon removed the petit jardin from Marchant's control in 1694. [BACK]
34. Lister, Journey, 82, reported the cost of Tournefort's plates. The number of plates engraved during the 1690s has been inferred from the total engraved by 1701 and the number said in memoranda from the early 1690s to be completed: BN MS. Clairambault 566: 252r, and BN MS. fr. 22225: 36r, state that 250 plates have been engraved; see also Laissus and Monseigny, "Les Plantes du Roi"; Bréchot et al., "Note bibliographique." [BACK]
35. Histoire, 2: 135-39, 142-47, 150-52, 175-83, 205-7, 209-18, 238-57, 278-79, 281-84, 298-99, 335-39; Historia, 301-8, 311, 325-31, 374-76, 380-84, 408-9, 414-17, 440-47, 453, 455, 483-85, 494-500; Histoire ... 1715, 82; Lister, Journey, 79-80; Stroup, Royal Funding, 39-40; Saunders, Decline and Reform, 164. [BACK]
36. AdS, Reg., 14: 73v; 15: 43r-46r; Histoire, 2: 133-35, 141, 164-67, 173-74, 201-2, 204, 228, 259-62, 334; Stroup, Royal Funding, chap. 6; Saunders, Decline and Reform, 197-99. [BACK]
37. Salomon-Bayet, "Préambule"; Stroup, Royal Funding, 57-60; AdS, Reg., 18: 79r-81v (14 Jan. 1699) for Homberg's talk on "Essays pour corriger la matiere des lettres de l'imprimerie." [BACK]
38. By comparison the Gobelins and Savonnerie cost the crown on average 135,000 lv. a year from 1664 through 1690: BN MS. fr. 7801: 60v-62r. [BACK]
39. Oldenburg, Correspondence, 5: 498; Brown, Scientific Organizations, 159. [BACK]
40. In the seventeenth century, as now, there was considerable conformity within the scientific community about the relative importance of various problems and techniques: Hagstrom, Scientific Community, 52. [BACK]