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I. Statements and Writings by the Artist

1956 "Statement," 12 Americans, New York, The Museum of Modern Art, 1956, p. 36, illus.

1957 "Statement," Bradley Walker Tomlin, New York, Whitney Museum of American Art, 1957, p. 9.

1958 "Statement," It Is, no. 1, Spring 1958, p. 44, illus.

1958 "Statement," Nature in Abstraction, New York, Whitney Museum of American Art, 1957, p. 9.

1958 "Statement," The New American Painting, New York, The Museum of Modern Art, 1958–59, pp. 40–43, illus.

1962 "Statement," Philip Guston, Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum, illus.

1965 "Piero della Francesca: The Impossibility of Painting," Art News vol. 64, May 1965, pp. 38–39, illus.

1966 "Faith, Hope, and Impossibility," Art News Annual, XXXI, October1966, pp. 101–103, 152, 153, illus.

1973 "On Drawing," Boston University Journal, Fall 1973, illus.

II. Books about the Artist

Arnason, H. H. Philip Guston. New York: The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1962.


Ashton, Dore. Philip Guston. New York: Grove Press, 1959.

Dabrowski, Magdalena. The Drawings of Philip Guston. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1988.

Feld, Ross. Philip Guston. New York: Braziller; San Francisco: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 1980. 50 color plates.

Hunter, Sam, and Rosenberg, Harold. Philip Guston, Recent Paintings and Drawings. New York: The Jewish Museum, 1966.

Mayer, Musa. Night Studio: A Memoir of Philip Guston by His Daughter. New York: Knopf, 1988.

Serota, Nicholas, ed. Philip Guston: Paintings, 19691980. London: White-chapel Art Gallery, 1982. 90 plates, 32 in color. See especially the essay by Norbert Lynton.

Storr, Robert. Philip Guston. New York: Abbeville Press, 1986.

Philip Guston: The Late Works. Sydney: International Cultural Corporation of Australia, 1984. 52 plates, 24 in color. With an essay by Edward Fry and Joseph Ablow.

III. Articles about the Artist

Alloway, Lawrence. "Ashton on Guston." Arts Review vol. 13, no. 14, 1961, pp. 17, 20.

"Notes on Guston." Art Journal, 1962, pp. 8–11.

The Nation, November 30, 1974.

Aronson, David. Boston University Journal, Fall 1973, pp. 21–31.

Art in America. "Painters and Poets," October–November 1965.

Art News. "Guston's Social Security Mural: Completed Despite War," vol. 42, March 1943, p. 8.

"Critics' Choice, The Armory," October 1945.

Artforum. "Special Issue: The New York School," September 1965.

Ashton, Dore. "Art: The Age of Lyricism." Arts and Architecture, March 1956, pp. 14–15, 43–44.

"Art." Arts and Architecture, September 1956, pp. 4, 5, 13, 35, 36.

"Art." Arts and Architecture, June 1956, pp. 3–10.

"The American Signature." XXe Siècle, March 1958, p. 9.

"Art." Arts and Architecture, May 1958, pp. 5, 28–29.

"Some Lyricists in the New York School." Art News & Review, 1959.

"Perspectives de la Peinture Amèricaine." Cahiers d'Art, 1960, pp. 212–14.

"Philip Guston." Evergreen Review, September–October 1960, pp. 88–91.

"Philip Guston." Metro, 1961, pp. 33–41.

"American Vision at the Marlborough." Studio International, September 1964, p. 119.


"La Voix du Tourbillon dans I'Amérique de Kafka." XXe Siècle, May 1964, p. 95.

"Philip Guston, the Painter as Metaphysician." Studio International, February 1965, pp. 64–67.

"Exhibition at the Jewish Museum." Arts and Architecture, April 1966.

"La Amerika de Philip Guston." Plural, February 1974, pp. 47–50.

Essay for catalogue, "New Paintings," Boston University, 1974.

"Impassioned Quest." Art International, Winter 1988.

Baker, Kenneth. "Philip Guston at Boston University." Art in America, 1974, pp. 114, 115.

"Philip Guston's Drawing: Delirious Figuration." Arts, June 1977.

Barker, Walter. "Painter and His Identity." St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 1966.

Benedikt, Michael. "New York Letter." Art International, April 1966, pp. 79–80.

Berkson, William. "Philip Guston: A New Emphasis." Arts Magazine, February 1966, pp. 15–18.

"Art Chronicle." Kulchur, August 1962, pp. 36–38.

"Dialogue with Philip Guston." Art and Literature, Winter 1965, pp.56–59.

"The New Gustons." Art News, October 1970, pp. 44–47.

Big Sky, No. 4, cover and six drawings, 1972.

No. 5, drawings and notes, 1973.

Boston University Journal. "Conversations. Philip Guston and Harold Rosenberg: Guston's Recent Paintings," 1974.

Brach, Paul. Art Digest, January 1, 1952, p. 18.

"Affirmation." Art Digest, January 15, 1953, p. 18.

"Looking at Guston." Art in America, November 1980.

"Paint Remover: The Late Guston." Art in America, February 1984.

"An Act of Salvation." Art in America, January 1989.

Breeskin, Adelyn. "Trois Peintres Américains." L'Oeil, July–August 1960, pp. 54–59.

Buonagurio, Edgar. Review. Arts, February 1979.

Burn, Guy. "Guston." Arts Review, January 26, February 9, 1963, p. 10.

Campbell, Lawrence. Review. Art News, January 1975.

Canaday, John. "Philip Guston, Abstractionist." The New York Times, December 30, 1959.

Chamberlain, Betty. Review. Art News vol. 54, February 1956, p. 47.

Cimaise, Serie VI, no. 3, January, February, March 1959, illus.

Coleman, Roger. "Philip Guston at Whitechapel." Art News and Review, 1963, illus.

Creeley, Robert. "Philip Guston: A Note." Black Mountain Review, Spring 1956, illus.

Edwards, F. "Apollon Och Minotauros." Paletten, no. 1, 1957, pp. 7–18.


Feaver, William. "Loads of Sprockets." London Observer, May 6, 1979.

Feld, Ross. "Philip Guston." Arts, May 1976.

"Philip Guston's Wharf." Arts, April 1978.

Feldman, Morton. "Some Elementary Questions." Art News, April 1967, pp. 54–55, 74, illus.

"After Modernism." Art in America, November–December 1971, pp. 68–77, illus.

"Give My Regards to Eighth Street." Art in America, March 1971.

Fortune. "Brave New World, F.O.B." August 1943, pp. 124, 126–27, illus. by the artist.

"Troop Carrier Command." October 1943, pp. 130–35, illus. by the artist.

Frankfurter, Alfred. "Directions in U.S. Painting." Art News, 1939, illus.

Frost, Rosamond. "The Corcoran Carries On." Art News vol. 44, no. 4, April 1–14, 1945, pp. 14, 42 (color).

"Guston: Meaning Out of Monumentality." Art News, no. 43, February 1, 1945, p. 24, illus.

Gopnik, Adam. "Cyclops." The New Yorker, October 3, 1988.

Gosling, Nigel. "Another Pilgrim from America." The Observer, January 20, 1963.

Gruen, John. Review. New York magazine, November 9, 1970, p. 62. illus.

Harris, Ruth G. "Public Taste in Murals." The New York Times, 1939, illus.

Harrison, Jane. "Retrospective at Whitechapel." Arts vol. 37, no. 7, April 1963, p. 27.

Heartney, Eleanor. "The Drawings of Philip Guston." Artnews, December 1988.

Henning, E. B. "Some Contemporary Paintings." Cleveland Museum Bulletin vol. 49, March 1962, pp. 52–53, illus.

"Paths of Abstract Art." Cleveland Museum Bulletin vol. 47, October 1960, pp. 199–201, illus.

Hess, Thomas B. "Inside Nature." Art News vol. 56, no. 10, February 1958, pp. 40–44, 60–65, illus.

Review. New York magazine, December 9, 1974.

"Dumb Is Beautiful." New York Magazine, March 29, 1976.

Holmes, Mary. "Metamorphosis and Myth in Modern Art." Perspective, Winter 1948, pp. 77–85, illus.

Hunter, Sam. "Philip Guston." Art in America, 1954.

"Philip Guston." Art International vol. 6, no. 4, May 1962, pp. 62–67, illus.

It Is. "The Philadelphia Panel." Spring 1960, illus.

Janson, H. W. "'Martial Memory' by Philip Guston and American Painting Today." St. Louis Museum Bulletin vol. 27, nos. 3–4, 1942, pp. 34–41, illus.


"Philip Guston." The Magazine of Art vol. 40, no. 2, February 1947, pp. 54–58, illus.

Kainen, Jacob. Review. The Washington Post, May 23, 1971.

Kaufmann, Edgar. "Coming Home to the Carnegie." Art News vol. 44, no. 13, October 15–31, 1945, pp. 10, 12–13, illus.

Kingsley, April. "Philip Guston's Endgame." Horizon Magazine, June 1980.

Kozloff, Max. "Art." The Nation vol. 194, no. 20, May 19, 1962, pp. 453–55.

Kramer, Hilton. "Abstractions of Guston Still Further Refined." The New York Times, January 1, 1965.

"Mandarin Pretending to be a Stumblebum." The New York Times, October 25, 1970.

Larson, Kay. "Waiting for the Light." New York, September 26, 1988.

Life. "Carnegie Winner's Art Is Abstract and Symbolic." May 27, 1946, pp. 90–92 (color).

Lynton, Norbert. "London Letter." Art International vol. 7, no. 2, February 1963, pp. 69–70.

Melville, Robert. Review. Architectural Review vol. 133, no. 794, April 1963, p. 289, illus.

Mullins, Edwin. "Guston and the Imaginative Experiment." Apollo vol. 77, no. 13, March 1963, pp. 229–30, illus.

New York Times. "Art Commission Approves Mural." March 16, 1941, illus.

"Group Shows." September 28, 1947, illus.

Newsweek. "Long Journey." May 7, 1962, p. 94, illus.

Nordland, Gerald. "Philip Guston." Frontier, April 1961, p. 24.

"Review at Mid-life." Frontier, July 1963, pp. 23–24, illus.

O'Hara, Frank. "Growth and Guston." Art News vol. 61, no. 3, May 1962, pp. 31–33, 51–52, illus.

Phillips, Michael. Review. The Boston Review of the Arts, December 15, 1970.

Raleigh, Henry P. "Image and Imagery in Painting." The Art Journal, Spring 1962, illus.

Raynor, Vivien. "Guston." Arts vol. 36, no. 10, September 1962, p. 50.

Richard, Rene. Review. Art in America, November–December 1978.

Rickey, Carrie. "Gust, Gusto, Guston." Artforum, October 1980.

Roberts, Keith. "Exhibition at the Whitechapel Gallery." Burlington Magazine vol. 105, no. 720, March 1963, p. 136.

Rosenberg, Harold. "Liberation from Detachment." The New Yorker, November 7, 1970.

Russell, John. "The 'New American Painting' Captures Europe." Horizon vol. 2, no. 2, November 1959, pp. 32–41, illus.

"Guston's Last Tape." The New York Times, November 9, 1974.


Sandler, Irving. "Guston: A Long Voyage Home." Art News vol. 58, no. 8, December 1959, pp. 36–39, 64–65, illus.

Review. Art News vol. 60, March 1961, p. 10.

Seldis, Henry. "Giant Retrospective of Philip Guston's Works." Los Angeles Sunday Times, June 9, 1963, p. 13, illus.

Smith, Roberta. Review. Artforum, February 1975.

"The New Gustons." Art in America, January–February 1978.

Review. Art in America, September 1980.

Steinberg, Leo. "Fritz Glarner and Philip Guston Among '12 Americans' at The Museum of Modern Art." Arts vol. 30, June 1956, pp. 42–45, illus.

Stevens, Mark. "A Talk with Philip Guston." The New Republic, March 15, 1980.

Stofflet-Santiago, Mary. "Philip Guston: A Thorough Preview." Artweek, January 13, 1979.

Suro, Dario. "Philip Guston," Cuadernos, September 1958.

Sylvester, David. Review. New Statesman vol. 65, no. 1666, February 15, 1963, pp. 247–48.

"New York Takeover." The Sunday Times (London), April 26, 1964, illus.

Tyler, Parker. Review. Art News vol. 57, no. 2, April 1958, p. 12.

Wohl, Helmut. "Philip Guston and the Problems of Painting." Harvard Art Review, Spring/Summer 1967, pp. 28–30, illus.

Yates, Peter. "Philip Guston at the County Museum." Arts and Architecture vol. 80, no. 9, September 1963, pp. 4–5, 31–32, illus.

Yau, John. "Philip Guston." Artforum, January 1988.


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