Preferred Citation: Roelker, Nancy Lyman. One King, One Faith: The Parlement of Paris and the Religious Reformations of the Sixteenth Century. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1996.



Sacramentaires, 193 , 201 ;

clemency for, 205 ;

punishment of, 247 ;

Suriano on, 292

Sadoleto, Jacopo, 167 n

Saint-André, François de:

affiliation with ultras, 277 , 291 ;

career of, 46 , 81 ;

in Chambre Ardente, 215 -16;

on commission to Catherine de Médicis, 269 ;

and Edict of January, 267 ;

in negotiations with Condé, 279 , 280 ;

as president, 183 , 235 ;

purchase of Budé's library, 215 ;

in trial of parlementaires, 237 , 245

Saint-André, Marshal:

in assembly of St-Germain, 263 ;

death of, 283 ;

in Triumvirate, 251 , 277

Sainte-Marthe, Scévole de, 21 , 335 n, 362

Sainte-Marthe family, 33

Saint-Gelais, Louis de, 299 , 370

Salic law, 39 ;

attempts to annul, 115 ;

Du Vair's defense of, 92 , 332 , 391 , 406 , 407 , 408 -9;

as fundamental law, 61 ;

Giesey's study of, 63 n;

Henri IV's claim under, 418 ;

importance to parlementaires, 79 , 434 ;

justification of, 62 ;

moderates' defense of, 340 ;

Spanish threat to, 469 ;

ultramontane threat to, 479 .

See also Fundamental law

Salmon, J. H. M., 65 n, 110 , 139 ;

on Civil Wars, 274 , 321 -22;

on duc de Mayenne, 393 ;

on Gallicanism, 456 n;

on L'Estoile, 484 ;

on L'Hôpital, 310 , 311 , 312 ;

on Paris League, 420 ;

on Protestant parlementaires, 480 ;

on Sixteen, 461 ;

Society in Crisis , 326

Saluces, marquisate of, 369

Sancy, Harlay de, 33

Sanguin, Nicole, 211

Santa Croce, Prospero di, 271 , 277 , 303 -4;

on Catherine de Médicis, 307 -8;

on Pacification of Amboise, 285 -86;

on Trent decrees, 302

Sapin, Jean-Baptiste, 282 , 288

Sarpi, Paolo, 104

Satires, political, 415 -16;

on Henri III, 323 ;

pasquils , 323 , 367

Satyre Ménippée, ou vertu du Catholicon d'Espagne , 102 , 425 -26, 470 ;

authors of,


31 , 428 n;

circulation of, 415 , 427 ;

contents of, 427 -29

Saulx-Tavannes family, 286

Sauqueville, Guillaume de, 161

Savoie, Louise de. See Louise de Savoie

Savoy, war with, 451

Sawyer, Jeffrey, 472

Scaliger, J.-C., 28

Schneider, Mical H., 96 ;

on parlementaire moral values, 120 n, 153 , 154 , 464 ;

on work ethic, 134


legal, 105 , 464 ;

patronage of, 105 ;

Renaissance, 106

Scotland, alliance with France, 227 , 228

Seaulieu, merchants of, 130

Second League. See League, Paris

Sega, Filippo, cardinal de Plaisance (papal legate), 414 , 449 n;

confrontation with Parlement, 420 , 422 ;

on conversion of Henri IV, 442 ;

departure from Paris, 444 ;

and duc de Mayenne, 420 -21, 422 , 424 ;

in Satyre Ménippée , 427

Séguier, Antoine, 405 , 438 ;

as ambassador to Venice, 444

Séguier, Louis:

interrogation of group de Meaux , 198 ;

remonstrance to Louise de Savoie, 197

Séguier, Pierre (I), 16 ;

accusations of heresy against, 272 , 281 ;

avoidance of arrest, 375 ;

career of, 20 -21;

death of, 188 , 325 ;

on épices , 224 ;

at Fontainebleau consultations, 303 , 305 ;

on introduction of Inquisition, 229 -30;

leadership of, 183 , 224 , 234 , 320 , 479 ;

liberalism of, 248 ;

and Massacre of St. Bartholomew, 318 ;

at mercuriale of June (1559), 237 ;

as model parlementaire, 138 , 184 ;

as moderate leader, 218 , 476 ;

in negotiations with Condé, 280 ;

opposition to Inquisition, 241 ;

opposition to ultra faction, 20 ;

and profession of faith, 291 ;

rivalry with de Thou, 224

Séguier, Pierre (II), 30

Séguier family, 20 ;

inheritance of office, 224

Seigneurial life, 120 n, 128 , 150 -51

Selve, Jean de, 9 ;

in Berquin case, 200 , 202 , 203 ;

death of, 181 ;

diplomatic missions of, 49 , 199 ;

leadership of mainstream, 195 ;

at lits de justice , 72 ;

mainstream views of, 74 ;

as président, 16 , 179 ;

remonstrance with Louise de Savoie, 179 , 196 ;

repudiation of Treaty of Madrid, 92 ;

royalism of, 77

Semonneux movement, 399 , 400 , 410 ;

propaganda of, 406

Senault, Pierre, 378 , 484

Senlis, fall to Henri IV, 380

Sens, benefice of, 178 , 180 , 195 , 200

Servin, Louis, 438 , 446 ;

on Gallicanism, 456 n

Seyssel, Claude de: career of, 15 -16;

constitutionalism of, 77 ;

diplomatic missions of, 49 ;

on independence of Parlement, 68 , 77 ;

as mainstream spokesman, 14 ;

La Monarchie de France , 12 , 61 , 63 -64, 93 ;

on obedience to law, 66 ;

on parlementaire ideals, 134 ;

political theory of, 60 , 469

Sherman, J. H., 55

Sixteen (faction), 1 -2;

attacks on Parlement, 375 , 385 , 389 -91, 413 -14, 462 , 481 ;

attacks on politiques , 391 -92;

check of moderates of, 340 ;

on d'Aubray, 422 ;

during Day of the Barricades, 361 ;

defeat of, 398 ;

defectors from, 391 ;

defiance of duc de Mayenne, 378 ;

in Estates of Blois, 373 ;

flight from Paris, 392 ;

founders of, 338 , 371 ;

goals of, 321 , 340 ;

on Guise assassinations, 372 -73;

investigation of Parisian magistracy, 387 ;

leadership of, 387 ;

magistrates in, 461 ;

in Mémoires-Journaux , 37 , 380 ;

Nicolas Poulain on, 356 -57;

opposition to papal legate, 366 ;

parlementaire attacks on, 188 , 385 , 424 ;

parlementaire leadership under, 320 ;

Philip's support of, 1 -2, 407 ;

in reduction of Paris, 430 ;

relations with foreign powers, 387 , 388 , 391 ;

robins in, 480 ;

social composition of, 338 -39;

struggle with Mayennistes, 386 , 390 , 392 , 402 ;

and succession of Henri IV, 334

Sixtus V (pope):

during Paris League rebellion, 365 -66;

promulgation of Trent decrees, 349 ;

and succession of Henri de Navarre, 29 , 90 -91, 349 , 394 , 395

Skinner, Quentin, 64 , 65

Sleidan, Jean, 113

Smith, Sir Thomas, 284 , 285 , 309

Society of Jesus:

assassination plots by, 414 ;

effect of Gallicanism on, 459 ;

founding of, 183 ;

under Henri IV, 438 ;

influence on League, 36 ;

legal status of,


Society of Jesus (continued )

184 ;

in Mémoires-Journaux , 142 ;

parlementaire opposition to, 441 , 476 ;

popular opposition to, 388 ;

priesthood for, 210 ;

readmission to France, 441 , 455 ;

suit against University of Paris, 27 ;

teaching privileges of, 222 ;

threat to nationalism, 115

Socrates, 108 , 144 ;

in history of Gaillard, 113 ;

Pasquier as, 93 , 116 , 135

Solomon, Howard, 120 n, 132 -33

Solon, 354

Soman, Alfred, 148 , 484 ;

on sorcery, 120 n, 146 -47, 217


articles of faith, 209 -10, 211 ;

condemnation of Luther, 189 ;

on edicts of toleration, 443 ;

Index of, 182 , 189 , 194 ;

oath to Holy Union, 387 ;

on papal supremacy, 209 ;

policy of repression, 181 , 192 ;

submission to Henri IV, 437 ;

ultramontanism of, 192 .

See also University of Paris

Sorcery, 120 n;

decriminalization of, 147 ;

linkage with heresy, 146 , 217

Sovereignty. See Monarchy; Royal domain


aid to Paris League, 336 , 367 , 405 ;

alliance with Guise faction, 227 , 367 ;

Dutch struggle against, 111 ;

influence on League, 36 ;

negotiations with Henri IV, 443 ;

relations with Sixteen, 387 , 388 ;

role of religion in, 426 ;

sorcery cases in, 147 ;

suppression of heresy, 175 , 426 ;

troops in Paris, 382 n, 387 , 405 , 424 n, 431 ;

war with France, 223 , 226 , 232 .

See also Philip II (king of Spain)

Spifâme, Jacques, 293 n

St-André, curé of. See Aubry (curé of St-André)

St-Benoît, benefice of, 178 , 180 , 195 , 200

St-Denis, conversion ceremony at, 412 -13

St-Germain, assembly of (1562), 262 -63

St-Jacques, curé of, 399 , 409


procession of, 272 , 281 -82;

tumult of, 259 , 265 , 272

Stocker, Christopher, 9 n;

on autonomy of children, 57 ;

on avenues of advancement, 46 ;

on Baillet family, 13 ;

on benefices, 47 ;

on Parisian robins , 42 ;

on venality, 47

Stoicism, 37 , 470 ;

influence on parlementaires, 108 -11.

See also Neo-Stoicism

Stone, Lawrence, 121 n

St-Quentin, battle of, 232

Strasbourg, reform movement at, 173 , 182

Strayer, Joseph R., 91 , 161 -62

Strozzi, Filippo, 254

St-Séverin, day of, 350 , 357

Stuart, Mary. See Mary Stuart (queen of Scots)

Sully, Maximillien de Béthune (duc de), 451

Supernatural, in Mémoires-Journaux , 145 -46

Superstition: Council of Trent on, 300 ;

in Mémoires-Journaux , 141 -42, 171 , 350 ;

Pasquier's rejection of, 118 , 171

Suresnes, conference at, 404 , 406

Suriano, Michele, 250 n;

on Edict of July, 292 -93;

on parlementaire dissidents, 291

Sutherland, N. M., 186 n, 317 ;

on edict of Chateaubriand, 222 ;

on Edict of Romorantin, 241 ;

on Edict of St-Germain, 316 ;

on Fourth Civil War, 321 ;

on Huguenots, 324 ;

on Triumvirate, 250 n;

on Valois's religious policy, 191 , 205 , 207 , 231

Sutto, Claude, 459 -60

Switzerland, Lutheranism in, 204 , 227


Preferred Citation: Roelker, Nancy Lyman. One King, One Faith: The Parlement of Paris and the Religious Reformations of the Sixteenth Century. Berkeley:  University of California Press,  c1996.