Ten rectangular frontispieces, 1–3 registers. Last two illustrations executed by unidentified artists; the rest, by the Master of the Coronation of Charles VI and workshop. Book I, fol. 5, Charles V Receives the Book from Nicole Oresme, above; Félicité humaine, below (10 × 9.3)/Book II, fol. 24v, Excès, Bonne volenté, Vertu, Cognoissance, Deffaute (5.4 × 9.4)/Book III, fol. 37, Oultrecuidance, above left; Fortitude, center; Couardie, right; Désattrempance, below left; Attrempance, center; Insensibilité, right (5.5 × 9.3)/Book IV, fol. 63, Prodigalité, above left; Liberalité, center; Avarice, right; Convoitise, below (5.8 × 9.2)/Book V, fol. 84, Justice légale and the Virtues, above; Justice distributive, Justice commutative, below (5.8 × 9.2)/Book VI, fol. 110, Science, above left; Art, center; Prudence, right; Entendement, below left; Sapience, right (9.8 × 9.2)/Book VII, fol. 126, Raison, Le Continent, Concupiscence, above left; Raison, L'Incontinent, Concupiscence, above right; Raison, Le Vertueus, Concupiscence, below left; Raison, Le Vicieus, Concupiscence, below right; (10.5 × 9.2)/Book VIII, fol. 150, Amistié pour proffit, above left; Amistié pour delectacion, center; Amistié selon vertu, right; Amistié entre prince et subiez, below left; Amistié entre parens, center; Amistié entre mariez, right (10.5 × 9.3)/Book IX, fol. 170, A Ransom Dilemma: Father or Son, top; Father or Friend, center; Friend or Son, bottom (11.4 × 9.3)/Book X, fol. 193, Félicité contemplative (10.9 × 9.1).
The figures are modeled in grisaille with colored washes and frequent touches of gold for accessories. Large spiral or tiny geometric motifs of the backgrounds are painted in contrasting colors for upper and lower registers of apricot, blue, and blue-black, highlighted with gold. The sizes of the miniatures increase dramatically after Book V.