Manuscript Sources- BMC=Bengal Military Consultations, IOL.
- BMCG=Bengal Military Consultations, General Department, NAI.
- Board of Ordinance, Minutes, PRO (Kew).
- BPbC=Bengal Public Consultations, IOL.
- Brighton Commissioners, Minute Books, ESRO.
- Brighton Land Tax Records, ESRO.
- Brighton Rate Books, ESRO.
- Brighton Town Rate Books, BRL.
- Brighton Valuation Registers, BRL.
- BSC=Bengal Secret Consultations, IOL.
- BSMC=Bengal Secret and Military Consultations, IOL.
- Docket Book (B.4.31), PRO.
- Foreign Department Consultations, IOL.
- Foreign Secret, Original Consultations, NAI.
- GOCC=General Orders of the Commander-in-Chief, NAI.
- Great Britain, Census 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1881, 1891, PRO.
- GRT=General Return of Troops, Fort William, NAI.
- HMS=Home Miscellaneous Series, IOL.
- Index to Marriage Licence Bonds, PRO Ireland.
- Lord Chamberlain's Accounts, PRO.
- Madras Military Consultations, IOL.
- Mahomed's Visitor's Books, BRL.
- Marylebone Parish Register, GLRO.
- Military Consultations, NAI.
- Minutes of the CoD, IOL.
- Patna Factory Records, IOL.
- Persian Correspondence, Translations of Issues, NAI.
- Rate Books for Marylebone, MPL.
- St. Bartholomew the Great Parish Records, Guildhall.
- St. Botolph-without-Aldergate Parish Records, Guildhall.
- St. James (Westminster) Parish Records, WPL.
- St. Leonard's (Shoreditch) Parish Records, Guildhall.
- St. Nicholas (Brighton) Parish Records, ESRO.
- Victualler's Licence Register of all the Innkeepers' and Alehouse Keepers' Recognizances within the Division of Holborn taken at the General Meeting of the Justices, GLRO.
- Westminster Rate Books, 1830–35, WPL.