Valerius Maximus:
Factorum et dictorum memorabilium libri novem , 8 , 218
Valois dynasty, 6 , 13 , 94 , 101 , 303 , 305 . See also names of rulers
Vanity (vice), 90
verbal aids, 234 . See also readers' aids
development of, 3 ;
as instrument of abstract thought, 60 ;
limitations of, 25 –26;
preferred to Latin, 3 , 5 , 279 ;
rise to authoritative status, 25 , 29 , 204
vices, as lower-class male figures, 65 –66
National Library, cod. 2592, 368 n.23
Vincent of Beauvais, 40 , 126 ;
De eruditione filiorum nobilium , 8 ;
Epître consolatoire , 9
Virgin Mary, 171 ;
cult of, 101 ;
Justice and, 103
Aristotelian concept of, 60 ;
Oresme's definition of, 60 –63;
Virtue (personification allegory), Pl. 2 , 62 –65 , 139 ;
and Her Companions, in MS C , 69 –71;
as nun, 70 ;
virtues, 367 n.7;
associated with ideal ruler, 89 ;
cardinal, 60 ;
as daughters of Justice, 109 , 114 ;
in everyday life, 88 ;
intellectual, 117 –19;
pairing of, 75 –78;
traditional iconography of, 78 ;
See also names of virtues
Virtues, 110
Virtuous Man (Le Vertueus), 136 , 138 –40, 147
virtuous person, 141
Visconti, Galeazzo, 4
visual definitions, 42 –44, 73 –80, 148 –52, 184 , 231 , 235
visual metaphors, 135
visual riddles, 128 , 130 , 159 , 219
vita activa. See active life
vita contemplativa. See contemplative life
Les voies de Dieu (Elizabeth of Hungary), translation by Jacques Bauchant, 8
voluntary poverty of clergy, Oresme's discussion of, 207
vultus trifrons , 127 –28