Hague, The:
Rijksmuseum Meermanno-Westreenianum, MS 10 D 1 (MS C ) (Ethiques) , xxiii –xxiv, 30 , 32 .
See also MS C
halo, 171
Hamann, Johann Georg, 379 n.32
Hanley, Sarah, 359 n.16
Hansen, Bert, quoted, 15
happiness, types of, 163
Happiness (Félicité) (personification), 163 –67, 164 ;
in MS A , 70
heart, as symbol, 147 , 153 . See also flaming heart motif
Henry of Gauchi (translator), Li livres du gouvernement des rois (Giles of Rome), 51
"Hercules Prodicius" (Panofsky), 131
Hermannus Alemannus, para-phrase of Nicomachean Ethics (Aristotle), 113
Herrad of Landsberg, 128
Hesiod, 286 ;
Works and Days , 280
hierarchy of communities, medieval concept of, 193
Hippodamus of Miletus, 199 , 201–2 , 205 –7
Histoire ancienne jusqu'à César , 3
historiography, vernacular, 3
history, universal, 24
History of Rome (Livy), 218 ;
commentary by Nicholas Trevet, 332 n.21;
translation by Pierre Bersuire, 4 , 6 , 11 –12, 20 , 27 , 31 , 218 , 336 n.64, 379 n.29
Holy Roman Empire, 260
homage ceremony, 150 , 369 n.32
Homilies (Gregory the Great), translation by Pierre de Hangest, 7
horoscopes, of royal family, 17
Hortus deliciarum , 128
agricultural, 284–85 , 287 –89;
defined, 286 –87;
upper–class, 301
Household and Family (paradigm), 284–85
human happiness, Aristotelian concept of, 163
Human Happiness (Félicité humaine) (personification), Pl. 1 , 56 , 57 –59
hunting, as wasteful sport, 91