Preferred Citation: Mahomet, Dean. The Travels of Dean Mahomet: An Eighteenth-Century Journey through India. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1997 1997.



arek [Areca Catechu].
The areca nut.
arrack [araq].
A palm tree liquor.
assammee [asami].
A dealer or broker.[*]
aumnooze [perhaps amruda].
The guava tree.
baffety [baft].
A type of woven cloth.
baharea [bhari].
A man who works as a carrier.
Cannabis extract.[*]
Bungalow, a Bengal-style house, usually single storied.
banian [Ficus Indica].
The fig tree.
Banyan [baniya jati].
A Hindu merchant caste.
basleewalla [banri-wala].
A flute player.
baudshaw [badshah].
An Emperor.[*]
baudshawjoddi [badshah-zadi].
An Emperor's daughter.[*]
belton [bell-tent].
A bell-shaped military tent.
bestie [bihishti].
Water carrier.
Bice [Vaishya varna].
A merchant caste.
bowberchee [bawar-chi].
A cook.
Brama [Brahma].
The Hindu God of Creation.
Bramin, Brahmin [Brahmin varna].
The highest caste among Hindus.
buckserria [buxaria].
A type of soldier recruited near Buxar.[*]
Dried fish, a. k. a. “Bombay Duck.”
Burkendaws [barq-andaz, lightning thrower].
A type of Indian infantryman.
buxey [bakhshi].
A paymaster.[*]
An astringent.
Caffres [Kafir].
A non-Muslim African, originally a tribe's name.[*]
An ornamental necklace.
catchoo [catechu].
An astringent.
cawn [khan].
A title or honorific, meaning Lord.
ceesoe [siso, Dalbergia Sisso].
A type of tree.
charwalley, cherwallee [probably charawaha jati].
A grass/fodder cutter caste.
chaumnie [chhaoni].
A thatched barracks.
cheeque [chiq].
A bamboo screen.
Chemars [Chamar jati].
A leather-worker caste.
chilm, hooka.
Tobacco and the vessel in which it burns.
chokeedar [chauki-dar].
A watch-keeper.
chop [chap].
A personal seal.[*]
chopdar [chob-dar].
A silver staff-bearer.
chouk [chauk].
A marketplace.
Mineral lime.
circar [sarkar].
An Indian accountant.
circarga [perhaps shikar-gah].
A hunting park.
codgi [qazi].
A Muslim judge.
comedan [komidan].
An Indian Captain or Commandant.
consumma [khan-saman, master of supplies].
A majordomo.
cooley [coolie].
A manual laborer.
coss [kos].
A measure of distance, about two miles.
cossid [kasid].
A foot messenger.[*]
cowle [qaul].
A surety or bond.[*]
dawgah [darogha].
A superintendent.[*]
decoyt [dakait].
A gang robber.[*]
derawan [darwan].
A doorkeeper.
Dewalli [Diwali].
The Hindu festival of lights.
divan, diwan [diwan].
A ruler's levee or audience hall.
Domerah [Dom jati or tribe].
A sweeper caste.
dooley [doli].
A covered litter or sedan chair.[*]
durbar [darbar].
A ruler's court or throne room.
dustuk [dastak].
A permit or order.[*]
English East India Company (1600–1858).
Officially the United Company of the Merchants of England Trading to the East Indies; a joint stock corporation increasingly, after 1773, under the control of the British Parliament but also, from 1772, an officeholder in the Mughal Empire.
faquir, faqir.
Religious ascetic or mendicant, often a Muslim.
Filigree work.
fouzdar [faujdar].
An Indian police commandant.
gaut [ghat].
Waterfront steps.
ginanah [zenana].
Women or women's quarters.[*]
gooldbudthen [gul-budan, rose-bodied].
A type of cloth.
goolmores, goulmores [gold muhr].
A coin worth Rupees 16.
gouwarrah [gahawara].
A Dhaka term for taziya, model tombs of Shiite martyrs.
gullendas [gol-andaz, ball-thrower].
The artillery or an artilleryman.
gusseara [ghasiyara].
A grass cutter.
hajam [hajjam].
A barber and surgeon.
halcarah, halcorah [harkara].
A man of all work, often a herald or messenger.
hanpacallie [hand-pakhali].
A water bag carried by a man instead of a bullock.
haram [harem].
Women's quarters, the wives of a man.
hoakha [huqqa].
A hooka, water pipe.
homaldar [amildar, standard-bearer].
An Indian corporal, more commonly naik.
hookeburdar [huqqa-bardar].
A servant who tends a hooka.
hotteewallie [hathi-wala].
An elephant keeper.
howaldar [havildar].
An Indian sergeant.
hummum [hamam].
An Indian or Turkish-style steam bath.
Jaggernaut [Jagan-nath, Lord of the World].
The Hindu God Krishna, whose major temple is at Puri, in Orissa.
jagree [jagri].
Palm-sap sugar.
Jair [Jain].
A religious tradition advocating total nonviolence.
Turkish slave-soldiers.
jati [birth].
Hindu caste.
A jati of agriculturalists.
jemadar, jemmautdar [jam'dar].
A leader of a body of men or Indian ensign.
jessamine, jessamy.
The jasmine plant and flower.
jow [juwar].
An Indian millet.
keemcaus [kam-khab].
Brocade cloth.
killedar [qiladar].
A fort-governor.[*]
kistbundee [qistbandi].
Assessed land revenue.[*]
kizmutgaur [khidmatgar].
A serving man.
lack [lakh].
A hundred thousand.
lascar [lashkar, army].
A camp worker or Indian sailor.
mazide [musjid].
A mosque.
meanah [mena].
A curtained palanquin.
mogree [mogra].
Mughal Empire, Muslim dynasty which ruled most of India (1526–1858), the final hundred and fifty years only nominally.
Moorie [muharrir].
An Indian clerk.[*]
Marathas, a jati of agriculturalists from west-central India who formed the core of an expansive state in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
muchulca [mucalka].
A bond.[*]
mulna [maulana].
A Muslim cleric.
mussalchees [mashal-chi].
A torchbearer.
Muslims, followers of Islam.
Nabob [Nawab].
A provincial governor or, derived from that, a rich, India-returned European.
nakeeve [naqib].
A herald.
offdaur [ab-dar].
A water bearer.
omrah [umara].
A nobleman or high official.
paissay [copper paisa].
A coin, sixty-four per Rupee.
palankeen [palki].
A palanquin.
patamar [pattamar].
A postman.[*]
Patan [Pathan].
An Afghan ethnicity.
pelou [pulao].
Pilaf, a rice dish cooked with meat.
A foot soldier or footman.
pergannah [pargana].
A district.
pettah [patta].
A grant.[*]
pettah [pettai].
A village.
piada [piyada].
A foot messenger.
ponsway [pansoi].
A type of river vessel.[*]
purdoe [parda].
A curtain, the seclusion of women.
rafftanny [raftani].
A warrior jati or caste.
Rohilla, an Afghan ethnicity, with a polity in the upper Ganges plain.
Routeren [Rudra].
Shiva, the Hindu God of Destruction.
royran [rae rayan, king of kings].
A revenue-collection official.[*]
sahies [sais].
A horse-groom.
Saiks [Sikhs].
A religious community, based in Punjab.
sake [shaikh].
An honorific meaning “venerable one.”
samsundar [sham sundar, Dark Beauty].
A processional barge.
seapoy, sepoy [sipahi].
An Indian infantryman, trained, dressed, and armed in a semi-European manner.
semiana [shamiyana].
An awning.
Women's quarters.
serai [sarai].
A traveler's rest house.
shampooing [imperative of verb champi, to massage].
Therapeutic massage.
sirpah [sar-o-pa].
A head to foot honorific dress.[*]
Sittri [Kshatriya varna].
The warrior caste.
sotiburdar [sonta-bardar].
A mace bearer.
soubah [suba-dar].
A provincial governor.
subidar, subedar [suba-dar].
An Indian lieutenant.
Sudder [Shudra varna].
A servant and agriculturalist caste.
tanka, tunkah [tankhwah].
A revenue assignment.
A round shield.
The region, and people from, the Deccan region of Central India.
toddy [tari].
A palm tree and alcohol made from its sap; also the birds which frequent the tree.
tomboo [tambu].
Pavilion or canopy.
tombourwalla [tambur-wala].
An Indian drummer.
topassi [topasi].
A type of soldier with mixed European and Indian traditions.[*]
troohewalla [turhi-wala].
An Indian trumpeteer.
tum-tum [tamtam].
An Indian drum.
tursaconna [toshak-khana].
A wardrobe room.[*]
vakeel [wakil].
A trusted agent.[*]
varna [color].
A Hindu caste-grouping.
vizerut [wazirat].
Office of chief minister of state.[*]
Whistnow [Vishnu].
The Hindu God of Preservation.
wooptong [ubtan].
Paste bath of meal and mustard oil.
zemindar [zamin-dar].
A landholder.
zenanah, zannanah [zenana].
Women or women's quarters.
This term also appears in Dean Mahomet's own glossary (Letter XVI).


Preferred Citation: Mahomet, Dean. The Travels of Dean Mahomet: An Eighteenth-Century Journey through India. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1997 1997.