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Religious Studies Textbooks in Arabic

The following religious studies textbooks were used during the 1988–89 and 1989–90 school years in Egypt. They are ordered here, and referred to in the notes, by grade level (e.g., “fourth grade religious studies textbook”). All are published in Cairo by the Central Agency for School and University Books and Instructional Materials (al-Jihaz al-markazi lil-kutub al-jami‘iyya wa al-madrasiyya wa al-wasa’il al-ta‘limiyya).

Yunis, Dr. Fathi ‘Ali, et al.Al-Tarbiya al-islamiyya. Lil-saff al-awwal min al-ta‘lim al-asasi [first grade religious studies textbook], 1988–89. UC-eLinks

al-Naqa, Dr. Mahmud Kamil, et al.Al-Tarbiya al-islamiyya. Al-halqa al-awwal min al-ta‘lim al-asasi, al-saff al-thani [second grade religious studies textbook], 1988–89. UC-eLinks

Shahhat, Dr. ‘Abd Allah Mahmud, et al.Al-Tarbiya al-islamiyya. Al-halqa al-awwal min al-ta‘lim al-asasi, al-saff al-thalith [third grade religious studies textbook], 1988–89. UC-eLinks

Yunis, Dr. Fathi ‘Ali, et al.Al-Tarbiya al-islamiyya. Al-halqa al-ibtida’iyya min al-ta‘lim al-asasi, al-saff al-rabi‘ [fourth grade religious studies textbook], 1987. UC-eLinks

—————————. Al-Tarbiya al-islamiyya. Al-halqa al-ibtida’iyya min al-ta‘lim al-asasi, al-saff al-khamis [fifth grade religious studies textbook], 1987–88. UC-eLinks

al-Dawwah, Mahmud al-Sayyid, et al.Al-Tarbiya al-islamiyya. Al-saff al-sabi‘ min al-halqa al-thaniya min al-ta‘lim al-asasi [seventh grade religious studies textbook], 1986–87. UC-eLinks

—————————. Al-Tarbiya al-islamiyya. Al-saff al-thamin min al-halqa al-thaniya min al-ta‘lim al-asasi [eighth grade religious studies textbook], 1987–88. UC-eLinks

‘Alish, Muhammad Sayf al-Din, et al.Al-Tarbiya al-islamiyya. Al-saff al-tasi‘ min al-halqa al-thaniya min al-ta‘lim al-asasi [ninth grade religious studies textbook], 1988–89. UC-eLinks

Shahata, Dr. ‘Abd Allah Mahmud, et al.Al-Tarbiya al-islamiyya. Lil-saff al-awwal al-thanawi [tenth grade religious studies textbook], 1986–87. UC-eLinks

Fawzi, Dr. Rif‘at. Al-Tarbiya al-islamiyya. Lil-saff al-thani al-thanawi [eleventh grade religious studies textbook], 1986–87. UC-eLinks

——————. Al-Tarbiya al-islamiyya. Lil-saff al-thalith al-thanawi [twelfth grade religious studies textbook], 1989–90. UC-eLinks

Other Works in Arabic

‘Abd al-Karim, Ahmad ‘Izzat. Tarikh al-ta‘lim fi ‘asr Muhammad ‘Ali. Cairo: Maktaba al-nahda al-Misriyya, 1938. UC-eLinks

‘Abd al-Latif, Muhammad, and Dr. Yahya ‘Abduh. Al-’Udhun al-kabira. Cairo: Safir, n.d. UC-eLinks

Ahmad, Dr. Rif‘at Sayyid. Al-Din wa al-dawla wa al-thawra. Cairo: al-Dar al-sharqiyya, 1989. UC-eLinks

‘Alwan, ‘Abdallah Nasih. Tarbiya al-awlad fi al-Islam. Cairo: Dar al-Islam, 1985. UC-eLinks

‘Ashmawi, Muhammad Sa‘id. “Al-Sira‘ al-hadari fi al-islam” . Al-Azmina, January–February 1989, pp. 18–27. UC-eLinks

Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) [al-Jihaz al-markazi li-ta‘bi’a al-‘amma wa al-ihsa’]. Al-Ihsa’at al-thaqafiyya: Al-Idha‘a wa al-sahafa. Cairo: CAPMAS, 1983, 1985, 1987. UC-eLinks

——————. Al-Ihsa’at al-thaqafiyya: Al-Kutub wa al-maktabat. Cairo: CAPMAS, 1987. UC-eLinks

Guenena, Nemat [Na‘ma Allah Junayna]. Tandhim al-jihad: Hal huwa al-badil al-islami fi Misr? Cairo: Dar al-hurriyya, 1988. UC-eLinks

al-Hamadi, Yusuf, Muhammad Mukhtar Amin Mukram, and Dr. ‘Abd al-Maqsud Shalqami. Tarbiya al-Muslim. Lil-saff al-sadis al-ibtida’i. Cairo: al-Jihaz al-markazi lil-kutub al-jami‘iyya wa al-madrasiyya wa al-wasa’il al-ta‘limiyya, 1981. UC-eLinks

al-Hamadi, Yusuf, and Muhammad Shahhat Wahdan. Kitab al-tarbiya al-diniyya al-islamiyya. Lil-saff al-sadis al-ibtida’i. Cairo: al-Hay’a al-‘amma li-shu’un al-mutabi‘ al-amiriyya, 1976. UC-eLinks

al-Hariri, Hasan, Muhammad Mustafa Zaydan, Alyas Barsum Matar, and Dr. Sayyid Khayr Allah. Al-Madrasa al-ibtida’iyya. Cairo: Maktaba al-nahda al-Misriyya, 1966. UC-eLinks

Imam, ‘Abd Allah. “Al-Khawarij al-judud!” Ruz al-Yusuf, 17 April 1989, pp. 30–33. UC-eLinks

Khalaq Allah, Ahmad Rabi‘ al-Hamid. Al-Fikar al-tarbawi wa tatbiqatihi laday jama’a al-ikhwan al-muslimin. Cairo: Maktaba Wahba, 1983. UC-eLinks

al-Khashab, Samia Mustafa. Al-Shabab wa al-tayyar al-islami fi al-mujtama‘ al-Misri al-mu‘asir: Dirasa ijtima‘iyya midaniyya. Cairo: Dar al-thaqafa al-‘arabiyya, 1988. UC-eLinks

Al-Muslim al-saghir fi ‘alam al-talwin. Cairo: Safir, n.d. UC-eLinks

al-Qabbani, Isma‘il Mahmud. Siyasa al-ta‘lim fi Misr. Cairo: Lajna al-ta’lif wa al-tarjama wa al-nashr, 1944. UC-eLinks

Wahda thaqafa al-tifl, and Ahmad ‘Abd al-‘Aziz. Kitab al-muslim al-saghir 2. Cairo: Safir, 1987. UC-eLinks

Wizara al-ma‘arif al-‘umumiyya. Manhaj al-ta‘lim al-thanawi lil-madaris al-banin wa al-banat. Cairo: al-Mutaba‘a al-’amiriyya, 1930. UC-eLinks

Yusuf, ‘Abd al-Tuwab, and Dr. Yahya ‘Abduh. Al-Sufuf al-munadhdhama. Cairo: Safir, 1988. UC-eLinks

Works in English and French

Abdalla, Ahmed. The Student Movement and National Politics in Egypt, 1923–1973. London: Al Saqi Books, 1985. UC-eLinks

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——————. Writing Women's Worlds: Bedouin Stories. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993. UC-eLinks

Adams, Charles C.Islam and Modernism in Egypt. New York: Russell & Russell, 1968. UC-eLinks

Ahmed, Leila. Women and Gender in Islam. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1992. UC-eLinks

‘Ali, A. Yusuf. The Holy Qur’an. Brentwood, Md.: Amana Corporation, 1983. UC-eLinks

Amin, Galal. “Migration, Inflation, and Social Mobility: A Sociological Interpretation of Egypt's Current Economic and Political Crisis” . In Egypt under Mubarak, ed. Charles Tripp and Roger Owen, pp. 103–20. London: Routledge, 1989. UC-eLinks

Ammar, Hamed. Growing Up in an Egyptian Village. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, Ltd., 1954. UC-eLinks

Anderson, Benedict. Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. London: Verso, 1983. UC-eLinks

Appadurai, Arjun. “Introduction: Commodities and the Politics of Value” . In The Social Life of Things: Commodities in Cultural Perspective, ed. Arjun Appadurai, pp. 3–63. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986. UC-eLinks

Arberry, A. J.The Koran Interpreted. New York: Macmillan, 1955. UC-eLinks

Armbrust, Walter.Mass Culture and Modernism in Egypt. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. UC-eLinks

Asad, Talal. The Idea of an Anthropology of Islam. Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, Occasional Papers Series. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University, 1986. UC-eLinks

Auda, Gehad. “The “Normalization” of the Islamic Movement in Egypt from the 1970s to the Early 1990s” . In Accounting for Fundamentalisms. Vol. 4 of The Fundamentalism Project, ed. Martin Marty and R. Scott Appleby, pp. 374–412. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994. UC-eLinks

Badran, Adnan, ed. At the Crossroads: Education in the Middle East. New York: Paragon House, 1989. UC-eLinks

Bakr, Ayman, and Elliot Colla. “Silencing Is at the Heart of My Case” . Interview with Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd. Middle East Report, no. 185 (November–December 1993), pp. 27–29. UC-eLinks

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Beinin, Joel. “The Egyptian Regime and the Left: Between Islamism and Secularism” . Middle East Report, no. 185 (November–December 1993), pp. 25–26. UC-eLinks

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Berger, Peter. “Some Second Thoughts on Substantive Versus Functional Definitions of Religion” . Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 13 (1974), pp. 125–33. UC-eLinks

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——————. The Development and Expansion of Education in the U.A.R. Cairo: American University in Cairo Press, 1963. UC-eLinks

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——————. The Evolution of Educational Thought. Trans. Peter Collins. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1977. UC-eLinks

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