Italicized page numbers refer to figures. Allegories, personifications, and personification allegories are listed under their English names; the French names are given in parentheses where they differ significantly from the English .
adlocutio , Roman iconographic theme, 238
adoption ceremony, in medieval courts, 99
Aegidius de Thebaldis, 340 n.33
agricultural life, 305 ;
benefits of, 287 –88;
and good government, 249 –51;
Oresme's views on, 251 –52
agricultural workers, 210 –11 ;
character of, 247 –49;
in Good Democracy, 245 –47;
as noncitizens, 254 –55 , 261 , 305 ;
positive view of, 385 n.25;
aids to memory. See memory aids
Alberti, Leon Battista, Della famiglia , 281
Albert the Great, 41 , 281 , 370 n.15;
commentaries on Aristotle, 25 , 29 , 178 , 346 n.52
Albertus Magnus. See Albert the Great
Alexander, Jonathan, 251
Algorismus proportionum (Oresme), 279
Ali ibn Ridwan, 19
allegories. See personifications; personification allegories; decision allegories
Alphonso of Castile, Tables astronomiques d'Alphonse, roi de Castille , 9
Apuleius, De dogmate Platonis , 205
Aquinas, Thomas, 370 n.15;
on artificial memory, 67 , 130 ;
commentaries on Aristotle, 25 , 29 , 178 , 352 n.24;
on friendship, 141 ;
on memory, 41 ;
arcadian imagery, 247
architecture, in memory aids, 183 , 185
Aristocracy (paradigm), Pl. 8 , 187, 189 , 190 , 194 , 375 n.21
Aristotelian corpus, 29 ;
illustrations in Latin manuscripts, 30 –31;
Latin translations of, 25 ;
readers' aids for, 24 .
See also titles of works
as authority on astronomy, 17 ;
De anima , 32 ;
De memoria et reminiscentia , 32 ;
depicted as teacher, 204 ;
images of, 17 ;
influence on Oresme, 14 ;
Liber de regno , 181 ;
Nicomachean Ethics , xxi , 14 , 24 , 37 , 60 , 72 , 85 , 93 , 113 , 120 , 290 , 361 n.48;
Politics , xxi , 14 , 25 , 37 , 177 –79, 214 , 216 , 373 n.8, 375 n.23, 383 n.18;
See also pseudo-Aristotle
Li ars d'amour, de vertu, et de boneurté27
ars nova , 278 –79
Ars nova (Philippe de Vitry), 279
Art (personification), Pl. 4 , 118 , 120 –21, 124 , 126 –27, 205 , 364 n.29
Artevelde, Jacques d', 238
astrologers, 17
astrology, 15 –21, 16 , 20 , 21 ;
Oresme's views on, 341 n.42
Augustine, Saint, 122 , 170 , 335 n.54;
City of God , 7 , 11 , 196 , 249 , 376 n.31;
Soliloquies , 8
authorial identity:
growth of, 207 ;
translator's assumption of, 181 , 306
author portrait, as iconographic type, 199 , 204 –7
Avarice (personification), 81 , 86 , 91
commentary on Metaphysics (Aristotle), 99 ;
paraphrase of Economics (pseudo-Aristotle), 280
Avis au roys :
discussion of justice in, 94 ;
discussion of Prudence in, 128 ;
iconography of Justice in, 115 –16;
illustrations in, 51 , 67 , 68 , 73 , 77 , 80 , 81 , 85 , 87, 89 , 99 , 100, 115 , 194 , 194, 217 , 227 , 228, 238 , 263 ,
Avis au roys
as precedent for illustration program of Politiques , 182
Avranches, Bibliothèque Municipale, MS 223, 178 , 343 n.22, 370 n.14
Avril, François, 31 , 33 , 249 , 279 , 384 n.26
Babbitt, Susan, 29 –30, 179 , 265
Bad Government (paradigm), Pl. 7 , 186, 188 , 191 , 191 –92, 196 –97, 197 –98. See also Democracy; Oligarchy; Tyranny
Bad Polity (paradigm), Pl. 10 , 222 –23 , 226 –27
banquet scenes, 238
Barker, Ernest, 253 ;
Barthélemy de Bruges, 281
Bartholomaeus Anglicus, On the Property of Things , 8
Bauchant, Jacques, translation of Les voies de Dieu (Elizabeth of Hungary), 8
Belleville Breviary, 33
Belting-Ihm, Christa, 99
Bersuire, Pierre:
Repertorium morale , 128 ;
translation of History of Rome (Livy), 4 , 6 , 11 –12, 20 , 27 , 31 , 218 , 336 n.64, 379 n.29
Li bestiaires d'amour (Richard de Fournivall), 41 , 78 , 79
translation by Jean de Sy, 4 , 6 ;
translation by Raoul de Presles, 8
Bible historiale , 31 –33, 45 , 49
blacksmith, in mythology, 121 . See also Art (personification)
body politic:
metaphor of, 183 , 209 , 214 –17, 217 , 231 , 260 ;
paradigms of, 262 ;
threats to, 221 , 228 , 230 , 237 –39
Boethius, De consolatione philosophiae , 4
Le bon berger (Jean de Brie), 281
Bondol, Jean (miniaturist), 45 , 49
development of, xxiii ;
production of, 32 ;
structure of, 23 –24;
Boqueteaux Master. See Master of Jean de Sy
Boutillier, Jean, Le somme rurale , 281
Bozzolo, Carla, 343 n.20
Brétigny, treaty of, 162
bride, depicted, 151 , 296 , 299
Bridrey, Emile, 15
Bruni, Leonardo, 281
Brussels:Bibliothèque Royale Albert Ier:
MS 9543, 344 n.34;
MS 9574–75, 366 n.1;
MS 10066–77, 355 n.15;
MS 9505–06 (MS A of Ethiques ), xxiii , 25 , 30 ;
MS 11201–02 (MS D of Politiques and Yconomique ), xxiv , 30 , 32 .
See also MS A ; MS D
building trades, 229 , 267 , 381 n.25
Buridan, Jean, 13 , 281 , 370 n.15;
commentary on Aristotle, 25 , 29 ;
Quaestiones on Aristotle's Politics , 373 n.10
Burley, Walter, 370 n.15;
commentary on Aristotle, 25 , 29 , 373 n.10;
De vita et moribus philosophorum , 379 n.24
Byvanck, A. W., 352 n.28
calendar illustrations, 249
Calkins, Robert, 249
Camille, Michael, 249 , 251 , 344 n.34
cardinal virtues, 72 , 93 , 109 , 119 , 127 . See also Virtue (personification allegory); virtues
Cardinal Virtues (personifications), 68
Carruthers, Mary, 23 , 32 , 103
Cassian, Collations , 8
castle, as visual metaphor, 236
Cave, Terence, 374 n.20
Chantilly, Musée Condé, manuscript of Ethiques, 71
charity, works of, 166
as model of enlightened monarch, 10 , 335 n.54;
as saint, 10
Charles V:
appearance of, 20 ;
and Aristotelian definition of justice, 93 ;
attacked (as dauphin), 267 ;
as book collector, 15 ;
compared to Charlemagne, 10 ;
and contemplative life, 174 ;
and dangers of sedition, 238 ;
as dauphin, 13 –14;
devotion to common good, 196 ;
and family, 48 , 51 –53, 99 –101, 101 , 291 , 301 ;
and "good democracy," 252 ;
and Guillaume de Machaut, 278 –79;
and Holy Roman Emperor, 90 ;
iconography of, 95 ;
images of, Pl. 1 , 16, 18 –19, 21 , 38 , 39 , 45 –46, 46 –49, 56 , 56 –57, 182, 296 , 334 n.45, 352 n.22;
interest in astrology, 15 –21;
intervention in manuscript production, 31 , 43 , 89 –90, 334 n.37;
intervention in translation process, 11 ;
knightly training of, 278 ;
knowledge of Latin, 6 ;
love of music, 278 ;
participation in intellectual debate, 40 , 161 ;
as patron, xxi , 6 –10, 12 , 17 –19, 31 , 40 , 43 , 53 , 279 –80, 303 , 338 n.10;
private study of, 17 ;
and ransom dilemma, 162 ;
as reader of Oresme's translation, 37 ;
regulation of craftsmen, 229 , 267 ;
and right of banishment, 220 ;
as silent reader, 39 ;
as studious monarch, 16 , 17 –18, 20 , 21, 38 , 48 , 50 , 57 , 119 , 161 ;
taste for heavily illustrated manuscripts, 31 ;
translation project of, xxii , 6 –9, 303 –4;
use of French for correspondence, 5 ;
and warrior role, 73 ;
as wise ruler, 57 , 59 , 119 , 303
Charles VI, 351 n. 10;
images of, 351 n.4
Charles of Navarre (the Bad), 14 , 238 , 305
Le chemin de long estude (Christine de Pizan), quoted, 7
Christ, 166 ;
blessing, 130 ;
identified with Wisdom, 122
Christine de Pizan, 40 , 73 , 161 , 291 ;
Le chemin de long estude , 7 ;
discussion of Charles V's interest in astrology, 17 ;
discussion of Charles V's translation program, 6 –9;
images of, 351 n.4;
Le livre des fais et bonnes meurs du sage roy Charles V , 340 n.26, 349 n.22;
Le livre des trois vertus , 281 ;
Livre du trésor de la cité des dames , 281 ;
quoted, 31
Les chroniques d'Espagne ou de Burgos (Gonzalo of Hinojosa), translation by Jean Golein, 8 , 335 n.56
Oresme's commentary on (in Politiques ), 229 ;
as political community, 179
Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 128 ;
De amicitia , 141
Cité de Dieu (Augustine), translation by Raoul de Presles, 7 –8, 11 –12, 29 , 335 n.54, 345 n.46;
illustration cycle of, 31 , 33 ;
quoted, 40
citizen, Aristotelian concept of, 260
Citizens and Noncitizens (paradigm), 254 –55
Aristotelian concept of, 253 ;
exclusion of agricultural workers, craft workers, and merchants from, 252 , 261
city, medieval, 103
City of God (Augustine), 196 , 249 , 376 n.31;
commentaries on, 11
city-state (polis):
Italian, 111
civic science, concept of, 51 –52
Clagett, Marshall, 19
class distinctions, 70 , 73 , 126 , 135 , 138 –40, 150 –52
classical culture, medieval appropriation of, 3
clergy, 194 ;
as citizens, 254–55 ;
role in ideal state, 261
cloak and beggar motif, 166 –67
codicology, xxii . See also manuscripts
Coleman, Janet, quoted, 32
Coleman, Joyce, 349 n.22
in manuscript production, xxiii , 107 , 305 ;
in marriage and work, 288 –89, 291 ;
between Oresme and Raoulet d'Orléans, 258 , 267 –68
Collations (Cassian), translation by Jean Golein, 8 , 10
Collège de France, 307
commentaries, by Oresme, 29 –30
commentary tradition, 161
commonality of property, Platonic theory of, 205 , 207
common good:
Aristotelian concept of, 37 , 193 ;
and love of knowledge, 59
communitas perfecta , 252 , 265 ;
Aristotelian concept of, 193
Conciliation (Entrepesie) (personification), Pl. 3 , 96–97 , 98
conduct, modes of, 139 –40, 366 n.10
conduct literature, Renaissance, 281
conflict between intellect and desire, Aristotelian view of, 131
Conspiracy (paradigm), 232–33 , 235
constitution, Aristotelian concept of, 194 –95
contemplation, Aristotelian concept of, 165
Contemplative Happiness (Félicité contemplative) (personification allegory), Pl. 6 , 163 –64, 167 –72, 168
contemplative life, 122 –23, 150 , 165 –67, 171 –72, 306 , 369 n.30, 386 n.32
Continence (personification), 132 , 133 –37, 136 , 138 –40, 147
in illustration programs, 192 ;
between opposites, 226 –27
Corbechon, Jean (translator), Propriétés des choses (Bartholomaeus Anglicus), 8
Coronation Book of Charles V , 10 , 31 , 95 , 282 , 293 , 296
counsellors, royal, 194 , 194 , 305 ;
as citizens, 254–55 ;
depicted, 263 –64;
role in ideal state, 261
Covetousness (Convoitise) (personification), 86 , 92
Cowardice (Couardie) (personification), 76 , 79 –80
craft workers, 120 –21, 126 , 210–11 , 265 , 305 ;
crenellated wall motif, 78 , 83 , 120 , 146 ;
in MS A illustration program, 103
cross-references, Oresme's use of, 281
crown, 58 , 73 , 99 , 163 , 166 ;
of Philosophy, 128 ;
wedding, 299 –300, 391 n.15, 392 n.16
Daudin, Jean (translator):
Des rémèdes ou confors de maulx fortunes (Seneca), 8 ;
L'enseignement des enfants nobles (Vincent of Beauvais), 8 ;
Epître consolatoire (Vincent of Beauvais), 9 ;
Les rémèdes de l'une et de l'autre fortune (Petrarch), 8
"daughter" virtues, 98
Davis, Natalie Zemon, 363 n.17
De amicitia (Cicero), 141
De anima (Aristotle), 32
debasement of coinage:
by French government, 14 ;
Oresme's discussion of, 195 –96
De causis mirabilium (Oresme), 32
decision allegories, 42 , 131 , 306 ;
age in, 160 ;
costume in, 135 , 138 –40, 160 ;
pose in, 160 ;
See also names of decision allegories
De consolatione philosophiae (Boethius), 4
Decretals (Gratian), 195 , 300
dedication portraits:
of Charles V, frontispieces, Pl. 1 , 48, 56 ;
intimate, 18–19 , 19 –20, 45 , 49 , 57 , 181 , 182
De dogmate Platonis (Apuleius), 205
Delachenal, Roland, 19
Delisle, Léopold, 25 , 178 , 212 , 377 n.7;
quoted, 336 n.64
Della famiglia (Alberti), 281
De ludo scaccorum (James of Cessola), translation by John of Vignai, 4
Demagogue, the (paradigm), 232–33 , 236
De memoria et reminiscentia (Aristotle), 32
Democracy (paradigm), Pl. 7 , 186, 188 , 190 . See also Good Democracy
De moneta (Oresme), 14 , 195 , 228 –29;
De proportionibus proportionum (Oresme), 32 , 217
De regimine principum (Giles of Rome), 4 ;
French translations of, 51
Desire to Do Good (Bonne volenté) (personification), 64 , 69 –70, 71
Des rémèdes ou confors de maulx fortunes (Seneca), translation by Jean Daudin, 8
De vita et moribus philosophorum (Burley), 379 n.24
Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers , 218
Dionigi da Borgo San Sepolcro, Fra, 12
Distributive Justice (Justice distributive) (personification), Pl. 3 , 95 , 96–97 , 104 –5, 108 –9, 110 , 115 , 217
Dunbabin, Jean, 266
Duodecim libri ruralium commodorum (Peter of Crescenzi), 9 , 280
Durandus, Rationale divinorum officiorum , 8 , 372 n.29
Durandus de Hispania, 281
Economics (pseudo-Aristotle), 25 ;
attribution of, 388 n.1;
Latin translation of, 280 ;
translation by Oresme, 8 , 25 , 151 , 171 , 281 –82.
See also Yconomique
economy, household, literature on, 280
education, 270–71 ;
in ideal state, 269 ;
musical, 275 –76;
Oresme's attitudes toward, 54 –55;
physical, 274 ;
as theme in Ethiques , 51 –55, 57
Edward III (England), 14
Elizabeth of Hungary, Les voies de Dieu , 8
L'enseignement des enfants nobles (Vincent of Beauvais), translation by Jean Daudin, 8
Epître consolatoire (Vincent of Beauvais), translation by Jean Daudin, 9
Estates General, 14 , 195 , 266 –67
Ethiques (Aristotle), translation by Oresme, xxi , 8 , 25 , 31 , 205 , 297 , 340 n.37;
commentary, 134 –35;
commentary, quoted, 139 ;
date of, 152 ;
discussion of prudence, 127 ;
gloss, quoted, 146 , 149 , 167 , 171 , 368 n.15;
glossary, 27 , 104 , 119 , 127 , 170 ;
glossary, quoted, 73 , 133 –34;
glosses and commentaries in, 29 –30;
illustration program (Book I), 35 –59;
illustration program (Book II), 60 –71;
illustration program (Book III), 72 –82;
illustration program (Book IV), 83 –92;
illustration program (Book V), 93 –116;
illustration program (Book VI), 117 –30;
illustration program (Book VII), 131 –40;
illustration program (Book VIII), 141 –52;
illustration program (Book IX), 153 –62;
illustration program (Book X), 163 –74;
illustrations of, pls. 1 –6, 46–48, 56 , 62 –65, 71 , 74 –77, 84 –87, 96 –97, 110 –11, 118 –19, 124 –25, 132 –33, 136 –37, 142 –45, 154 –57, 164 –65, 168 –69 ;
manner of reading, 39 –42;
manuscripts of, 39 ;
prologue, quoted, 37 –39, 51 ;
quoted, 25 –26, 47 –49, 58 , 61 –63, 73 –75, 79 , 83 , 106 , 120 –22, 129 , 147 , 149 , 159 , 166 –67, 170 , 172 –73, 344 n.36, 352 n.17, 353 n.3, 356 n.27, 357 n.20, 360 n.40, 362 n.1, 366 n.10, 372 n.34;
readers of, 37 –39.
See also MS A ; MS C
Evangelist portraits, 130 , 171 ;
dictating to a scribe, 204 ;
Mark, 365 n.57;
Matthew, 365 n.57;
reading, 122
Excess (Superhabondance) (personification), Pl. 2 , 64 , 65 –67, 70 , 71
exemplum , use of term, 374 n.20
exile, political, Pl. 9 , 210–11 , 212 , 213 , 214 , 228 ;
Aristotelian concept of, 212
expenditure, excessive, as threat to kingdom, 237
Factorum et dictorum memorabilium libri novem (Valerius Maximus), 8 , 218
Faits des Romains , 24
Faits et dits dignes de mémoire (Valerius Maximus), translation by Simon de Hesdin, 8 , 12 , 218 , 345 n.46
family. See household
Fear and Trembling (Kierkegaard), quoted, 219
Ferrandus de Hispania, 281
Filippo da Santa Croce (translator), 336 n.64
flaming heart motif, 368 n.20
fleur-de-lis, 9 –19, 45 , 59 , 66 –67, 73 , 83 , 103 –4, 114 , 150 , 179 , 193 , 203 ;
absence of, 120 ;
legend of, 260
Les fleurs des chroniques (Gui), anonymous translation, 8
Fortitude (personification), 72 –73, 74 , 75 , 76 , 78 –80, 96 , 98
Foulechat, Denis (translator), Policratique (John of Salisbury), 8 , 333 n.28
Fournivall, Richard de, 41 ;
Li bestiaires d'amour , 78 , 79
as polis, 265 ;
private collection, manuscript (MS B ) (Politiques and Yconomique ), xxiv , 29 –30;
as stronghold of Justice, 305 .
See also government, French; MS B
as patron, 392 n.4
calques in, 26 ;
versus English, 385 n.11;
and nationalism, 6 , 366 n.10;
use in official records, 5 .
See also neologisms
Freyhan, R., 368 n.20
Aristotelian definition of, 141 ;
Aristotelian view of, 155 –57;
as Christian virtue, 143 ;
concept of, 141 –43;
four actions of, 155 ;
importance to rich and powerful, 146 ;
for men, 153 ;
proverbs on, 157 ;
Friendship (Amistié) (personification allegory), 142 , 143 , 146 –48, 153 –57, 154. See also Relationship among kin; Relationship between ruler and subject; Relationship between spouses
Friendship among equals (Amistié entre personnes equales), 148 –50
Friendship for pleasure (Amistié pour delectacion), 144 , 149 , 153
Friendship for profit (Amistié pour proffit), 144 , 149 , 153
Friendship for virtue (Amistié selon vertu), 144 , 149 –50, 159
Frugoni, Chiara, 114
Gauthier de Coincy, Miracles de Notre Dame , 249 –51
gender roles, xxiii , 75 , 107 , 120 , 148 , 151 , 172 , 289
Generosity (Liberalité) (personification), 83 –88, 84, 86 –87 , 90 –91, 135
Bibliothèque Publique et Universitaire, MS lat. 54, 347 n.76
genre rustique , 244
Gentleness (Mansuétude) (personification), Pl. 3 , 96–97 , 98
Giles of Rome, De regimine principum , 4 , 51
Ginsberg, Ellen, 363 n.19, 379 n.32, 392 n.2
Ginsberg, Robert, 379 n.32
Giotto, Arena Chapel (Padua) frescoes, 111 –13, 112 , 114 , 148
types of, 179
Godefroy, Robert (translator), Le livre des neuf anciens juges d'astrologie , 16 –17
Golein, Jean (translator):
Chroniques d'Espagne ou de Burgos (Gonzalo of Hinojosa), 8 ;
Collations (Cassian), 8 ;
L'information des princes , 8 ;
Rational des divins offices (Durandus), 8 ;
works by Bernard Gui, 8
Gonzalo of Hinojosa, Les chroniques d'Espagne ou de Burgos , 8
good democracy, Aristotelian concept of, 251
Good Democracy (paradigm), Pl. 11 , 242–43 , 245 –46;
iconographic sources for, 249 –51
Good Government (paradigm), Pl. 8 , 187, 189 , 191 , 191 –92, 196 –97, 197–98 , 245 . See also Aristocracy; Kingship; Timocracy
Good Polity (paradigm), Pl. 10 , 222–23 , 229 –30
Gospel Book of Lothair , 365 n.57
Le gouvernement des rois et des princes , 51 , 52
government, French:
debasement of coinage, 14 ;
financial crisis of late 1350s, 14 , 162 , 195 ;
political crises, 266 –67
government, six forms of, 253 ;
Aristotelian analysis of, 185 –91, 221
Grabmann, Martin, 24
Grandes chroniques de France , Charles V's copy of, 6 , 11 , 33 , 101 , 102 , 369 n.32
Gratian, Decretals , 195 , 300
Gregory the Great, Homilies , 7
Grignaschi, Mario, 346 n.52
Grosseteste, Robert, Latin translation of Ethics (Aristotle), 24 , 361 n.48
Gui, Bernard, 8 ;
Les fleurs des chroniques , 8
Guillaume de Machaut, 278 –79;
Hague, The:
Rijksmuseum Meermanno-Westreenianum, MS 10 D 1 (MS C ) (Ethiques) , xxiii –xxiv, 30 , 32 .
See also MS C
halo, 171
Hamann, Johann Georg, 379 n.32
Hanley, Sarah, 359 n.16
Hansen, Bert, quoted, 15
happiness, types of, 163
Happiness (Félicité) (personification), 163 –67, 164 ;
in MS A , 70
heart, as symbol, 147 , 153 . See also flaming heart motif
Henry of Gauchi (translator), Li livres du gouvernement des rois (Giles of Rome), 51
"Hercules Prodicius" (Panofsky), 131
Hermannus Alemannus, para-phrase of Nicomachean Ethics (Aristotle), 113
Herrad of Landsberg, 128
Hesiod, 286 ;
Works and Days , 280
hierarchy of communities, medieval concept of, 193
Hippodamus of Miletus, 199 , 201–2 , 205 –7
Histoire ancienne jusqu'à César , 3
historiography, vernacular, 3
history, universal, 24
History of Rome (Livy), 218 ;
commentary by Nicholas Trevet, 332 n.21;
translation by Pierre Bersuire, 4 , 6 , 11 –12, 20 , 27 , 31 , 218 , 336 n.64, 379 n.29
Holy Roman Empire, 260
homage ceremony, 150 , 369 n.32
Homilies (Gregory the Great), translation by Pierre de Hangest, 7
horoscopes, of royal family, 17
Hortus deliciarum , 128
agricultural, 284–85 , 287 –89;
defined, 286 –87;
upper–class, 301
Household and Family (paradigm), 284–85
human happiness, Aristotelian concept of, 163
Human Happiness (Félicité humaine) (personification), Pl. 1 , 56 , 57 –59
hunting, as wasteful sport, 91
ideal ruler, 88 ;
concept of, 85 ;
identified with justice, 93 ;
and moderation, 356 n.24;
and prudence, 119 .
See also kingship
ideal state, Aristotelian concept of, 199 , 253
illustration programs:
Charles V's taste in, 11 ;
explained to reader, 33 ;
in French translations of Aristotelian corpus, 31 ;
iconographic models for, 304 ;
importance of, xxi ;
in Latin manuscripts of Aristotelian corpus, 30 ;
for translations by Raoul de Presles, 12
archaizing style in, 207 , 272 ;
architectural settings in, 75 –78, 193 , 230 –31, 304 ;
compression in, 219 ;
didacticism in, 69 , 90 , 126 , 148 ;
disjunction in, 204 ;
lack of demarcation in, 138 , 148 ;
memory structures in, 262 ;
naturalistic style in, 31 , 88 , 107 , 140 , 221 , 240 , 249 , 251 , 273 ;
non-naturalistic style in, 203 , 215 ;
parallelism in, 192 ;
as representations, 42 ;
role in defining neologisms, 31 ;
simplification in, 293 ;
specific definitions in, 148 ;
as subject guide, 141 ;
time in, 236 ;
triadic ordering scheme, 80 , 92 , 103 , 140 , 147 , 152 , 183 , 230 , 266 , 304 ;
unbroken picture field in, 240 –41;
as visual analogue of verbal argument, 159 ;
as visual glossary, 31 , 33 , 41 ;
visual structures in, xxii , 191 –95, 218 –19, 226 –27, 235 –37, 262 –63, 276 –78, 286 –89;
as visual table of contents, 72 ;
as visual translation, 161 ;
as warning to readers, 239 .
See also decision allegories; paradigms; personification allegories; personifications
imagery, role in memory, xxiii , 41
Incontinence (personification), 132 , 133 –37, 136 , 138 –40
indexes, 27 –28;
development of, 23 –24
L'information des princes , translation by Jean Golein, 8
as clue to manner of reading, 41 ;
didactic role of, 55 –57;
in Ethiques and Politiques , 31 ;
fragmentary, 275 ;
highlighting function of, 205 ;
in illustration program of MS A , 97 –98;
in illustration program of MS C , 55 –59, 79 , 109 ;
inadequate, 155 ;
linking function of, 120 , 134 , 185 , 225 –26;
as memory aids, 41 ;
misplacement of, 130 ;
mixture of languages in, 58 ;
omission of, 209 , 224 –25, 244 , 251 , 283 , 297 ;
in Politiques , 182 ;
position of, 146 ;
quoted, 127 ;
use in diagrams, 63 ;
as verbal clues, 160 ;
and visual definitions, 304
Insensibility (personification), 76 , 79 , 81 –82
instructions to illustrator, 33 , 43 –44, 117 , 276 , 304 , 367 n.10
instructions to reader, in Politiques , 179 , 185
Intuitive Reason (Entendement) (personification), 124 , 129 –30, 171 , 364 n.29
Isabel of Bavaria, images of, 351 n.4
Jackson, Richard A., quoted, 334 n.48
Jacobus de Blanchis, 342 n.14
Jacquerie, 14 , 220 , 229 , 267
James of Cessola, De ludo scaccorum , 4
Jean de Brie, Le bon berger , 281
Jean de Sy (translator), French Bible, 4 , 20
Jeanne de Bourbon (wife of Charles V), 22 , 51 , 53 , 99 –101, 101 , 301 ;
coronation of, 99
Joan II (Navarre), 14
John of Salisbury, Policraticus , 93 –94, 216 , 266
John of Vignai (translator), De ludo scaccorum (James of Cessola), 4
John the Good, 13 , 15 , 101 , 162 , 195 , 218 ;
as patron, 4 –6, 11 , 20 , 279 , 305
Jourdain, Charles, 337 n.2
judgment, symbols of, 106
Aristotelian concept of, 93 , 111 ;
identified with ideal ruler, 93 –94;
Oresme's definition of, 98 ;
and political sovereignty, 99 ;
types of, 93 ;
visual definition of, 95 –104
Justice (Justice légale) (personification allegory), Pl. 3 , 95 –104, 96–97 , 108 , 110 , 172 ,
attributes of, 360 n.47;
gender of, 107 –8;
as goddess, 108 ;
and her daughters, 98 , 109 , 114 ;
iconography of, 115 –16;
maternal aspect of, 98 –99;
in MS A , 70 ;
as queen, 99 ;
as sovereign ruler, 114 –15;
as tutelary guardian, 103 ;
as virgin goddess, 103 ;
and Virgin Mary, 103 .
See also Distributive Justice; Particular Justice; Remedial Justice
Kierkegaard, Søren, Fear and Trembling , 219
as emperor in his own kingdom, 10 –11, 90 , 94 ;
as father to subjects, 53 , 151
kings, French, 77, 81 , 87 , 89 ;
as ideal rulers, 305 ;
as shields of their people, 99 , 100 ;
as apex of hierarchy of governments, 179 ;
characteristics, 73 , 85 , 88 –90;
conduct of rulers, 37 –39;
relations between rulers and subjects, 150 –51;
sacral, myth of, 94
Kingship (paradigm), Pl. 8 , 187, 189 ;
as apex of good government, 192 –93
kinship metaphors, 42 , 69 , 98 –99, 105 –6, 115 , 147 , 151 , 153 –57
Knowledge (Cognoissance) (personification), 69 –70, 71
quoted, 123
Kristeller, Paul Oskar, quoted, 120
labor, division of, 288 –89, 291 –92
Lacaze, Charlotte, quoted, 386 n.32
biblical, 56 –57;
verbal vs. visual, xxiii .
See also French language; Latin language; vernacular
Latini, Brunetto, Li livres dou trésor , 113 –14, 126
Latin language:
authority of, 56 ;
Laurent, Frère, Somme le roi , 143 , 145 , 347 n.77
Laws (Plato), 216
Lebègue, Jean, 33
lecteurs royaux , 40 , 349 n.21, 392 n.6
lectio. See oral reading
lectures, university, 349 n.14
Lefèvre, Sylvie, 337 n.1, 339 n.16
Legal Justice. See Justice
leisure, and contemplative life, 170 , 173
Lejbowicz, Max, 340 n.33
liberal arts, personified, 126
Liber de regno (Aristotle), 181
Liber novem judicum , 17
Liber scivias , 355 n.15
libraries, personal, 3
library, royal. See library of Charles V
library inventories, 11 , 336 n.64
library of Charles V, xxi , 6 , 12 , 20 , 51 , 143 , 336 n.65, 340 n.37;
astronomical/astrological works in, 15 ;
MSS A and C in, 42 –43.
See also Malet, Gilles
Lives of Eminent Philosophers (Diogenes Laertius), 218
Le livre appellé Rustican du champ de labeur (Peter of Crescenzi), 280
Livre de divinacions (Oresme), 15 , 18 , 341 n.42
Livre de la paix (Christine de Pizan), quoted, 40
Le livre des fais et bonnes meurs du sage roy Charles V (Christine de Pizan), 349 n.22;
quoted, 340 n.26
Le livre des neuf anciens juges d'astrologie, 16 ;
translation by Robert Godefroy, 17
Le livre des prouffits champestres et ruraulx (Peter of Crescenzi), 280
Le livre des trois vertus (Christine de Pizan), 281
Livre du bien universel des mouches à miel (Thomas of Cantimpré), anonymous translation, 9
Le livre du chevalier de la Tour-Landry pour l'enseignement de ses filles , 281
Le livre du ciel et du monde (Aristotle), translation by Oresme, 8 , 29 –30, 345 n.48
Le livre du trésor de la cité des dames (Christine de Pizan), 281
Li livres dou trésor (Latini), 113 –14, 126
Li livres du gouvernement des rois (Giles of Rome), translation by Henry of Gauchi, 51 , 94 , 128 , 278
Livy, History of Rome , 4 –5, 218
British Library, Egerton MS 737, 348 n.8
Lorenzetti, Ambrogio, Sala dei Nove, Palazzo Pubblico (Siena), fresco cycle, 113 , 113 –14, 148 , 196 , 198 , 249 , 250
Louis, duke of Orléans, 351 n.10
Louis IX (Saint Louis), 40 , 94
love, Oresme's discussion of, in Yconomique , 290
Lowenborch, Sibert (translator), 281
lower classes, 305
Madonna of Misericordia, iconographic type, 99
Magnanimity (Le Magnanime) (personification), 83 , 84 , 88 –89, 89
Maître de Boqueteaux. See Master of Jean de Sy
Malet, Gilles, 40 , 336 n.64, 349 n.22
Man Given to Vice (Le Vicieus), 138 –40
Man of Sorrows image, 126
mantle of justice motif, 98 , 114
large–size, 30 ;
portable, 30 ;
as system of communication, xxi , 23 , 61 , 303 .
See also
book; book trade; and locations of manuscripts
Marcel, Etienne, 14 , 220 , 229 , 238 , 267
marriage, 151 ;
Christian view of, 297 –98;
Oresme's view of, 289 –91;
procreative function of, 288 , 297
Marriage Ceremony (paradigm), 293 , 294–95 , 297 , 299 –301;
costume in, 299 –300
Martha, sister of Mary of Bethany, 166 . See also active life
Mary of Bethany, 166 . See also contemplative life
Master of Jean de Sy, 43 , 66 , 107 , 121 , 137 , 178 , 191 , 207 , 221 , 231 , 240 –41, 244 , 251 , 262 , 279 , 304 ;
workshop of, 47 , 340 n.37, 367 n.12
Master of the Coronation Book of Charles V, 178 , 192 , 209 , 241 –44, 256 , 262 –63, 279 , 298 , 304 , 392 n.16;
workshop of, 203 , 224 , 231 , 272 , 282 , 293
Master of the Coronation of Charles VI, 43 , 70 , 123 , 178 , 203 , 209 , 272 , 298 , 304 ;
Master of the Rationale of Divine Offices, workshop of, 392 n.16
mean, concept of, 98 , 104 –6, 140 , 179 –80, 227 , 354 n.21;
Aristotelian theory of, 61 , 65 ;
identified with central area of illustration, 230 ;
and middle class, 227 –29
measurement, symbols of, 205
mechanical arts, depiction of, 126
memory aids, 41 , 78 , 83 , 161 , 183 , 185 ;
emphasis on grotesque as, 192 .
See also readers' aids
memory gateway, 78 , 89 , 120 , 135 . See also crenellated wall motif
memory systems, scholastic, 103
Le ménagier de Paris , 281
Menut, Albert D., 25 , 29 –30, 98 , 105 , 282 , 370 nn.14–15, 384 n.29, 387 n.15, 388 n.1;
metaphysics, 122
Middle Class (paradigm), Pl. 10 , 222–23 , 226 ;
as mean, 227 –29
migration of images, 126 , 130
Miracles de Notre Dame (Gauthier de Coincy), 249 –51
Mirror of Princes texts, 6 , 8 , 18 , 37 , 40 , 51 , 53 , 93 , 128 , 177 , 182 , 304
monarchy, 190 ;
corruption of, 237 ;
French, 179 , 193 , 196 , 220 , 303 ;
symbols of, 9 –11, 73 , 95 , 101 ;
universal, 179 .
See also fleur-de-lis; government, French; kingship
Monfrin, Jacques, 6 , 336 n.64
moral goodness, in men and women, 369 n.37
Moralium dogma philosophorum , 361 n.61
moral obligations, Oresme's discussion of, 158 –59
Moral Obligations (decision allegory), Pl. 5 , 156 , 157 –62
Morse, Ruth, 31
MS A , 41 –42, 217 , 340 n.37, 369 n.1;
Book II illustrations, 63 –67;
Book III illustrations, 73 –78;
Book IV illustrations, 83 –87;
Book V illustrations, 95 –108;
Book VI illustrations, 117 –23;
Book VII illustrations, 133 –37;
Book VIII illustrations, 146 –48;
Book IX illustrations, 153 –57;
Book X illustrations, 163 –67;
compared to MS C , 43 ;
dedication frontispiece, 39 ;
dedication portrait and frontispiece of prologue, 45 –55, 46–48 ;
description of, 42 –43;
illustrations in, Pls. 2 –4, 46–48, 62 –63, 74 –75, 84 –85, 96 –97, 118 –19, 132 –33, 142 –43, 154 –55, 164 –65 .
See also Ethiques
MS B , 42 , 180 –83, 340 n.37, 345 n.42;
Book I illustrations (Yconomique) , 282 –86;
Book II illustrations (Politiques) , 199 –203, 200–201 ;
Book II illustrations (Yconomique) , 293 –96;
Book III illustrations (Politiques) , 209 , 213 –16;
Book IV illustrations (Politiques) , 221 –24, 226 –27;
Book V illustrations (Politiques) , 231 –37;
Book VI illustrations (Politiques) , 240 –44;
Book VII illustrations (Politiques) , 253 –56;
Book VIII illustrations (Politiques) , 269 –73;
date of, 350 n.38;
description of, 44 ;
frontispieces (Politiques) , 184 –85;
illustrations in, Pls. 10 –11, 182, 186 –87, 200 –201, 210 , 222 , 232 , 242 , 254 , 270 , 284 , 294 ;
relationship to MS A , 177 –78.
See also Politiques; Yconomique
MS C , 41 –42, 44 , 205 , 228 , 361 n.55, 369 nn.30–31;
additions to, 158 ;
Book II illustrations, 69 –71;
Book III illustrations, 78 –82;
Book IV illustrations, 90 –92;
Book V illustrations, 108 –11;
Book VI illustrations, 123 –30;
Book VII illustrations, 137 –40;
Book VIII illustrations, 148 –52;
Book IX illustrations, 157 –62;
Book X illustrations, 167 –74;
compared to MS A , 43 –44;
date of, 350 n.38;
dedication frontispiece, Pl. 1 , 55 –59, 56 , 173 ;
description of, 43 –44;
experimental nature of illustration program, 148 ;
format of illustrations, 69 ;
illustrations in, Pl. 1 , Pls. 5 –6, 56, 64 –65, 76 –77, 86 –87, 110 –11, 124 –25, 136 –37, 144 –45, 156 –57, 168 –69 .
See also Ethiques
MS D , 42 , 180 –83, 345 n.42, 373 n.4;
Book I illustrations (Yconomique) , 282 –86;
II illustrations (Politiques) , 203 ;
Book II illustrations (Yconomique) , 293 –96;
Book III illustrations (Politiques) , 209 , 213 –16;
Book IV illustrations (Politiques) , 221 –24, 226 –27;
Book V illustrations (Politiques) , 231 –37;
Book VI illustrations (Politiques) , 240 –44;
Book VII illustrations (Politiques) , 253 –56;
Book VIII illustrations (Politiques) , 269 –73;
format of illustrations, 69 ;
frontispieces (Politiques) , 191 –95;
illustrations in, Pls. 7 –9, 188–89, 191 , 202 , 211 , 223 , 233 , 243 , 255 , 285 , 295 ;
relationship to MS C , 177 –78.
See also Politiques; Yconomique
Mulvaney, Robert, 363 n.19
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, cod. lat. 13002, 376 n.30
in court ceremony, 278 ;
role in education, 277 –78
Naples, 306
nation-state, 253 ;
and polis, 259 –60
Natural History (Pliny), 280
neologisms, introduced by Oresme, 26 , 32 , 73 , 97 , 105 , 170 , 179 , 185 , 224 , 234 –35, 286 , 306 , 354 n.1, 361 n.49, 362 n.6
New York:
Columbia University, Rare Book and Manuscript Collections, MS 283, 348 n.8;
Pierpont Morgan Library, M. 456, 51 , 355 n.9.
See also Avis au roys
Nicomachean Ethics (Aristotle), xxi , 14 , 24 ;
discussion of cardinal virtues, 72 ;
discussion of justice, 93 ;
discussion of marriage, 290 ;
Latin translation by Grosseteste, 24 , 361 n.48;
Oresme's view of, 37 ;
paraphrase by Hermannus Alemannus, 113 ;
views on spending, 85 .
See also Ethiques
Nieuwstraten, Rieneke, 364 n.34
Nordenfalk, Carl, 357 n.16
"noteworthy books," chosen for translation, 8
occupations of the months, 249
Oeconomicus (Xenophon), 280
Oligarchy (paradigm), Pl. 7 , 186, 188 , 190
On the Heavens (Aristotle), translation by Oresme, 8 ;
glosses and commentaries in, 29 –30
oral explication, xxiii , 39 –40, 54 ;
by Oresme, 41 , 71 , 92 , 128 , 140 , 152 , 174 , 183 , 197 , 207 , 220 , 230 , 239 , 252 , 267 , 291 , 301 , 305
Oresme, Guillaume, 19 , 340 nn.33–34
Oresme, Henri, 178
Oresme, Nicole, 26 ;
Algorismus proportionum , 279 ;
appearance of, 20 ;
and Aristotelian theory, 304 ;
career of, xxii , 13 –15, 21 –22, 178 ;
collaboration in manuscript production, 71 ;
compilation of glossaries and indexes, 345 n.42;
as counsellor, 266 ;
De causis mirabilium , 32 ;
De moneta , 14 , 195 –96, 217 , 228 –29;
De proportionibus proportionum , 32 , 217 ;
as designer of illustration programs, xxii –xxiii, 31 –33, 67 , 105 , 117 , 161 , 173 , 180 –83, 199 , 268 , 304 ;
discussion of contemplative happiness, 172 ;
discussion of contemplative life, 173 –74;
discussion of friendship, 141 ;
discussion of politics, 18 ;
early life of, 13 –14, 251 , 384 n.29;
economic works, 14 –15;
French writings of, 14 –21;
Gallicanism of, 260 ;
images of, Pl. 1 , 19 , 45 –46, 46–48, 56 , 56 –57, 173 , 181 , 182 ;
instructions to illustrators, 43 ;
interest in music, 275 –76, 279 ;
interpretation of Aristotle's Politics , 30 ;
inventiveness of, 67 , 69 , 80 , 90 , 127 , 162 ;
knowledge of Aristotelian corpus, 13 ;
Livre de divinacions , 15 , 18 , 341 n.42;
Le livre du ciel et du monde (Aristotle), 8 , 29 –30, 345 n.48;
mathematical works, 279 ;
as moralist, 305 ;
official missions for Charles V, 22 ;
opposition to astrological prediction, 17 –18;
payment for translation, 178 ;
personality of, 55 , 105 , 128 ;
and political reform, 304 ;
Quadripartit (Ptolemy), 18 ;
Questiones super libros Aristotelis de anima , 32 ;
quoted, 9 , 341 n.39, 344 n.41;
relationship with Charles V, 13 –27, 40 –41, 45 , 50 –51, 57 , 106 , 130 , 162 , 181 , 207 , 350 n.1;
self-confidence of, 181 ;
Traictié des monnoies , 14 , 196 , 338 nn.9–10;
Traitié de l'espere, 18 , 20 , 21 , 27 , 39 , 191 , 344 n.35;
translation strategies, 25 –31, 121 , 219 ;
as tutor of young Charles V, 337 n.2;
writings on astrology, 18 ;
writings on natural science, 32 , 173 –74.
See also Ethiques ; neologisms; oral explication; Politiques ; Yconomique
oriflamme, 10
Bodleian Library, MS 965a, 348 n.8;
Bodleian Library, MS Ashmole 304, 376 n.6;
St. John's College, MS 164, 17 , 27 , 341 n.41
Panofsky, Erwin, 42 , 67 , 128 , 204 , 244 ;
"Hercules Prodicius," 131
papacy, and royal sovereignty, 260
architectural settings in, 236 , 262 ;
attributes in, 263 –65;
contrast in, 236 ;
costume in, 193 , 227 , 237 , 263 –65;
demarcation in, 262 ;
gesture in, 193 –94, 237 , 263 ;
hierarchy of value in, 192 ;
narrative elements in, 236 ;
number of figures in, 227 ;
organizing principles in, 192 ;
parallelism in, 236 ;
position in, 192 , 227 , 262 –63;
as representational mode, 183 ;
scale in, 263 ;
unifying elements in, 262
paradox, posed by Oresme, 251 –52. See also visual riddles
Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal, MS 2247, 334 n.45;
Bibliothèque de l'Arsenal, MS 2668, 343 n.20;
Bibliothèque Mazarine, MS lat. 1290, 391 n.13;
Bibliothèque Nationale, manuscript of Politiques, 213 ;
Bibliothèque Nationale, manuscript of Yconomique, 292 , 300 ;
Bibliothèque Nationale, MS fr. 175, 336 n.61;
Bibliothèque Nationale, MS fr. 437, 335 nn.55–56;
Bibliothèque Nationale, MS fr. 938, 367 n.9;
Bibliothèque Nationale, MS fr. 1348, 340 n.33;
Bibliothèque Nationale, MS fr. 1350, 341 nn.41–42;
Bibliothèque Nationale, MS fr. 2813, 336 n.63;
Bibliothèque Nationale, MS fr. 9749, 379 n.30;
Bibliothèque Nationale, MS fr. 14939, 347 n.77, 367 n.10;
Bibliothèque Nationale, MS fr. 22912–13, 334 n.41, 345 n.46;
Bibliothèque Nationale, MS fr. 24287, 357 n.19;
Bibliothèque Nationale, MS lat. 266, 365 n.57;
Bibliothèque Nationale, MS lat. 3893, 391 n.13;
Bibliothèque Nationale, MS lat. 8318, 354 n.27;
Bibliothèque Nationale, MS lat. 10843, 348 n.78;
Bibliothèque Nationale, MS nouv. acq. lat. 2508, 392 n.16;
Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève, MS 777, 336 n.65, 379 n.29
Parkes, Malcolm, 24
Particular Justice (Justice particulière) (personification allegory), Pl. 3 , 95 , 96–97 , 98 , 104 –8
political implications of, 5 –6;
royal, 279 ;
of translators, 3 –5
patrons, 24 , 31 . See also names of patrons
peasants. See agricultural workers
Pélerin de Prusse (astrologer), 17 , 18 , 20 , 21 , 341 n.41
Periander/Tarquin tale, Pl. 9 , 210–211, 213 , 218 –20
personification allegories, 42 , 131 , 141 , 146 , 152 –53, 228 . See also names of personification allegories
personifications, 131 ;
architecture in, 114 ;
and attributes, 42 ;
costume in, 42 , 66 , 70 , 75 , 80 –81, 90 , 104 , 147 , 153 ;
depersonalization in, 111 ;
in Ethiques , 42 ;
extratextual allusions in, 80 –82, 123 ;
gender in, 59 , 73 , 75 , 81 , 83 , 90 , 107 –8, 115 , 120 , 126 , 148 , 151 , 171 –72;
gesture in, 66 , 107 , 129 , 147 , 171 ;
grouping of, 123 ;
iconographic types for, 130 ;
interpretation of, 42 ;
objects in, 153 –57;
pose in, 107 , 122 , 129 , 151 , 171 ;
position in, 66 , 80 , 83 , 98 , 123 –24;
scale in, 66 , 98 , 125 , 129 , 150 , 169 ;
size in, 114 , 123 , 129 , 147 , 151 .
See also names of personifications
Peter of Auvergne, 178
Peter of Crescenzi, Duodecim libri ruralium commodorum , 9 , 280
and Charles V, 11 ;
De remediis utriusque fortunae , 8
Phaleas of Chalcedon, 199 , 200, 202 , 205
Philip IV, as patron, 4 , 51 , 94
Philip V, as patron, 386 n.32
Philippe de Vitry, Ars nova , 279
philosophical wisdom, pursuit of, 165
Philosophical Wisdom (Sapience) (personification), Pl. 4 , 118 , 121 –23, 124 , 129 –30, 171 , 364 n.29;
iconography of, 166
Philosophy (personification) and her daughters, 99
Pierre de Hangest (translator):
Homilies (Gregory the Great), 7 ;
Traité de l'âme (Hugh of St. Victor), 7
Biblioteca del Seminario, MS 124, 342 n.11
Pisano, Giovanni, pulpits (Pistoia and Pisa), 129
Pistoia, cathedral, 128
Laws , 216 ;
Timaeus , 205
Plato of Tivoli (Latin translator), Quadripartitum (Ptolemy), 19
Pliny, Natural History , 280
Poitiers, battle of, 13 , 162 , 220
Policraticus (John of Salisbury), 93 –94, 216 , 266 ;
quoted, 94
Policratique, Le (John of Salisbury), translation by Denis Foulechat, 8 , 38 , 39 , 335 n.54, 337 n.19
aspects of, 365 n.42;
importance to rulers, 18 , 54 , 177
Politics (Aristotle), xxi , 14 , 25 , 177 ;
commentaries on, 178 ;
Latin translation by William of Moerbeke, 25 , 178 –79, 373 n.8;
Oresme's view of, 37 ;
quoted, 214 , 216 , 375 n.23, 383 n.18.
See also Politiques
Politiques (Aristotle), translation by Oresme, xxi , 8 , 25 , 31 , 177 , 180 –82, 297 –98, 340 n.37;
audience of, 54 ;
Book VI illustrations, 286 , 291 ;
commentaries in, 179 ;
commentary, quoted, 386 n.32;
didacticism of illustration program, 182 ;
gloss, quoted, 234 , 247 –49, 252 , 277 , 385 n.19;
glossaries and indexes in,
245 n.42;
glossaries in, 27 , 179 , 182 ;
glossary, quoted, 190 , 224 , 235 , 245 , 260 , 286 , 387 n.8;
glosses and commentaries in, 29 –30, 260 ;
illustrations in, Pls. 7 –11, 182, 186 –89, 191 , 200 –202, 210 –11, 213 , 222 –23, 232 –33, 242 –43, 254 –55, 270 –71 ;
index, 23 , 27 –28, 179 , 225 –26;
index, quoted, 216 , 225 , 274 –76;
influence of, 196 ;
instructions to reader, 196 ;
links to Ethiques , 180 , 227 –28;
manner of reading, 39 –42;
manuscripts of, 39 ;
Oresme's copy of, 370 n.14;
prologue, quoted, 6 , 177 , 181 ;
quoted, 203 , 212 , 215 , 234 , 237 , 244 –47, 256 –61, 273 –74, 375 n.20, 376 n.11, 378 n.10, 381 n.23;
readers of, 37 –39;
redactions of, 178 .
See also MS B ; MS D
polity, Aristotelian concept of, 224 –25, 229
Polity. See Timocracy
poor class. See agricultural workers
Poor Class (paradigm), Pl. 10 , 222–23 , 226 , 264
Porter, Vicki, 353 n.11
portraits, 204 –7;
age in, 204 ;
costume in, 204 ;
gender in, 207 ;
gesture in, 204 ;
of philosophers, 199 .
See also dedication portraits
Practical Wisdom. See Prudence
prefaces. See prologues
Primat (translator), 3
Princeton Index of Christian Art, 364 n.35, 365 n.44
Prodigality (personification), 86 , 91
profile view, in gestural code, 236
by Bersuire (Livy, History of Rome) , 5 ;
by Oresme, xxi –xxii, 6 , 9 , 19 –20, 28 –29;
of vernacular translations, 8 , 10
among members of body politic, 228 –29;
Aristotelian concept of, 32 , 217 ;
Oresme's discussions of, 217 ;
Propriétés des choses (Bartholomaeus Anglicus), translation by Jean Corbechon, 8
prudence, Aristotelian view of, 127
Prudence (personification), 119 , 121 , 124 , 127 –28, 354 n.21, 364 n.29, 365 n.42
Prudentius, Psychomachia , 355 n.15
Psalter of Bonne of Luxembourg, 128
pseudo-Aristotle, Economics , xxi . See also Yconomique
Psychomachia (Prudentius), 355 n.15, 367 n.7
Ptolemy, Quadripartitum , 6 , 18 –19
punishment, symbols of, 106
Quadripartit (Ptolemy), translation by Oresme, 6 , 18 –19, 19 ;
quoted, 333 n.30
Quadripartitum (Ptolemy), 6 , 18 –19;
Latin translation by Plato of Tivoli, 19 ;
translation by Oresme, 6
quaestio , 161
French, 66 ;
personifications as, 63 –66, 70 .
See also Jeanne de Bourbon
queenship, 99 –103
Questiones super libros Aristotelis de anima (Oresme), 32
quodlibeta, 161
Ransom Dilemma (decision allegory), Pl. 5 , 156 , 158 –62
Raoul de Presles (translator), City of God (Augustine), 7
Raoulet d'Orléans (scribe), xxii , 32 –33, 43 , 70 , 117 , 304 –5;
and illustration program of MS C , 55 ;
role in production of MSS C and D , 44 , 178 , 183 , 245
Rashness (Oultrecuidance) (personification), 76 , 78 –80
Rational des divins offices (Durandus), translation by Jean Golein, 8 ;
prologue, 10 ;
treatise on coronation ceremony in, 10
Rationale divinorum officiorum (Durandus), 8 , 372 n.29
readers' aids, 23 –30, 342 n.11, 342 n.16. See also glossaries; illustrations; prologues
reading, 3 –4;
techniques of, 39 –42
reason, activity of, 165
Reason (Raison) (personification), 132 , 135 , 136 , 138 –40, 161
redistribution of land, Phaleas's theory of, 205 , 207
Relationship among kin, 144 , 150 –51, 159 , 370 n.19
Relationship between ruler and subject, 144 , 150
Relationship between spouses, 144 , 151
among social classes, 229 ;
magister cum discipulo , 204 ;
proportional, 67
Les rémèdes de l'une et de l'autre fortune (Petrarch), translation by Jean Daudin, 8 , 11 , 338 n.10
Remedial Justice (Justice commutative) (personification), Pl. 3 , 95 , 96 –97 , 105 –6, 108 –11, 110 , 115
Remiet, Perrin (illustrator), 178 , 181
renvois , 30
Repertorium morale (Bersuire), 128
representational modes. See decision allegories; personification allegories; personifications
of illustration programs, 141 , 304 –5;
between MS A and MS C , 42 –44;
between MS B and MS D , 263
Rhetoric (Aristotle), 182 –83, 238
rhetorical devices:
in Politiques , 183 ;
in Yconomique , 183
Rich Class (paradigm), Pl. 10 , 222–23 , 226
Richter, Melvin, 383 n.6
ring, as symbol, 153 –57
Robert of Anjou (the Wise), 128 ;
Roman de la rose , 148 , 366 n.1
Archivio della Basilica di S. Pietro, MS A , 392 n.16;
Vatican Library, MS reg. lat. 1341, 348 n.8
Ross, J. B., 390 n.30
Ross, W. D., 231
Rouen, Bibliothèque Municipale, MS fr. I.2 (927), 354 n.22
royal authority, threats to, 266 –67
royal chamber, as locus for literary discussion, 351 n.4
Rubenstein, Nicolai, 113
rulers, dangers to, 237 –39
Rustican (Peter of Crescenzi), anonymous translation, 9
Saenger, Paul, 4
saints, and attributes, 205
Salmon, Pierre, images of, 351 n.4
scepter, as symbol, 59
scepter of Charlemagne (Louvre), 10
Schapiro, Meyer, 244
science, Aristotelian definition of, 125 –26
Science (personification), 124 , 125 –26, 171 , 364 n.29
scribes, role in manuscript production, 32 . See also Raoulet d'Orléans
sculptures, as prototypes for manuscript illustrations, 169
seasons of the year, 249
Sedition (paradigm), 232–33 , 236
Self-Indulgence (Désattrempance) (personification), 76 , 80 –81
self-love, concept of, 157
De remediis fortuitorum , 8 ;
letter to Lucilius, 12
Seven Sages, 218
sexual activity, Oresme's distinction of, 390 n.32
Sexual Desire (Concupiscence) (personification), 132 , 135 , 136 , 138 –40, 161
sexual excess, 81
Shahar, Shulamith, quoted, 391 n.11
Shore, Lys Ann, 15
"silent communication" theme, 219 , 379 n.32
Simon de Hesdin (translator), 333 n.28;
Faits et dits dignes de mémoire (Valerius Maximus), 8
Sister Justices (personification), 106 –8
six classes of society:
Aristotelian concept of, 261 ;
as perceived by Oresme's audience, 265 –68
Skinner, Quentin, 113 –14
Smalley, Beryl, 218
Small-Mindedness (vice), 90
Smith, Sharon, 33
Aristotelian view of, 214 ;
distinguished by costume and attributes, 263 –65;
in Good Democracy, 245 ;
in metaphor of body politic, 216 ;
in paradigms, 194 .
See also class distinctions; Middle Class; Poor Class; Rich Class; six classes of society; three-class system
Socrates and Plato, 199 ;
inversion of theme, 376 n.6
Soliloques (Augustine), anonymous translation, 8
Somme le roi (Frère Laurent), 143 , 145 , 347 n.77
Somme rurale, Le (Boutillier), 281
Somnium viridarii , 9
Le songe du vergier , 9 –10, 106 , 161 , 206 , 207 , 251 ;
and French royal sovereignty, 94 –95;
quoted, 40
as metaphor for women, 292 ;
as women's work, 369 n.36
Starn, Randolph, 114
Summa alexandrina , 364 n.33
Summa theologica (Aquinas), 122 , 128
Symon de Phares, 339 n.21
synecdoche, 297 –98, 382 n.11;
Oresme's use of, 236
Les tables astronomiques d'Alphonse, roi de Castille , lost translation, 9
Taddeo of Florence (Italian translator), 364 n.33
Temperance (Actrempance) (personification), 72 –75, 74, 76 , 79 –80, 135 ;
as widow, 75
text-image relationships, in MSS A and C , 59
theology, 122
third estate, 266
Thomas of Cantimpré, Bonum universale de apibus , 9
three-class system, medieval, 249 , 265 –67, 305
Three Living and the Three Dead, story of, 128
Timaeus (Plato), 205
time, representation of in vultus trifrons , 127
Timocracy (paradigm), Pl. 8 , 187, 189 , 190 , 375 n.21
Tommaso de Pizanno (astrologer), 17
Too Little (Deffaute) (personification), Pl. 2 , 62, 64 , 65 –67, 70 , 71 , 380 n.3
as means of identification, 227 ;
as symbols, 126
Traictié des monnoies (Oresme), 14 , 196 , 338 n.9;
quoted, 338 n.10
Traité de l'âme (Hugh of St. Victor), translation by Pierre de Hangest, 7
Traitié de l'espere (Oresme), 18 , 20 , 21 , 39 , 191 ;
Charles V's copy of, 27 ;
glossary, 27 ;
quoted, 344 n.35
from Arabic into Latin, 3 ;
of Aristotelian concepts, 119 ;
double, 26 ;
from Greek into Latin, 3 ;
from Latin into vernacular, 3 –4;
political function of, 6 –11;
popularity of, 6 ;
as "replacement" text, 23 ;
as representation, 5 ;
theory and practice of, 23
translation activity, accelerating pace in fourteenth century, 4
translatio studii theme, 5 , 9 –11, 20 , 39 , 260 , 303
and addition of new material, 336 n.62;
limits on, 209 ;
as master of text, 181 , 184 ;
relationship to patron, 50 ;
transfer of authorial identity to, 181 , 306 ;
unknown, 8 –9.
See also names of translators
translators' complaints, 6
Trevet, Nicholas:
commentary on City of God (Augustine), 11 ;
commentary on Livy, 332 n.21
Tuve, Rosemond, 361 n.61
Tyranny (paradigm), Pl. 7 , 186, 188 , 190
Universal Justice. See Justice
University of Paris, 9 , 13 , 161 , 204 , 278 –79;
College of Navarre, 13
Urban VI, Pope, 22
Valerius Maximus:
Factorum et dictorum memorabilium libri novem , 8 , 218
Valois dynasty, 6 , 13 , 94 , 101 , 303 , 305 . See also names of rulers
Vanity (vice), 90
verbal aids, 234 . See also readers' aids
development of, 3 ;
as instrument of abstract thought, 60 ;
limitations of, 25 –26;
preferred to Latin, 3 , 5 , 279 ;
rise to authoritative status, 25 , 29 , 204
vices, as lower-class male figures, 65 –66
National Library, cod. 2592, 368 n.23
Vincent of Beauvais, 40 , 126 ;
De eruditione filiorum nobilium , 8 ;
Epître consolatoire , 9
Virgin Mary, 171 ;
cult of, 101 ;
Justice and, 103
Aristotelian concept of, 60 ;
Oresme's definition of, 60 –63;
Virtue (personification allegory), Pl. 2 , 62 –65 , 139 ;
and Her Companions, in MS C , 69 –71;
as nun, 70 ;
virtues, 367 n.7;
associated with ideal ruler, 89 ;
cardinal, 60 ;
as daughters of Justice, 109 , 114 ;
in everyday life, 88 ;
intellectual, 117 –19;
pairing of, 75 –78;
traditional iconography of, 78 ;
See also names of virtues
Virtues, 110
Virtuous Man (Le Vertueus), 136 , 138 –40, 147
virtuous person, 141
Visconti, Galeazzo, 4
visual definitions, 42 –44, 73 –80, 148 –52, 184 , 231 , 235
visual metaphors, 135
visual riddles, 128 , 130 , 159 , 219
vita activa. See active life
vita contemplativa. See contemplative life
Les voies de Dieu (Elizabeth of Hungary), translation by Jacques Bauchant, 8
voluntary poverty of clergy, Oresme's discussion of, 207
vultus trifrons , 127 –28
Waleys, Thomas, commentary on City of God (Augustine), 11
as citizens, 254–55 ;
depicted, 263 ;
role in ideal state, 261
Wechel, Christien, 281
Landesbibliothek, Cod. 1, 355 n.15
Willard, Charity Cannon, quoted, 15
William of Moerbeke:
Latin translation of Economics (pseudo-Aristotle), 280 ;
Latin translation of Politics (Aristotle), 25 , 373 n.8
William of Ockham, 281
Winter, Patrick de, 32
Wisdom. See Philosophical Wisdom; Prudence; Science
wisdom, Aristotelian concept of, 122
women, as patrons, 334 n.45
working class, 126
Works and Days (Hesiod), 280
workshops, artists', xxii –xxiii. See also names of workshops
worship of God, as goal of contemplative life, 386 n.32
Xenophon, Oeconomicus , 280
quoted, 67
Yconomique (pseudo-Aristotle), translation by Oresme, 8 , 25 , 151 , 177 , 281 –82;
as conduct book, 301 ;
gloss, quoted, 286 –87, 290 , 297 –98;
glosses and commentaries in, 29 –30, 281 , 301 ;
illustrations in, 284–85, 292 , 294 –95 ;
manuscripts of, 39 ;
quoted, 282 –83, 286 –88, 297 , 391 n.8
zodiacal man, iconography of, 216
Zoubov, V., 279