expand section1  Introduction: Infinite Examination

 collapse sectionI  AUTHENTICITY TESTS
 expand section2  Before Science: The Early History of Authenticity Testing
 collapse section3  Lie Detection
 The Ghost in the Machine
 Lie Detector Machines
 Uses of Lie Detection
 The Test
 The Examiner
 Legal Control of Lie Detection
 Written Integrity Tests
 expand section4  No Sanctuary
 expand section5  Testing and the War on Drugs
 expand section6  From Drug Control to Mind Control

 collapse sectionII  QUALIFYING TESTS
 expand section7  The Forest of Pencils
 expand section8  Willing, Ready, and Able: Vocational Testing
 expand section9  "Artificial" Intelligence
 expand section10  Conclusion: Man the Measured

 expand sectionNotes
 expand sectionINDEX

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