Babbitt, Susan, 29 –30, 179 , 265
Bad Government (paradigm), Pl. 7 , 186, 188 , 191 , 191 –92, 196 –97, 197 –98. See also Democracy; Oligarchy; Tyranny
Bad Polity (paradigm), Pl. 10 , 222 –23 , 226 –27
banquet scenes, 238
Barker, Ernest, 253 ;
Barthélemy de Bruges, 281
Bartholomaeus Anglicus, On the Property of Things , 8
Bauchant, Jacques, translation of Les voies de Dieu (Elizabeth of Hungary), 8
Belleville Breviary, 33
Belting-Ihm, Christa, 99
Bersuire, Pierre:
Repertorium morale , 128 ;
translation of History of Rome (Livy), 4 , 6 , 11 –12, 20 , 27 , 31 , 218 , 336 n.64, 379 n.29
Li bestiaires d'amour (Richard de Fournivall), 41 , 78 , 79
translation by Jean de Sy, 4 , 6 ;
translation by Raoul de Presles, 8
Bible historiale , 31 –33, 45 , 49
blacksmith, in mythology, 121 . See also Art (personification)
body politic:
metaphor of, 183 , 209 , 214 –17, 217 , 231 , 260 ;
paradigms of, 262 ;
threats to, 221 , 228 , 230 , 237 –39
Boethius, De consolatione philosophiae , 4
Le bon berger (Jean de Brie), 281
Bondol, Jean (miniaturist), 45 , 49
development of, xxiii ;
production of, 32 ;
structure of, 23 –24;
Boqueteaux Master. See Master of Jean de Sy
Boutillier, Jean, Le somme rurale , 281
Bozzolo, Carla, 343 n.20
Brétigny, treaty of, 162
bride, depicted, 151 , 296 , 299
Bridrey, Emile, 15
Bruni, Leonardo, 281
Brussels:Bibliothèque Royale Albert Ier:
MS 9543, 344 n.34;
MS 9574–75, 366 n.1;
MS 10066–77, 355 n.15;
MS 9505–06 (MS A of Ethiques ), xxiii , 25 , 30 ;
MS 11201–02 (MS D of Politiques and Yconomique ), xxiv , 30 , 32 .
See also MS A ; MS D
building trades, 229 , 267 , 381 n.25
Buridan, Jean, 13 , 281 , 370 n.15;
commentary on Aristotle, 25 , 29 ;
Quaestiones on Aristotle's Politics , 373 n.10
Burley, Walter, 370 n.15;
commentary on Aristotle, 25 , 29 , 373 n.10;
De vita et moribus philosophorum , 379 n.24
Byvanck, A. W., 352 n.28